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  1. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Drill Baby Drill in New Zealand !'s%20coalition%20government%20is,supply%20most%20of%20its%20gas.
  2. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Why would Greta Thunberg be worried about a few Palestinians if the Planet is going to Die Next Week ? ! 😲😲
  3. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Fly By Night ~ ~ On A Wing And A " " Payer " " ;) :D
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    The Climate Change scam

    Should have done that ~ With The Panzers !
  5. C

    The Climate Change scam

    ^ Ah Ze Germans !
  6. C

    The Climate Change scam

    You'd think they'd be ~ ~ Buying Sub-Marines ! !
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    The Climate Change scam

    All the Extra Polar Bears are now going there, for their Summer Holidays ! ! !
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    The Climate Change scam

    Do you mean ~ ~ Global Warming Cunts ? !
  9. C

    The Climate Change scam

    In the not far future ~ ~ Maybe even a 100 years the World Population is going to start to reduce / collapse ~ ~ The Population of indigenous Irish People is already falling rapidly ~ ~ The Irish are a Dying People ~ ~ As are the British / Many Western Peoples. Eventually this will probably...
  10. C

    The Climate Change scam

    What has led you to believe that humans are so important on this planet ? You and I individually are of No importance on this planet and neither is the human populations. The Planet / Solar System / Galaxy / Universe doesn't even consider us as the tiny-ist squeak-ist Fart ! Learn some Humility
  11. C

    The Climate Change scam

    200 years = = No Humans = = You'd hardly know that we ever existed on this Planet = = Some / A Lot ~ ~ Of Humility Needed.
  12. C

    The Climate Change scam

    If all human beings ceased to exist in the morning = = I would say that in 200 years after that = = You would need Archaeologists and quite extensive digging to find much evidence of human activity = = We are of little or No consequence on this planet and some humility to acknowledge that would...
  13. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Which has all happened to one degree or another Due To Weather in the past = = Weather.
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    The Climate Change scam

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    The Climate Change scam

  16. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Australia Never Had Weather Before ! 😲 ;) 😲
  17. C

    The Climate Change scam

    I reckon Varadkar has left Scorched Earth behind him ! ! !
  18. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Jumping the Trans-Sex Shark ! 😲 :D
  19. C

    The Climate Change scam

    The " " Professor " " has a Bad Dose of Confirmation Bias !
  20. C

    The Climate Change scam

    Maybe = = It was = = That Hitler Saluting Dog that done it !

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