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  1. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Perhaps you are defeated but I know of no such defeat are sounding like general Percival now , he surrendered Singapore to a much smaller Japanese force , pull yourself together man or next thing you will be standing welcoming ghana and Cameroon into kingscourt
  2. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe the Romanians are doing terrorism against us
  3. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Some leftist dirtbag must have told them there was a crusader in a tomb up there , I doubt those ignorant fucks know anything of the history of Dublin .......unless umar Al Qaeda told them it was there
  4. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    This was definitely the work of the Haji's
  5. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Was it a hit piece ?
  6. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Now the election is out of the way it will be full steam again getting illegals into the country and putting them into housing
  7. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Great to see that dirty animal back in the Congo hopefully they deal with him there
  8. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    What a grifter that guy is .....he'd sell his own mother for a few grubby notes :sick:
  9. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    They are sell out traitors , they wouldn't last a day on sarsfields
  10. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    What a vile cunt
  11. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    That Muslim bastard should have been killed on site , simple as that
  12. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    There's reports the far cunt olivia headon and other NGO scum were down there trying to save tents and blue tarpaulin for the next wave of dung beetles
  13. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    109 illegal immigrant kebab men and spooks on the make were moved out of the tent slum and took somewhere else this morning .........they should have just been deported because not a single one of them is in any way legit
  14. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Nice nice @SeekTheFairLand this is the technical definition of this tactic......isn't stage we were nearly on it ourselves not too long ago .......we called it "pretending to work" like Michelle O'Neill and Emma pengelli :)
  15. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    80% of Muslims who rock up to Germany never work the Turks who always did work in Germany are getting the hell out , there was 4 million there once there's 1.1 now
  16. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    We need to find out what's going on with that obese cunt she on the dole ? If so what she's doing is not genuinely seeking employment
  17. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    What do these people think the benefits are of allowing massive amounts of foreign scum to enter Ireland illegally and then pay for their accommodation and upkeep ........I wanna know
  18. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Awful pity a couple of French lads weren't about to put that dirty fucking animal into a coma
  19. Coal Gas and peat

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Are any of them actually living here ?

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