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  1. S

    The National Party

    Many thanks Declan, I am definitely way more hopeful than Val here with those small numbers of votes. I think Barry Cowen in the RTE debate for that constituency said that at least 1 in 2, and sometimes all, voters that he talked to mentioned immigration. Are those voters really going to vote FF...
  2. S

    The National Party

    Well it doesn't really split the vote, because of the PR system anyway, but it might split the amount of funds and time to support those candidates. I think I will vote Dr Gerry Waters number 1. Yes Justin Barrett is very articulate and intelligent etc, but I really think what he said about...
  3. S

    The National Party

    I think all those smaller parties and independents will do well, and the established ones very badly, because I think there is a real momentum building up on the immigration issue.
  4. S

    The National Party

    They were all there in force, all the new political parties. Herman for example was there, and a big crowd behind his banner.
  5. S

    The National Party

    I think we are way beyond electoral politics at this stage, it would take a huge amount of time and money to get Reynolds elected, in the teeth of this corrupt media environment, and then what? You would have one MEP who would just get censored if he said anything correct. By all means let...
  6. S

    The National Party

    The National Party was on a complete go slow during Lockdowns etc, doing virtually nothing. Not only that but individual members were not allowed attend anything else without permission, and if they showed any initiative at all, like Philip Dwyer, were expelled. It looks to me an awful lot like...
  7. S

    The National Party

    Well I think Reynolds is doing his level best, and its better than most right now. For what its worth I have attended countless meetings of a hugely diverse number of parties, including the founding meetings I believe of both the Anti Corruption Ireland party and the Irish Freedom Party, and...
  8. S

    The National Party

    Sometimes Gemma has been against all the recent protests, but I totally disagree with that. The current wave of push back is a good thing, but its a nightmare trying to navigate through the rocks/agents/false leaders that are thrown out there all the time.
  9. S

    The National Party

    Yes I do, I think he does great work.
  10. S

    The National Party

    I am sorry if I seem down on some of the leaders of the small parties on this thread, and for example of course I agree with the main principles of the National Party, but experience has shown me that you don't get to form a stamp collecting club in this country without the powers that be at...
  11. S

    The National Party

    Well I think Philip in particular does great work, but incidentally I believe the main figure, and I think funder, of the "Ireland First" party is Margaret Maguire (who also uses other first names) of Mullingar, whose residence is given as the party headquarters in the filed government documents...
  12. S

    The National Party

    Doesn't it say something about the way the party was run that Justin can expell instantly and completely out of the party the deputy leader etc, of maybe over 10 years standing, by a line in a press statement?

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