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  1. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    No but it raises the question why the Church attracts Sodomite clerics on such a large scale. There are few such deviants in the COI for example. Why is that?
  2. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    Married men are very unlikely to be homosexual Sir. Whereas Maynooth is Ireland's Gay Mecca. One Seminarian said to me he was so disgusted by what went on down there that he wondered if it had been infiltrated by Satan himself.
  3. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    Bocht do you not think that because Priests aren't allowed to have women the RCC attracts Sodomites as a matter of course?
  4. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    There's no point in posting pictures up here Plunkett. I never judge a book by its cover. Ask Val and Ms Catherine where they get their stats from. I personally know 3 homosexual Priests out of around half a dozen. It's anecdotal but that's 50%!
  5. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    Bocht, Val Martin in his recent video put the percentage of homosexual Priests at 30+%. Miss Catherine put it at anywhere between 40 & 50%. How can you account for such Sodomy amongst your clerics?
  6. Myles O'Reilly

    Catholic Priest spends 40K ON Candy Crush, Mario Kart and Pokémon Go

    Seriously Skippy? A new thread for that???

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