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  1. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Perhaps he was referring just to the ones that don't fancy him.
  2. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Tell that to the Russians, and what was Operation Sealion all about?
  3. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Probably because they all have a stash on their laptops.
  4. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Marshall was bang on the money when pointing out that she has never really been challenged. Surrounded by sycophants and big money eager to sweeten her life she loses her bearings and starts to ramble when out of her well padded comfort bubble.
  5. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Lumpy Talbot, my my, there's a blast from the past. Still being told to wear his wife's smelly knickers I see.
  6. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    The untouchables have a different set of values Myles.
  7. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Thank God I haven't a smart phone.
  8. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    He certainly needs somebody to talk to him in a safe and secure environment.
  9. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Not thought of that, as many faults as the Brits have that sort of behaviour is out of character unless under the influence of something. There was an arrogance, an expectation that he was unassailabe which is not common to the western individual, gotta a feeling its been knocked out of him now.
  10. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    WTF was that all about? He looked a right skinny woke twat, beating up pensioners would be its limit as was amply demonstrated by the lad who rightly dropped him.
  11. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Fingers crossed.....
  12. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    And the awareness of the lunacy that has gripped the western governments is growing amongst the hoi polloi, yet we carry on as normal, the elections are all about pot holes, the talk is of the weather and cows come home to be milked, as they have for generations. Will this spell ever be broken...
  13. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But is Trump any less under the Zionist thumb? As each day passes I find myself less certain as to who he actually is an what it is he actually stands for. He's also starting to look his age, having to choose between two geriatrics for president is not what the great American dream was ever...
  14. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    What did he say and has he been allowed to put his side of the story anywhere?
  15. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    He really does look a very special type of weirdo.
  16. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    The chickens round Dan's place are looking worried I'd say.
  17. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Oooh, are there going to be candles and incense, or candles and a cake!
  18. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Just what the world needs, another idiotic talking shop where the mediocre can puff themselves up to look almost important at some shindig attended by the terminally insecure -
  19. M

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Our man Schwab loves to talk of nobody owning anything and with religion being given the boot and the erosion of national pride, encouraged by the importation of foreigners, everywhere you turn, the song strikes me as being somewhat prophetic.

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