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    European elections and locals.

    This is the thing about conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorizing- there are undoutably conspiracies in this world and while I personally do not believe as such in any conspiracy theories I do think that some are very probably true. The thing is though that a lot of people do use...
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    European elections and locals.

    I admit the nastier side of my personality found that amusing.....However I find it impossible to find him trustworthy in general and I cannot help feeling that he made that up and came out with it in order to gain sympathy votes.
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    The Case for Remaining Under British Rule: Why Ireland Would Have Prospered

    Mod warning- please refrain from the "N word", etc.
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    Righteous Ireland off the Rails.

    Marx and Engels were strong supporters of the Fenians and also so mass immigration as a tool from breaking down working class solidarity and lowering wages and conditions (which it is). So it is not so simple as you want it to be. Why did so many of the revolutionary Nationalist movements of...
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    Righteous Ireland off the Rails.

    The Western Left has largely abandoned Marxism and Marxianism after the end of the Cold War- replacing "Scientific Socialism" and "rigorous objective hard historical materialist analysis" largely with emotion. I am not sure how much Marxism in any deep sense made an impression on Ireland. This...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Let us be just here- Sparky was not alone in all this by any means.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Mod action- Would please not have this thread descend into just people throwing insults at each other.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    I admire Kangal's tenacity if nothing else.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    I am sure Myles was just joking. Also no one on the "Far Right" in the 26 counties was involved in smashing windows and looting shoes.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Really? Why him? What experience does he have in organizing riots?
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    There was not an actual riot- there was a disturbance.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Robert Spencer isn't Jewish, he is Turkish I believe from an Orthodox Christian background though he converted to Catholicism and now I believe he has converted again to some form of Protestantism. Yeah in it's contemporary form "Counter-Jihadism" goes back to Gisele Littman who was a Jewess...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Uh there are serious cultural and Theological clashes but Muslims and Christians as well as people from historically Christian backgrounds, less so in the case of Ulster Scots maybe but it is something that will always be there. I don't think that Jews invented at all Western anti-Muslim stuff...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    I have known Travellers since I was 10 and they have been good to me, however you get some from them who are awful characters all together. Such I think is Steve.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    What type of metal will it be encased in?
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Your average FFer in the 1980s and maybe in the 1990s even would be "Far Right" by the standards of a lot of these people.
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    There are rumours that I have heard that this came out of a family dispute and so not just some random attack. If the children were Algerian themselves or Algerian and something else than that would go a long way to confirming them. Duration and extent play a huge factor as regards what is a...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    There are "head problems" and "head problems" though- someone on minor antidepressants or seeing a counsellor about something or other has "head problems" but they would not earn if they committed a serious crime the judgement "not guilty by reason of insanity". It is best not to rush in with...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    Do we know the actual ethnicity of the kids attacked? The whole thing was somewhere between a fracas and a disturbance- it was not an actual riot. The media though have jumped on it- not just here but in Britain- and you have boths "sides" so to speak playing it up no end in order to make...
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    Knackers, 3 blacks, possibly some Ukes/Roma and 0 Russians burn and loot Dublin

    No one on the "Far Right" even the dimmest Wignat is going to write "bally up, tool up" on social media for all to read including the State, the Institute for Strategic Dialogue and their ilk, etc to read.

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