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  1. M

    The Climate Change scam

    And we have seen this everywhere else, doing what can be got away with, rather than what is good for the citizenry, we are living in a vast political test tube.
  2. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Good illustration here of the emerging difference between environmentalism and net zero. One is about tree hugging, and I'd go along with a lot of it, and the other is purely an exercise in wealth transfer.
  3. M

    The Climate Change scam

    I'll use the words I choose to, if you don't like it then you are going to have to live with it.
  4. M

    The Climate Change scam

    We might think that we are mighy clever building all these wind farms to help poor old nature along, but what does nature herself think of them? Answer below....... View:
  5. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Climate change in action down at the south pole! “On April 29, almost minus 80 degrees were measured at the Russian Vostok research station. Such extreme cold is rarely reached this early in the year,” reported The record, -89.3°C, was recorded in the middle of winter, on July...
  6. M

    The Climate Change scam

    You wouldn't know because you haven't clue.
  7. M

    The Climate Change scam

    OMG.. That daft wench wench again. Spouting any old crap the establishment pay her to.
  8. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Some plastics, especially disposable ones used for wrapping, will decompose in sunlight, they are designed to do just that. The film that maize is planted under is a classic example of this. Other plastics are far more hardy, silage wrap for instance, has additives that absorb the UV end of the...
  9. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Disingenuous is a fine word that I often use online and occasionally in personal correspondence. It means artful, deceitful and insincere. I tend to deploy it when I want to accuse someone of lying but remain polite in doing so.
  10. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Surprise surprise! Company takes $16.9m from GE to recycle a dump full of wind turbine blades only too disappear, probably to one of those Caribbean islands that are now meant to be underwater, leaving said blades untouched in the field...
  11. M

    The Climate Change scam

    I'm not sure that he was doing so deliberately. It was a meme he picked up from elsewhere and passed on. I simply checked it out.
  12. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Just before the climate scaremongers jump all over this 1620 is the date of the Pilgrims landing, not the the date the rock was anointed as being special. It was placed in its present position, at the waterline, in 1920 so it is a record of 104 years rather than 404 years.
  13. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Take the brolly!
  14. M

    The Climate Change scam

    With the world becoming far more aware of the global warming scam the PTB are having to up their game by changing names once again, gone is climate change to be replaced by climate crisis as that sounds so much more scary, and more recently I have seen climate adaption creep in. This I am not so...
  15. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Slowly but surely the world is waking up to the menace of wind turbines, in this case further evidence of the slaughter of insects, but even as the alternative energy industry admits the problem they attempt to weasel out of it. We need to understand (a) how attraction of insects to wind...
  16. M

    The Climate Change scam

    In a bid to cling to power it appears that the Biden handlers are, not for the first time, preparing to declare a climate emergency. ... when I write that the idea being considered again by White House officials of having President Biden declare a climate emergency so he can implement a...
  17. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Wow! When we are up against such malicious idoicy what can be done?
  18. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Worth noting that records have only been kept since 1958, ie, a mere 66 years. But note the wording here with new highs beating records held as far back as 1958, according to data from the Thai Meteorological Department...
  19. M

    The Climate Change scam

    A call for geoengineering on a global scale, and all because of, you've guessed it, Climate change! - But humans have not cut greenhouse emissions quickly enough. As temperatures rise and extreme weather becomes more common, researchers have estimated that current greenhouse gas levels will...
  20. M

    The Climate Change scam

    Guess when it was that darling Greta made this stunning prediction -

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