Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?


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Jan 13, 2023
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I don't know what you're talking about (about me) but clearly the people with the credibility issue are Covidians, twas always thus.

Of course, we can "move on" by not talking about it incessantly, taking a leaf out of the Covidian book, but not in the sense of not remaining vigilant or seeking justice for the pushers of the scamdemic and the injections.
Remember Comical Jarry's 'Charlottesweb' account on
The one it used for over 2 years spreading its disinformation and for pushing the experimental gene therapy jabs?

That's one sick little psychopath right there.
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Jun 14, 2023
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A pandemic isn't political.

And remember, we were all supposed to be in lockdowns forever, weren't we? It wasn't the virus that all the tin foil hat brigade were freaking out about.

It was the supposed NWO Soros Davos WEF blah blah population control lockdown measures that were going to last forever - until they ended as expected by the rest of us when most of the population developed some kind of immunity.

A lot of now very embarrassing and cringe stuff was said by a lot of brainless idiots on this forum and on Pish.

Best to not talk about it.
The only panicky headcases during the Covid years we're Covidians like yourselves who approved and cheerleaded everything the establishment dictated; from giving the elderly lethal doses of Midazolam to inhumane lockdowns, which had elderly people in the their final months of life being held against their will from their families.

The nutters from NPHET and the likes of Luke O Neill were claiming that we may never be able to hug people or shake hands ever again. He went on the Clare Byrne show to promote going to concerts in plastic fucking bubbles.

You also fell hook line and sinker for every sales trick from Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZenica and argued incessantly that their experimental poison was both safe and effective. They were neither. It’s thanks to people like you that the excess deaths are at the shockingly high levels they are now.

So, if you claim that the political parties are not all singing from the same hymn sheet, then point to the parties that don’t all think open borders to criminals across the planet is a good idea. Surely in a normal political set up, at least 50% of parties would oppose this governmental policy.

Name the parties not in line with the WHO pandemic treaty.

Name the parties who are at odds with the World Economic Forum.

G’wan. Name 1.
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Jun 14, 2023
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I've found with a lot of my family and friends who would be leftards that they just clam up when shown the evidence.
It's either embarrassment, stupidity or just plain ignorance.
I have 5 siblings all around the 60 mark a good bit older than me, all of them run like lemmings to get their flu and ConVid jabs.

My elderly mother point blank refuses to take it, she's almost 100!!!
It’s normally guilty people or the people in the wrong who are in a hurry to forget an event. It’s generally motivated by shame and wanting to avoid some sort of punishment.


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Mar 10, 2023
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Conversation topics with people in work and in the community now regularly features 'The Amount of People Dying'. Was at a wake this afternoon, the relatives saying there were four other women who had died in the town that week. Normies are picking up the inflated death numbers, even if they are not linking it to the vaccines.

Zipporah's Flint

Who says she's paranoid? :)

I first encountered this a while back when someone posted a clip of LBC and a caller used the term 'globalist' and the (Anglified) Indian host was like - You can't say that, and the caller was like - What, why not?, and the host was like - You can't say globalist, it's antisemitic, it will offend my Jewish listeners 🤣 I mean, the caller seemed genuinely bemused by this (and I'm quite sure that he wasn't being antisemitic).

Suella Braverman got into serious trouble with the Board of Deputies (the chief organization of the "mainstream organized Jewish community")for using the term "Cultural Marxism".


Zipporah's Flint

I mean, there's a degree of paranoia that people use terms like globalist or cultural Marxism and they're not actually being antisemitic but it's funny.

The term cultural Marxism exists on its own, it has a meaning, which by the way I would say is divorced from Marx himself. I mean, someone like Val talks about cultural Marxism all the time but has he ever mentioned the Frankfurt school?

That said, here's a (supposed) leak of Greenblatt bemoaning the fact that there's so many younger antisemites. Well, what can you say, cultural Marxism and white genocide is coming home to roost for the Jews :)

My sister has gotten called a "Cultural Marxist" by people who are in or support the DUP.....For being anti-Jewish! I think the way that a lot of people use that term is deeply inaccurate and plain silly if I am honest, but most of them, a large majority of them, do not use it thinking this is anti-Jewish.

Is it paranoia though? I mean she married a hard core Zionist IDF veteran. It could have been throwing their weight around rather than paranoia. Or maybe it was a strange mixture of both?


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I think it's evident that there is some form of control going on.

All 3 main political parties in Ireland are hard to tell apart, the only difference I can see between them is how far woke and left they all attempt to be.

Sadly, I do not believe we have had a free and fair election in years, and even if SF does win the next election is evident they will have to go with another main party to form any sort of government thus, we are back to more of the same.

Its all smoke and mirrors and we do not live in any real democracy.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Sep 3, 2022
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I think it's evident that there is some form of control going on.

All 3 main political parties in Ireland are hard to tell apart, the only difference I can see between them is how far woke and left they all attempt to be.

Sadly, I do not believe we have had a free and fair election in years, and even if SF does win the next election is evident they will have to go with another main party to form any sort of government thus, we are back to more of the same.

Its all smoke and mirrors and we do not live in any real democracy.
Strange thing.
All the woke progressive pandering which originated with pr consultants and focus groups.
To make the mainstream political parties more relevant to the younger voters generation and lefty Liberal types.
Has alienated their core voters base.
Lefties detest the mainstream political types.
And no amount of pandering will change that.
Lashing money to NGOs and whatever else won't get any voters.
FG went full retard on the above.
And their vote collapsed.
No hiding the fact all that pandering and progressive virtue signalling has been a resounding negative electorally.
But no one in charge will admit that.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?
This question implies that our politicians and media are not globalists - they are. They may not be at the top of the globalist chain of command, but they fully support globalism, even if they are not aware of the Satanic agenda behind it all. There's something like 500 masonic lodges in Ireland - I'd say a few of our top politicians, judges, Gardai, civil service positions etc are filled with masons or other occultists. Their underlings are useful idiots who haven't a clue about the occult.

It is amazing how unaware people are about the occult or will dismiss it as nonsense. It's also funny how the right will accuse the globalists of the worst deeds imaginable, that they are literally Satanic, but when it comes to certain topics their response is "but why would they lie?" and fully trust and viciously defend the Government, academia and media position.

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