The Climate Change scam

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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The climate's gone to s**t for a while now, consequently the birds and bees are suffering and half wiped out if not totally in some extra dimmed cold soaked areas.

I myself remember actually taking out the sunbed in shorts and getting plenty of warm sunshine and red colour around the last week of March in years gone by.

It's only 7C today - Winter rolls on😨
Applying short term observations to a 3.5 billion year old natural system is a little nonsensical.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
Applying short term observations to a 3.5 billion year old natural system is a little nonsensical.
Sure thing, I agree in theory with what you state here, yeah but . . .

We're experiencing more than a "Natural System" at work. In fact the "Natural System" is being manipulated by modern tech on a global scale for a wide variety of officially stated purposes.

Where's the sense in failing to acknowledge geoengineering?

Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot) was a military cloud-seeding project carried out by the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972. The highly classified program attempted to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, in order to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides.

Don't worry MAF, The tech is no longer classified, you can read about it and discuss it these days, you're not on now!:geek:

Did you see the recommended Vid above, what do you think?

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Sure thing, I agree in theory with what you state here, yeah but . . .

We're experiencing more than a "Natural System" at work. In fact the "Natural System" is being manipulated by modern tech on a global scale for a wide variety of officially stated purposes.

Where's the sense in failing to acknowledge geoengineering?

Operation Popeye (Project Controlled Weather Popeye / Motorpool / Intermediary-Compatriot) was a military cloud-seeding project carried out by the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War in 1967–1972. The highly classified program attempted to extend the monsoon season over specific areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail, in order to disrupt North Vietnamese military supplies by softening road surfaces and causing landslides.

Don't worry MAF, The tech is no longer classified, you can read about it and discuss it these days, you're not on now!:geek:

Did you see the recommended Vid above, what do you think?
So your argument is that the mankind is deliberately manipulating weather patterns rather than warming the earth through a tiny increase in CO2 levels. That could well be the case, but we still need to rid ourselves of the idea that climate change is a destroying our planet and we must shut down the world, or further enrich the elite, to save ourselves from some terrible catastrophe.

Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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Desperate mornings rain up here for me and Val .....non stop , you could do nothing in that :mad:


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Great review by The Spectator​

I’ve found the cure for climate anxiety​


A new documentary, Climate: The Movie, by the maverick filmmaker Martin Durkin, is becoming a phenomenon, though it’s received almost no publicity in the mainstream media. It rejects the idea that we’re in the midst of a ‘climate emergency’, so that’s hardly surprising. But it has already racked up millions of views online and been translated into ten languages. I watched it on YouTube on Monday and can confirm it’s a dazzlingly entertaining film that distils the case against climate alarmism into a succinct 80 minutes.
One of the reasons it’s so hard to challenge the narrative about climate change is because it supposedly reflects the ‘settled’ scientific consensus. We’re told that 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming – or ‘global boiling’, as it’s now called – is caused by humans burning fossil fuels and releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Climate: The Movieconfronts this argument head on, not by disputing the 97 per cent figure, but by interviewing William Happer, a spry 84-year-old former physics professor at Princeton.
‘There’s this mischievous idea that’s promoted that scientific truth is determined by consensus,’ he tells Durkin. ‘In real science, there are always arguments, no science is ever settled. It is absurd when people say the science of climate is settled. There’s no such thing as settled science, especially when it comes to climate.’
‘There’s no such thing as settled science, especially when it comes to climate’


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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@Mad as Fish Pardon me for butting in on Myles crucial new evidence in showing you his research results on climate engine sneering but he forgot the Important bits . . .


Myles cannot understand the vid ((He's too willfully thicko) on the sly)
Perhaps you can?
Have you heard about it before?

I have indeed,

In my view there are two separate issues, weather and climate.

I see the climate as the overall behaviour of our atmosphere while the weather is the daily detail of how it expresses itself here at ground level.

We have the accusation that mankind is affecting the climate, while others are suggesting that it is the weather that is being controlled. So far I have focused on climatic change rather than the weather being altered, and I treat them as different subjects.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
I have indeed,

In my view there are two separate issues, weather and climate.

I see the climate as the overall behaviour of our atmosphere while the weather is the daily detail of how it expresses itself here at ground level.

We have the accusation that mankind is affecting the climate, while others are suggesting that it is the weather that is being controlled. So far I have focused on climatic change rather than the weather being altered, and I treat them as different subjects.
Okay fair enough, I don't look too far into the subjects in academic detail but rely on some on-line vids and websites - they do the thinking mostly . . . But sometimes there are a few dots that almost seem to join themselves. . .
The thing is that if large sections of the atmosphere are being engineered to alter the weather for the various stated purposes and the result is a change in the weather, well then. if the engineering is carried out every day then surely that would have a major influence on changing the climate?

Popeye showed us what can be done so think about if the spraying had continued 365 then . . . the changed weather would have fully changed the climate too compared to what it was🧐

popeye sea change.jpg
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Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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Great review by The Spectator​

I’ve found the cure for climate anxiety​


A new documentary, Climate: The Movie, by the maverick filmmaker Martin Durkin, is becoming a phenomenon, though it’s received almost no publicity in the mainstream media. It rejects the idea that we’re in the midst of a ‘climate emergency’, so that’s hardly surprising. But it has already racked up millions of views online and been translated into ten languages. I watched it on YouTube on Monday and can confirm it’s a dazzlingly entertaining film that distils the case against climate alarmism into a succinct 80 minutes.
One of the reasons it’s so hard to challenge the narrative about climate change is because it supposedly reflects the ‘settled’ scientific consensus. We’re told that 97 per cent of climate scientists agree that global warming – or ‘global boiling’, as it’s now called – is caused by humans burning fossil fuels and releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Climate: The Movieconfronts this argument head on, not by disputing the 97 per cent figure, but by interviewing William Happer, a spry 84-year-old former physics professor at Princeton.
‘There’s this mischievous idea that’s promoted that scientific truth is determined by consensus,’ he tells Durkin. ‘In real science, there are always arguments, no science is ever settled. It is absurd when people say the science of climate is settled. There’s no such thing as settled science, especially when it comes to climate.’

Toby Young?


How to lose friends and alienate people. The guy is a professional asshole, it's his brand.

He's not held in wide esteem, to put it politely.
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Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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Commercial tomato growers pump in co2 to their glass houses
But Val, they are controlling all the other factors too, aren't they?

That's not possible on the American prairies, or rice farms of it? ;)


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Toby Young?


How to lose friends and alienate people. The guy is a professional asshole, it's his brand.

He's not held in wide esteem, to put it politely.
He’s not held in wide esteem by Normie’s like you.

As a comparison, he put out silly tweets about women’s tits, whereas you have expressed an interest in your own daughter being a tranny. So he has one up on you.

Normie’s like you can’t be woken up.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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He’s not held in wide esteem by Normie’s like you.

As a comparison, he put out silly tweets about women’s tits, whereas you have expressed an interest in your own daughter being a tranny. So he has one up on you.

Normie’s like you can’t be woken up.
It's not saying much about its tranny daughter these days.
Maybe the kid got sense and got herself taken into care.


Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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He’s not held in wide esteem by Normie’s like you.

As a comparison, he put out silly tweets about women’s tits, whereas you have expressed an interest in your own daughter being a tranny. So he has one up on you.

Normie’s like you can’t be woken up.
Oh oh. Are you kicking off another set of posts that the mods will have to delete?


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Oh oh. Are you kicking off another set of posts that the mods will have to delete?
You got your warning on the other thread, now STFU before you get sitebanned again.
Good boy.


Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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A fantastic read on photosynthesis, CO2, and crops.

"C3 is by far the dominant form of photosynthesis found in the plant kingdom, used by around 85% of plant species. This includes the essential cereal grains wheat, rice, barley and oats, as well as peanuts, spinach, soybeans, potato, tomato and many other crops. C4 is utilised in only around 3% of terrestrial plant species, but these plants include some other important food crops, such as maize, sugar cane, millet, sorghum, and cabbage."

"For C3 cereals, such as wheat, increasing CO2 levels have been reported to drive reductions in zinc, iron, nitrogen, and protein in grain tissue. The impact of elevated CO2 on nutrient concentration in grains has been shown to vary with soils and crops, with a greater negative effect on grains observed for fertile soil than infertile soil."

For C4 cereals, such as maize, rising CO2 may not cause the reduction in protein concentration reported for C3 cereals, but these plants may also not benefit from the additional growth derived from the stimulation of photosynthesis."

And so on. Lots of insights and studies.

For those who want to learn, of course.
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