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  1. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread
  2. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    I think you've missed the point. The proposed mechanism behind natural selection is genetic mutation with fixation. This something that can be observed and measured in cellular culture, over thousands of generations. As such, it is now obvious that the rate of fixation is too slow to account...
  3. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Grand so, we look forward to your description of the mechanism at work here that brings a fully functional cell into being instantaneously, because that's what needs to happen. Any newly formed cell not already capable of respiration, energy capture and absorption, and replication, to name but...
  4. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    A running obsession for you it seems
  5. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Here Vox breaks down how there simply hasn't been enough time to generate the required mutagenic changes necessary for speciation, based on observations within cellular cultures. Both observed science and math crush the underpinning time factor for natural selection to be valid. [Source...
  6. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Vox Day has been doing stellar work pointing out that biologists are mid-wits who can't do math or understand basic probability. (Jambo 50/50) He has been promoting his MITTEMS concept quite a lot recently - the Mathematical Impossibility of The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. This...
  7. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    As Dawson has so amply pointed out from his rage-cage: Evolutionists have no interested in the actual origins of life. Through the power of imagination, they accept the Norse tale of the lightning bolt as obvious fact, and simply move on. Until of course you point out there is no evidence of...
  8. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    A short review of Nature's Destiny: Denton, as a biologist, believes in the mechanism of natural selection, unware presumably, of the mathematical problems that have plagued this theory for decades. Still, even here, he recognizes the obvious patterns of design and intelligence in the universe...
  9. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Yes, in light of what we now know about the extreme and necessary complexity of the most basic building block of life - the cell, the lightning bolt theory now takes on the ring of a scientific mythos/creation tale. More irony.
  10. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Interesting, isn't it? The more technologically advanced we become, the more grows our sense of wonder at the complexity and symbiotic nature of the cosmos and our world. That Victorian/Edwardian arrogance related to man's ability to categorize and control his environment is vanishing...
  11. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Nice straw man you've constructed there. There is no historical evidence that man believes in deities as some form of cope. It's almost like you've never read Augustine or Aquinas. And the fact remains, there is no proven biological mechanism to support the theory of evolution. The real cope...
  12. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Christianity is a communal affair that imposes group ethics, social standards of behavior and cultural norms. Totally antithetical to the Libertarian mindset.
  13. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Junk DNA is just the latest iteration in a long line of failed/debunked 'vestigial' arguments, used to bolster the unfounded notion of evolutionary change.
  14. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Excellent speculation as to how coal came to be (massive amounts of material needed to form the seams), and the idea of 'floating' organic land masses prior to the flood. Many coal miners have concluded that massive hydraulics was required to form coal seams: View...
  15. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    How does a vertical tree trunk manage to fossilize itself through multiple strata of rock, when the official narrative is that said strata take eons to be laid down on top of one another? Is the official geologic timeline Bollox?
  16. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

  17. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

  18. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    excellent, will watch this later today. Many such cases of course. intelligent people, true skeptics (not vapid fan boys), will always come to the correct conclusion
  19. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    Indeed. The Universe goes bang! and the Lightning bolt tickles a primordial goo puddle, are two zinger fairy tales that atheists tell their offspring. As fanciful as any Nordic pagan myth, and about as credible.
  20. PlunkettsGhost

    Origins Thread

    So back to the real thread . Biologist Michael Denton here makes his case for the teleology we see at the cosmic, energetic and subatomic level mirror in the natural, biological world : View:

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