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  1. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Shitlibs are really astonishingly and uniquely stupid. A good example above. They simply can't grasp how Irish people who grew up around Irish people, in close knit communities with a strong identity and unique character, intensively dislike being outnumbered by foreigners (usually gangs of...
  2. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Chickens coming home to roost. A lot of these shitlibs who support transforming the country through mass third world immigration tend to live in these exclusively white, plush neighbourhoods. It'll be nice for them to experience a bit of diversity for a change...
  3. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    I had a similar experience at a stag recently. At breakfast the next morning, I tried to explain to those in attendance that it wasn't a good idea to dump loads of foreign men, from war torn countries that aren't at war, on Irish communities. They thought that was wacist. I told them that I...
  4. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Jesus even the Gaeltachts aren't safe. It's happening everywhere. I had to pop into Lidl on Moore street after work and you'd swear you were in the middle of New Delhi or Rio de Janeiro. Not an Irish person to be seen - either shopping or working. And this applies to that whole area of the...
  5. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    On my commute to work this morning I noticed a number of tents outside the AIB building on Adelaide Road. Seems they're moving in from the canal. What's the plan exactly? Is it simply to turn the entire city centre into an asylum shopper encampment?
  6. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Brought to you by the politicians/NGOs/shitlibs and assorted scum in Ireland inc. who think you're a racist for not wanting these animals living in your community. Remember that rabble who went out marching a few months ago? What was their slogan? 'Ireland for all'? Presumably that includes...
  7. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    I saw the lads heading in. All young men. Mostly African. No women as usual. It really is beyond disgusting that communities have to put up with this level of piss taking. Everyone knows it's a gigantic piss take but we're still forced to go along with it. And the fucking state of those fat...
  8. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

  9. F


    You support the drug dealers of the world pouring into the country under the guise of being "refugees" and being dumped in every town and village up and down the country. All men. No women. Ever. So shut up you stupid cunt.
  10. F

    Helen McEntee's Hate laws

    The "attack on communities" is the dumping of gangs of foreign men from war torn countries that aren't at war on unwilling communities, cheered on by scum like her out in her mansion in Meath. What do you expect from a useless careerist gobshite who got a sympathy vote and never did a day's...
  11. F

    Coolock say,s No.

    Another case of young men fleeing war torn Northern Ireland being dumped on a working class area, is it?
  12. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Can we discuss his whiskey soaked auld lad who used to knock Claire around the place?
  13. F


    Hey D@vey, I see you there on your dead site. Are you worried that the lad whose photo you've been posting knows where you live? Let's hope this Feeney chap and his wife pay your family home a visit. They know exactly where it is now :)
  14. F


    The land of the Diseased
  15. F


    Nothing showing in that link. Is it about a gay priest buggering boys?
  16. F


    Nah, older to know better adults pushing perversion on vulnerable young children are the worst - and they to all tend to be on the shitlib left side.
  17. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    I imagine very successful. The level of seething anger out there directed at politicians is unlike anything I've seen before.
  18. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    Well, this is inevitable when you transform a country. And it's only going to get much worse. With the kind of shitlib who revels in this kind of thing (of which there are many), you're really dealing with a diseased mind with absolutely no attachment to anything. Why would a person want to...
  19. F

    Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe

    And they're back Look at this Fine Gael mong: Asked where asylum seekers should go if they have not been provided accommodation but are not allowed to sleep in tents on the street, Geoghegan...

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