Recent content by Jay Homer Simpson

  1. J

    The National Party

    Isn't This is a lovely photo of Justin and his ex
  2. J

    UK General election - July 4th

    If the Brits wanted to, Nigel Farage could be Prime Minister on July 5th, sure even if we had FPTP here in Ireland, SF would have won in February 2020
  3. J

    The National Party

    James Reynolds sounds as thick as two planks
  4. J

    European elections and locals.

    I have completely lost faith in humanity the past few days. FF,FG&SF filling seats like it were 2004
  5. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    So Gemma keeps banging this "all election candidates are plants" drum but.........
  6. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    I just know him as some guy on YouTube who interviews John Waters sometimes. Don't know an awful lot about him but sure according to Gemma, every man woman and child and their dog and their cat is a "plant" and "controlled opposition "
  7. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Thomas Sheridan I presume. She said "new agers" have stolen him from her and poisoned his mind.
  8. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    And she believes she can "save the country" by...... livestreaming to her handful of fans a few nights a week on gettr 🤷‍♂️
  9. J

    European elections and locals.

    Now we know how Gemma feels View:
  10. J

    European elections and locals.

    Sure isn't that exactly what happened during the Covid scam, the majority of thick paddies were doing grand to be watching Netflix on 350€pw😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
  11. J

    European elections and locals.

    No she's not, Andy isn't working for the deep state, he's just some guy who's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
  12. J

    European elections and locals.

    Let's face it, there is also the problem of some "far right" candidates not knowing their arse from their elbow, For example, Andy Heasmen claimed that he could/would trigger article 50 and withdraw Ireland from the EU if he was elected 🙄
  13. J

    European elections and locals.

    Gemma's opinion View:

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