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  1. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    Well a lot of the drive behind the "New Atheism" came from the need to give ideological backbone to the "war on terror", the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc- hence why Epstein and Maxwell as Zionists of not unimportance would have probably given it their backing. I doubt though they would...
  2. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    The thing is that Western Nationalist movements often run into a lot of internal strife because of conflict between not just Christians and "Neo-Pagans" but also between with mainstream science worshipping atheists and both (though often the atheists understandably from their point of view...
  3. Z

    Paedophile Scandal in Co. Down

    It is interesting that the Shinners use homosexualism to troll the savage Prods but when you actually examine things homosexuality among Ulster Prods is concentrated among the Loyalist paramilitary scum, Freemasons, etc- the Prods who hate the Tea Eggs most.
  4. Z

    Conflicts, and potential conflicts, that could explode into WWIII

    The destruction of Al-Aqsa and the building of a Temple for the Antichrist is a goal not just of Religious Zionism but also of Freemasonry. Anyone who believes in "Israel's right to exist" is essentially serving the Antichrist if they argue for it. The the reason that Jerusalem was declared an...
  5. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    I looked over his recent posts and he accused you of being a fag twice- both posts are now deleted. He did not call you however a peado.
  6. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    And Wolf seems to have joined in with you and also had a post deleted. Mod action- can you two please stop your messing.
  7. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    The only person I see doing that here is yourself which is why I deleted two of your posts here.
  8. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    On a serious political note Nationalist movements in Europe often run into problems through Christian versus Atheist and Christian versus Neo-Pagan aswell as Atheist versus Neo-Pagan.
  9. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    Eric Dubay who was a major figure in launching the whole contemporary flat earth movement is an atheist.
  10. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    That is very true and it is something I don't understand. And it is not just Star Trek which has this problem it seems- just look into Arthur C Clarke and Isaac Asimov who were two of the biggest "Sci-Fi" people of the second half of the 20 th century...
  11. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    If you do not believe in the existence of an Absolute Personal God than that is going to effect how you view the world. Also you can be an atheist and believe in small "g" gods- Buddhism for instance is atheist but it allows for godlings, ghosts, etc.
  12. Z

    An Open Letter to Atheists

    I think that Aquinas's five proofs are basically irrefutable especially when taken altogether. The problem though is most atheism in the contemporary West comes down to issues around the "Problem of Evil" and so is not really dealt by them, directly at least.
  13. Z

    Two new civil wars within the Catholic Church

    I do not see how that is true. The idea of their being intelligent Angelic life on the other planets was always widely held- so why not other types of intelligent life? That said I do not believe that intelligent alien life with animal bodies has been visiting this earth.
  14. Z

    Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

    I could be wrong to think I remember you suggesting that- I thought about it and dismissed it but than he brought up one of Oscar Levy's theories which is not something well known at all and I thought it may well be roc_. Anyway it doesn't matter that much.
  15. Z

    Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

    This is the thing- Jews were historically ultra-Capitalistic as regards non-Jews but very Socialistic among themselves in many ways. So when in the 19 th century a lot of Jews and people from Jewish backgrounds started moving towards universalism natrurally enough they became Socialist or...
  16. Z

    Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

    Capitalism is fine with people screaming and shouting about their disgusting sexual habits and "Wokeness" more generally. I think actually people like you run into contradiction with it than people like owedtojoy- there are good reasons why "The Economist" promotes open borders.
  17. Z

    Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

    Yes according to Marxism the main class antagonism in the world today is between the working class, particularly those involved in direct production, and capitalists, particularly the large ones.
  18. Z

    Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

    Uh my reading is that everyone is alienated but because of their social position gives them the necesscity for co-operation and the social power necessary to bring it about the working class have the historic mission to bring communism. Alienation began with the collapse of primitive communism...

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