The fact you think its an alien religious event despite being practically identical to the RC one reveals you to be a nutcase.
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You can be such a ridiculous person Myles.
If you and your friends were to purchase priestly costumes from a costume shop and create the 'Church of Myles,' conducting services that mimic Catholic rituals, would it be bigotry for Catholics to decline participation? Of course not. Would their refusal to attend imply hatred, or simply recognition that a superficial imitation lacks the authority and grace bestowed by Christ upon His true Church?
Outward resemblance does not equate to inward reality. What may seem 'practically identical' to you is, in truth, profoundly different when viewed through the lens of theology and divine authority.
Theological integrity demands discerning the substance beneath the surface. Remaining faithful to these essential differences is not an act of bigotry but a defense of truth—a refusal to conflate similarity with sameness or compromise what is sacred for the sake of convenience.
Protestant services, however sincere, carry no more legitimacy from a Catholic perspective than such a hypothetical event, as they lack the essential connection to apostolic succession and the sacraments.
There are 40,000 Protestant sects in the world. The ‘Church of Myles’ would simply make it 40,001.
Are you aware that a Catholic bible and a Protestant bible are different?