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  1. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    More on the absolute lying bollox the greens spew.
  2. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    . For finance! For the planet! For humanity
  3. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Oh my god! The sky is going to fall isn't it?
  4. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    What was the saying in Tropics Thunder? Never go full retard! Let it rip is all I can say!
  5. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    On the subject of climate change and greenhouse gases. This takes some beating for sheer malicious incompetent regardless. And the lengths they went to hide their actions.
  6. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    On the subject of local level!
  7. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Yes this is for real!
  8. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    It's the lack of any solution bar poverty for the masses. Eco fascism
  9. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    On a local level yes. But on a global scale. I wouldn't think so.
  10. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    That's a serious discussion to have. Very good observation. Especially antibiotic laced farm manure impact on the soil biology and the bacteria in the soil.
  11. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Yep!poor farming practices were a major contribution. Same thing with forests undergrowth not been allowed to naturally burn for years.
  12. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Good synopsis of the coercion being enabled by the Biden administration. Same this side of the water.
  13. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Maybe it's just me. But I'm expecting nothing good.
  14. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    He should get outside more often! It's a drowning these days.
  15. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Basically self hating cunts. Read it you'll enjoy the effort! "Climatism is an entire story about why our wealth and our lifestyle are wrong and must be abandoned; it is an excuse to indulge personal ascetic impulses and also to force this virtue upon one’s less enlightened neighbours."
  16. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Article cuts the hole out of climate bolloxology
  17. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Dear God! That's sums up so much that is wrong.
  18. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    The irony of climate change.
  19. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Them were the days! Getting yer bollix frozen off in de winter and it was grand! An scalded in the summer
  20. jpc

    The Climate Change scam

    Yep! Total bollox to keep the idiot plebs hyperventilating.

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