Lets go down the Rabbit hole, all this conflict planned?


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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Whatever your views on the current conflict in Ukraine and Israel, I hope we all agree that the innocent loss of life on all sides is the real story here and the cruelest thing about these conflicts.

With all that said, let's go down the rabbit hole, put on our tin foil hats, and ask ourselves, is this all planned, deliberate, or just one massive coincidence?

sci-fi signs GIF

ASs things stand we are on te even a major conflict in Israel, if and when they go into Gaza and in their own words, wipe Hamas off the map, they are going to not only cause massive death to the Palestinian population, they will also enrage the Islamic world further.

The United States is already beginning a build-up of its forces in the region, and with the Ukrainian/Russia war, you can start to see the sides all the players are on if WW3 kicks off.

Currently, the playing fields look like this,

NATORussian Federation
EUNorth Korea
New ZealandJordan

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, then watch this short video of Simpson's predictions for 2024, I haven't seen the episode so I have no way of knowing how true the claims are, but take it for what it is,

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsweirdtime/video/7277726707228970283?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Also, I came across this video last night,

Apparently, a woman who runs a hotel in the UK and has taken in immigrants, claims that she received pallets from the MOD, and when she finally opened them she discovered guns and grenades. Again, take this at face value, but there seem to be many videos saying the same thing in other parts of the UK.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@juliataylor1972/video/7288447726965001504?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Of course, all of this could be nothing more than misinformation, propaganda, and downright lies, however, what is obviously clear is that the world is on a knife edge and we are either starring into the abyss or we can all pop down to the Winchester and wait for it to all blow over.

Simon Pegg Cheers GIF by PeacockTV


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I'm sorry but...this guy doesn't have a single photo to show us? Not one?

But he's able to record a video.
I fully agree, you would think someone would have or show some evidence of what they claim.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown

Exactly exactly exactly what I've been saying on the boards for months - Many immigrants are the empires colonizing partners and get to visit/stay in the empire as promised by the empire be it British, EU, UN, Nato etc ect.
When the empire stays at home then the immigrants have a home to stay in - Their own!
But when the empire makes moves - So must they, Yeah?


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Whatever your views on the current conflict in Ukraine and Israel, I hope we all agree that the innocent loss of life on all sides is the real story here and the cruelest thing about these conflicts.

With all that said, let's go down the rabbit hole, put on our tin foil hats, and ask ourselves, is this all planned, deliberate, or just one massive coincidence?

sci-fi signs GIF

ASs things stand we are on te even a major conflict in Israel, if and when they go into Gaza and in their own words, wipe Hamas off the map, they are going to not only cause massive death to the Palestinian population, they will also enrage the Islamic world further.

The United States is already beginning a build-up of its forces in the region, and with the Ukrainian/Russia war, you can start to see the sides all the players are on if WW3 kicks off.

Currently, the playing fields look like this,

NATORussian Federation
EUNorth Korea
New ZealandJordan

If you really want to go down the rabbit hole, then watch this short video of Simpson's predictions for 2024, I haven't seen the episode so I have no way of knowing how true the claims are, but take it for what it is,

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsweirdtime/video/7277726707228970283?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Also, I came across this video last night,

Apparently, a woman who runs a hotel in the UK and has taken in immigrants, claims that she received pallets from the MOD, and when she finally opened them she discovered guns and grenades. Again, take this at face value, but there seem to be many videos saying the same thing in other parts of the UK.

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@juliataylor1972/video/7288447726965001504?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc

Of course, all of this could be nothing more than misinformation, propaganda, and downright lies, however, what is obviously clear is that the world is on a knife edge and we are either starring into the abyss or we can all pop down to the Winchester and wait for it to all blow over.

Simon Pegg Cheers GIF by PeacockTV

this is really strange -- really strange -we do not wear tin hats -we who discuss what we read and see are not lunatics .
none of us believe what you do -- and none of us have stated what you just stated .
the world is not divided up on jewish lines like your graph of countries at war or about to go to war against each other.
your posting is structured and features a video at the end where a person would type a reply and cannot avoid being subjected to the effect ..
you are different for sure .
the rest of you try typing a reply to his post and experience the effect .


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
That was something else. Men must rally to this type of lad and form squads and tool up.
Men and women do rally, it's called the British Army, send them in when needed. Maybe NI loyalists will head over when king Charles gives the command - It's a no brainer, really:geek:


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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You say that Sir but you talked about Schofield and what was predicted

You have mentioned some pop star and i did not reply.
this bible was printed by Cyrus I Scofield .
Amongst the interesting things about this bible is its date of creation established as 4004 BC .
And to further illustrate how completely looney the bible belt in the USA is .
the book goes on and embraces what is called DISPENSATIONALISM .
this is the dream of the Jewish people who await the rapture and the restoration of the throne of David and unbelievably
Thats everyone you know and related to in Ireland and around the world will be killed by the ANTICHRIST who will rule for a 1000 years .
this is also covered in a book i never heard of "" THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH""
and i was shocked to discover it sold a truly staggering 27million copies between 1973 and 1990 .
there is a film i have to see by the same title narrated by Orson wells .
this is worse than i could have imagined -- these wealthy Christians give billions to Israel who has promised to wipe them out at the first opportunity according to the Scofield bible.
it could not get more ffing nutterier than this.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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You have mentioned some pop star and i did not reply.
this bible was printed by Cyrus I Scofield .
Amongst the interesting things about this bible is its date of creation established as 4004 BC .
And to further illustrate how completely looney the bible belt in the USA is .
the book goes on and embraces what is called DISPENSATIONALISM .
this is the dream of the Jewish people who await the rapture and the restoration of the throne of David and unbelievably
Thats everyone you know and related to in Ireland and around the world will be killed by the ANTICHRIST who will rule for a 1000 years .
this is also covered in a book i never heard of "" THE LATE GREAT PLANET EARTH""
and i was shocked to discover it sold a truly staggering 27million copies between 1973 and 1990 .
there is a film i have to see by the same title narrated by Orson wells .
this is worse than i could have imagined -- these wealthy Christians give billions to Israel who has promised to wipe them out at the first opportunity according to the Scofield bible.
it could not get more ffing nutterier than this.
Sanity, always scarce when it comes to matters of religion, has fled the stage completely.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Lifted this from another forum, but thought it was an interesting take on things beyond the granular tit for tat on the Isreal/Gaza thread.

Paul Weston 9 hours ago edited
It is fairly clear this is about a planned war with Iran - which very recently acquired enough refined uranium to build a nuclear bomb.
The trouble with a war against Iran is that it could easily trigger a world war. Russia and Turkey side with Iran, along with Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and (probably) Egypt. Add to that nuclear armed Pakistan and a mix of various ex-Soviet states ending with "stan" and we have a situation in the middle east reminiscent of the european situation noted by A.E. Houseman in 1914:
"Europe is a powder keg. The Germans are gripped by fervent nationalism, the British feel afraid of German expansion….the French still remember the bitter defeat of 1870. Germany enters into a pact with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but that empire is being torn apart by ethnic tensions and it will take just one spark to ignite a European war on an unimaginable scale."
Much as it will pain the wonderful Karen Harradine, questions do need to be asked about events in Israel last Saturday. There are two IDF air bases less than twenty miles from Gaza. The IDF has a hundred Apache/Cobra attack helicopters. The security fence was breached at dawn. Ten hours later the IDF arrived. No jets were scrambled. No helicopter gunships arrived to take out the Toyota pick-ups. None of this makes sense.
Unless..... Israeli/US leadersip considers war with Iran so important they are prepared to sacrifice a number of their own in order to get the West onside. And getting the west onside is a matter of crucial importance. The DT Murdered Baby article leads me to believe this might well be the case.
I am very pragmatic about Islam, Israel, Iran. If this is what it takes to topple Iran it at least makes some sense of the otherwise inexplicable events over the last few days. Iran is very keen on the End of Times and the emergence of the Twelth Imam/Mahdi to oversee the destruction. If Iran had a nuclear weapon it would clearly be used against Israel.
I have a gut-feeling A. E. Houseman's words are just as applicable today as they were in 1914. Wars start. Peace ends. I think we are approaching just such a hinge-point in history. Not only in the middle east but all around the world. Perhaps the Mahdi theory is true..... I have a very dark sense of foreboding about what comes next.
Slightly OT, but those who support partial-birth abortion should remain decidely mute about Hamas.

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