Vendee Radio


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Jan 11, 2023
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A podcast for the deeper thinkers among us. This latest episode was a cracker. The curtain is drawn back on modern society to expose the Wizard pulling the strings.

Will Tucker joins Vendée Radio for a wide ranging discussion. Topics explored include: engagement in contemporary dialectics, the economy of signs today, veneration of icons, the mass media landscape, the Abrahamic Family House in Abu Dhabi and its relation to messianic political religion.



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Jan 11, 2023
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A quote by French author George Bernanos in this pod, is worth a follow up. He said that modern culture is a conspiracy against the inner life of man. As we know, most people live to be fed and entertained these days:

I’ll provide the full passage in which the quote appears. Bernanos is making a point that modern technological civilization is creating a man vastly different than the man of the past. But he stops short of describing this new man, because he knows that most people simply don’t care. Most people are content with a blind faith in human progress, and see technological development as the primary indicator of that progress. They are not interested in any deeper reflection on the impact that modern technology has had on the human race.



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Jan 11, 2023
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Dr Doug Haugen, who write the excellent -'Seeing through the Singularity', discusses his next project.

Dr Haugen was writing through a Protestant lens, with his first book, but has since become a Traditional Catholic, and here they discuss both the ongoing project of global transhumanism and the push for a simulacra existence, which necessitates the destruction of concepts of objective reality, and the Catholic response:



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Sep 25, 2023
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'As historian François Furet points out, the Vendean population arose not in response to the destruction of the Ancien Régime, but because of the construction of a new regime they believed to be more oppressive.'

It didn't turn out well. Let's hope lessons have been learned.

These guys are certainly at a different level when it comes to analysis but are they operationally savvy? Can we understand why there has been an obscuring of the soul, a successive deconstruction of education and a war on commonsense now? It makes this sort of discussion unintelligible to otherwise clever people - which is most of us.

There's good cause to be cautious about the celebration of the inchoate. The Spectacle does need to be closely examined so its glamour can be dispersed, and its nonsense revealed. The vision of a lot of people has cleared over the past number of years.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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I should probably change my account name from tldr to prolix. Excuse me if I've been too round about. I'll try and speak more plainly.

There is a discussion of this general area on UnHerd.

It closely associates "primordialism" to fascism and notes the differences with the sort of Catholicism described in the OP above. There is a parallel that Sedgwick describes with the general schema that Jordan Peterson outlines in Maps of Meaning. I think its unfair to write it off by an association with fascism, it may conveniently dismiss it to the superficial observer.

Sedgwick notes that, while he found "primordialism" convincing at a certain time of his life, he is more convinced by the description of social forms as artifacts of economic modes of production now (although that may be a hedge against the aggressive doctrinaire atmosphere in universities).

Personally, I think that G K Chesterton is the best exemplar of traditionalist thinking. He's a good friend and a mighty wit. There's a playlist linked through the video below if you want to be entertained and reassured that commonsense isn't an irrelevance.



Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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'As historian François Furet points out, the Vendean population arose not in response to the destruction of the Ancien Régime, but because of the construction of a new regime they believed to be more oppressive.'

It didn't turn out well. Let's hope lessons have been learned.

These guys are certainly at a different level when it comes to analysis but are they operationally savvy? Can we understand why there has been an obscuring of the soul, a successive deconstruction of education and a war on commonsense now? It makes this sort of discussion unintelligible to otherwise clever people - which is most of us.

There's good cause to be cautious about the celebration of the inchoate. The Spectacle does need to be closely examined so its glamour can be dispersed, and its nonsense revealed. The vision of a lot of people has cleared over the past number of years.
you have made a great post --i was a little afraid to be critical as i like most people are rarely taken out for a gallop and i was so grateful to Plunkett for his starting of this thread .
Keith Woods does his best to allow a understanding of complex matters and he does on occasion have to use technical intellectual argument/English to successfully isolate the subject matter to deal with the core of it--
but you always know from him --- its regrettable but necessary with him and i replay the section until i get a grasp and i continue .
my amateur contribution here of a lifetime of study of some terrible horse shit and some great material sometimes profoundly experienced while seated on my throne ==the one which flushes some of my bullshit down a drain .
the conscious self is not your soul .
it is not your mind.
it is not your brain .
it does not have your name .
it is not the property of any church or political body and they do not own any part of it.

it is vast -immense-terrifying-humbling -brightness-all knowing --you own precisely the exact same amount as everyone else on the planet .
you share your self with all who have gone before you ---and all who will follow in your path when your body dies .
i once experienced it and i thought i had gone mad as i was 16 at the time,
and what i did not know that this experience is common worldwide amongst young men .
it sent me on a lifetime of searching to discover what i had experienced which lasted for possibly only 40 seconds .
it finally led me to formally study eastern philosophy in particular the Bhagavda Gita which i found heavy going until i got a great translation by an Irishman who gave up two years of his life for humanity and went to live in Majorca until he completed it-- he also admitted after receiving the Nobel prize ---------- ""i fed off the Upanishads all my life".
i made more progress there than anywhere else .
WB Yeats did a wonderful translation from the sanskrit with the help of a sanskrit scholar called Sri Swami Purhoit .
i have not found any source to compete with it ,
and it is not a religion it is not a cult and the greatest reward is ""knowledge of god"".
the catholic church does not hold as a core belief the core belief of Christ expressed in his sermon on the mount that GOD IS WITHIN YOU.
This refusal to believe what Christ believed cost me several years of confusion and UN-necessary wandering to find the truth i was seeking which was in front of my nose but i like everyone else was not allowed to see or hear it.
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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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you have made a great post --i was a little afraid to be critical as i like most people are rarely taken out for a gallop and i was so grateful to Plunkett for his starting of this thread .
Keith Woods does his best to allow a understanding of complex matters and he does on occasion have to use technical intellectual argument/English to successfully isolate the subject matter to deal with the core of it--
but you always know from him --- its regrettable but necessary with him and i replay the section until i get a grasp and i continue .
my amateur contribution here of a lifetime of study of some terrible horse shit and some great material sometimes profoundly experienced while seated on my throne ==the one which flushes some of my bullshit down a drain .
the conscious self is not your soul .
it is not your mind.
it is not your brain .
it does not have your name .
it is not the property of any church or political body and they do not own any part of it.

it is vast -immense-terrifying-humbling -brightness-all knowing --you own precisely the exact same amount as everyone else on the planet .
you share your self with all who have gone before you ---and all who will follow in your path when your body dies .
i once experienced it and i thought i had gone mad as i was 16 at the time,
and what i did not know that this experience is common worldwide amongst young men .
it sent me on a lifetime of searching to discover what i had experienced which lasted for possibly only 40 seconds .
it finally led me to formally study eastern philosophy in particular the Bhagavda Gita which i found heavy going until i got a great translation by an Irishman who gave up two years of his life for humanity and went to live in Majorca until he completed it-- he also admitted after receiving the Nobel prize ---------- ""i fed off the Upanishads all my life".
i made more progress there than anywhere else .
WB Yeats did a wonderful translation from the sanskrit with the help of a sanskrit scholar called Sri Swami Purhoit .
i have not found any source to compete with it ,
and it is not a religion it is not a cult and the greatest reward is ""knowledge of god"".
the catholic church does not hold as a core belief the core belief of Christ expressed in his sermon on the mount that GOD IS WITHIN YOU.
This refusal to believe what Christ believed cost me several years of confusion and UN-necessary wandering to find the truth i was seeking which was in front of my nose but i like everyone else was not allowed to see or hear it.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I should probably change my account name from tldr to prolix. Excuse me if I've been too round about. I'll try and speak more plainly.

There is a discussion of this general area on UnHerd.

It closely associates "primordialism" to fascism and notes the differences with the sort of Catholicism described in the OP above. There is a parallel that Sedgwick describes with the general schema that Jordan Peterson outlines in Maps of Meaning. I think its unfair to write it off by an association with fascism, it may conveniently dismiss it to the superficial observer.

Sedgwick notes that, while he found "primordialism" convincing at a certain time of his life, he is more convinced by the description of social forms as artifacts of economic modes of production now (although that may be a hedge against the aggressive doctrinaire atmosphere in universities).

Personally, I think that G K Chesterton is the best exemplar of traditionalist thinking. He's a good friend and a mighty wit. There's a playlist linked through the video below if you want to be entertained and reassured that commonsense isn't an irrelevance.

you should change your name and let me dickie it up a bit


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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you have made a great post --i was a little afraid to be critical as i like most people are rarely taken out for a gallop and i was so grateful to Plunkett for his starting of this thread .
Keith Woods does his best to allow a understanding of complex matters and he does on occasion have to use technical intellectual argument/English to successfully isolate the subject matter to deal with the core of it--
but you always know from him --- its regrettable but necessary with him and i replay the section until i get a grasp and i continue .
my amateur contribution here of a lifetime of study of some terrible horse shit and some great material sometimes profoundly experienced while seated on my throne ==the one which flushes some of my bullshit down a drain .
the conscious self is not your soul .
it is not your mind.
it is not your brain .
it does not have your name .
it is not the property of any church or political body and they do not own any part of it.

it is vast -immense-terrifying-humbling -brightness-all knowing --you own precisely the exact same amount as everyone else on the planet .
you share your self with all who have gone before you ---and all who will follow in your path when your body dies .
i once experienced it and i thought i had gone mad as i was 16 at the time,
and what i did not know that this experience is common worldwide amongst young men .
it sent me on a lifetime of searching to discover what i had experienced which lasted for possibly only 40 seconds .
it finally led me to formally study eastern philosophy in particular the Bhagavda Gita which i found heavy going until i got a great translation by an Irishman who gave up two years of his life for humanity and went to live in Majorca until he completed it-- he also admitted after receiving the Nobel prize ---------- ""i fed off the Upanishads all my life".
i made more progress there than anywhere else .
WB Yeats did a wonderful translation from the sanskrit with the help of a sanskrit scholar called Sri Swami Purhoit .
i have not found any source to compete with it ,
and it is not a religion it is not a cult and the greatest reward is ""knowledge of god"".
the catholic church does not hold as a core belief the core belief of Christ expressed in his sermon on the mount that GOD IS WITHIN YOU.
This refusal to believe what Christ believed cost me several years of confusion and UN-necessary wandering to find the truth i was seeking which was in front of my nose but i like everyone else was not allowed to see or hear it.
You should try Fr Hardon's books on comparative religion. A highly educated man. Most enlightening


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Dr Haugen discusses the deconstruction and replacement of Christian civilization via the technocratic neo-pagan spectacle that has been constructed all round us. This deconstruction is designed to proceed, and clear the way for the false messianic era:


Is it sort of like this?

I originally called it a thought virus when I noticed it way back but I think the word for it now is mind virus.

There is no cabal of ants wiping out colonies, it's the cordyceps that are running things and it is imperceptible to the ants. Regular ants can only identify individuals infected by their behaviour, not the infection itself.

If these ants could have a conversation, the cordyceps ants would only babble - there might be some remnant of their previous self but it not in control. They are possessed, so to speak. Whatever remnant is left is only an instrument of that which possesses them.

Okay, so it's not fungus that causes someone to climb a tree and decompose but it has another actions in human society that, in the end, produces the same effect. The ideology seizes control of the person and causes them to function as a node of it - destroying the person itself in the process.

I do agree that there is a spiritual dimension here. To have seen this in action over a prolonged period of observation can only bring one to this conclusion. There simply is no persuasive or exampled countermeasure just an unfathomable thickness.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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thanks for posting that .
during the glorious revolution England was invaded by the dutch and a coup took place and James fled .
the country was purchased before the dutch troops landed in a 16th century D day landing in torbay .
the officials were bribed and the English army was moved out of London into tents on hamstead heath as they would have fought the dutch .
part of the bribery was the common age of the yeomen of England .
this class of people were the children of the lower middle class who were financially indipendant from the lords and could feed and clothe and most importantly educate their children who went on to be the army officers and ships captains and were frugal sober well grounded people .
the dutch Jews saw they could give the lands and abbeys and wealth of the catholic church to the English as it cost them nothing and in the feeding frenzy for the elite the commonage of the lower middle class was given to the elite also .
this destroyed one of and possibly the most important level of society in England --the yeomen .
commonage is not communism it is true socialism of the rarest kind where wealth is allowed to be shared .

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