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  1. V

    The Climate Change scam

    2 questions to clarify. 1) Why should a person who is good at art be deceitful? Was Shakespeare deceitful? Van Goff? 2) Why do you not use the word "insincere" rather than disingenuous? The former has only one "in" the latter has an "in" and a "dis" The former has 9 letters...
  2. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Nearly 40 years ago, I bought rock wool insulating wrapped in plastic. I left the wrapping in the attic where there was Velux windows. All that plastic disintegrated into dust. Broke down by some sort of sun driven bioloxigal action.
  3. V

    The Climate Change scam

    What does the word "disingenuous" mean"? Is it a bit like a man saying " I alas, don't think I ever saw such a thing happen before ever". It is never used in my business transaction, in my engineering transactions, Blue Mickey says it must be a new grant for keeping tadpoles waters...
  4. V

    The Climate Change scam

    I would love to know how they do it? They bury them in Texas.
  5. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Like a hurricane, does a lot of huffin and puffin when comin and takes the car and half the house when goin!
  6. V

    The Climate Change scam
  7. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Can they do anything about Stormy Daniels?
  8. V

    The Climate Change scam
  9. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Common sense would indicate that wind get a price independent of fossil fuel as it purportedly uses no fossil fuel. But No, it get the price of the highest costing fossil fuel
  10. V

    The Climate Change scam

    They get paid the price of the highest fuel.
  11. V

    The Climate Change scam

    I suspect the wars will kill off climate euphoria. Britain military admitted that it would run out of ammunition in two months. Investment will move away for green junk and into arms manufacturing. Wind turbine makers who are doing badly might convert their facilities to make arms, tanks...
  12. V

    The Climate Change scam

    The point is co2 is scarce and much more is needed to grow crops. It works with tomatoes which are a species of Potatoe
  13. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Commercial tomato growers pump in co2 to their glass houses
  14. V

    The Climate Change scam

    There is a retired engineer living in Wexford from Kildare and Dublin. He helps me with research and watching out for developments etc. Rings about twice a week. Moral support is useful
  15. V

    The Climate Change scam

    There was a warm period about the time of Christ which is why he could sit out in the desert for 40 days. The Romans grew grapes in England about that time and St Patrick sat out on Crogh Patrick for 40 day too. I grew colder until 536 AD when a volcano darkened the skys and led to...
  16. V

    The Climate Change scam

    Great news. Coole wind farm was refused by ABP. Near Castlepollard, Westmeath. It was applied for before when the euphoria was stronger than now and I spotted there connecting cabling was not included. That set it back 2 years. My lad fished in the area and noticed the Special Area of...
  17. V

    The Climate Change scam

    February was the same temp in Ireland as it always was. However I want to know when I will receive more global warming. I have to keep my main home warm and the farm house warm when I am in it. Send me heat and feck California.
  18. V

    The Climate Change scam

    I cannot find any reference to that
  19. V

    The Climate Change scam

    It maybe got a few votes too?
  20. V

    The Climate Change scam

    You will have an election in Ireland later this year. The green party will run candidates. It could be that none will be re-elected or all will be re-elected. They claim that is all get re-elected the weather in 50 years time will be colder than if none get re-elected. So the way you...

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