The money will be put aside until things settle down. In any case, the
Irish national debt is always a contender for it. Things are aren't too bad
apparently. We could really do with an offshore oil and gas field just in case.
More importantly, the Draghi Report was issued this week. It feels a bit buried behind the bike shed story but has an echo of the import of that almost unnoticed withdrawal from Bagram airbase. The report had this nugget on page 62 - a common defence procurement funded by trans-European debt. The Germans are in such disarray that it might just get through.
"Finally, the EU should move towards regular issuance of common safe assets to enable joint investment
projects among Member States and to help integrate capital markets. If the political and institutional conditions
are in place as outlined above, the EU should continue – building on the model of NGEU – to issue common debt
instruments, which would be used to finance joint investment projects that will increase the EU’s competitiveness
and security. As several of these projects are longer-term in nature, such as financing R&I and defence procurement,
common issuance should over time produce a deeper and more liquid market in EU bonds, allowing this market to
progressively support the integration of Europe’s capital markets. At the same time, together with the above reforms,
to finance a variety of programmes focused on innovation and on raising productivity, Member States could consider
increasing the resources available to the Commission by deferring the repayment of NGEU."
Page 62