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  1. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    He was replying to my posts yesterday FFS....😂
  2. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

  3. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    That's @Declan fucked.... :ROFLMAO:
  4. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    The crying and constant whinging is quite embarrassing and incredibly needy.👍
  5. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Ireland is about to become a legitimate target for all types on international terrorists. God knows, we've imported any amount of terrorists over the last 2 years. It's a small step from squatting in a tent along the canal to...
  6. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    I won't be paying that one either, unless they hand it over to Revenue.👍
  7. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Yid Nazis at work...
  8. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    It's not Irish. What it knows about Ireland it finds out on Twatter with a bit of Google thrown in for good measure.👍
  9. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    How many times need I tell you? That goon IS NOT Irish and DOES NOT live in Europe. WTF is wrong with ye lads.
  10. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Faggots have always been a bit confused about things, it's why they demand a full month or more every year where they demand that normal people validate their existence. Tranny lesbians are as bad and these and the above make up the greatest percentage of craw thumpers whining about the poor...
  11. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    It's not that he loves me more, he just detests Charlotte's head more.😂
  12. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    That's a keeper. I must bookmark it. :)
  13. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    #Reallybutthurt Awh, custom title gone. Wahhhhhhhh 😭😭😭
  14. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave....... :) View:
  15. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    It's like those sub-human dregs who move to Ireland then spend their time attacking the country for not giving them everything they want. Nobody is forced to come here and nobody is forced to stay. If people don't like it they can fuck off somewhere else. No problem. :)
  16. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    #Butthurt :)
  17. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    He usually waits until he has 2,000 shitposts done before sitebanning him.............. again. (y)
  18. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Ireland has an Air Corps??? :ROFLMAO:
  19. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    You'll get the hang of it. It's much the same as Samsung's android system really.
  20. Wolf

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Also, do not disturb will block all app notifications too by default to your set time schedule. You can allow individual apps if you like. Same with calls or messages, you can list ones you would allow to contact you like family members etc...

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