Recent content by macdougal

  1. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Is that a photoshop?
  2. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    I feel so sorry for Matheus Tanner having been sold a dream and now finds it is all dust. That's terrible maybe someone could start a gofundme page and give 'ol Matheus a dig out. I mean what's a couple of hundred thousand euro to us? Poor lad willing to work delivering food to all those...
  3. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Are there no hospitals in the Middle East like Saudi etc? I won't be surprised if O'Gormless asks for a few hundred to be installed in Limerick Hospital. This cretin has a hardon for the mussie.
  4. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    2 days ago. The convention centre.
  5. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    It's the mess to clean up afterwards. And what to do with the bits. Just deport the *uckers it would be better all around.
  6. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Yes, I'm sure he'd home all those young males under 16 in his private residence just to be hospitable to the younger refugees.
  7. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Gaddafi said as much to Bush. Remove me and Europe will suffer. He was the gatekeeper and had to be removed to accommodate the Soros Kalergi plan. In truth, we haven't seen the worst of this plan yet.
  8. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    As I have already said, there would be more in the queue for the free soup and sarnes outside the GPO any night than that bag of misfits. At least half were freaks and the other half were deranged nutjobs. It was a no-show by the Far Left.
  9. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    The dregs of the planet are being dumped on us. When I think of what we were during the 70s 80s and up to 15 years ago Ireland was a beautiful country. To reduce it to a third-world shithole we can only blame our governments and the nefarious EU.
  10. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    You mean these so called Irishmen in uniform. Very brave up against women and elderly people. I wonder how brave they'll be when the imports start up. Cowards the whole bunch of them.
  11. M

    The Gemma Thread.

    Likewise, as soon as a female newsreader, a weather girl appears on the TV my friend's Missus pays more attention to her hair, clothes etc than what she's saying.
  12. M

    The Climate Change scam

    I think that they are the people who are "extremely dangerous to our democracy"—all reading from the same script produced by the WEF or similar.
  13. M

    Breaking News - Leo Quits

    It's all on public record.
  14. M

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe A triple murderer hanging in Dublin on a false passport. Where's the checks, Rodrick?
  15. M

    Scotland the Brave...and Stunning

    From William Wallace to this nonsense, what would he think?

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