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  1. tldr


  2. tldr


    She looked into the Abyss and the Abyss looked back at her.
  3. tldr


    These would be relatively inexpensive aircraft that would be guided onto the target by air control, it would require skill alright but they could probably swing it. The debris question was undoubtedly an issue when propeller driver aircraft were the standard fare and I'm not sure that it's not...
  4. tldr


    Interesting reply, thank you. The tweet is from this report that Mad as Fish referred to above. Looks like the aircraft was speeding through the object it destroyed as it had to be close to fix on the target. Aircraft that perform better at lower speeds (ca. 100 mph) appear to be a better...
  5. tldr


    I was only speculating that they are using missiles rather than guns. The use of Harriers suggest that guns are an option. Missiles would be used to thin a large mob of drone with the remainder being shot down. These are V1s remember. In any case, the Americans have a large inventory of...
  6. tldr


    Probably means that night vision technology is being more broadly dispersed amongst the Russians. This was one of the advantages that the Ukrainians had, given the lack of resources for equipping the average Russian soldier. Being able to target a machine gun onto a boat on the open water...
  7. tldr


    Looks like it works, although with Harrier jets in this case. Poso must read the site and passed on the idea. Appears they're using Fox-2 infrared air to air missiles (sidewinders) which are a lot cheaper than ship air defense missiles. 'With seven drones falling victim to his Harrier’s...
  8. tldr


    Kept an eye on Democracy Now during the Dubya years so became quite familiar with them. More recently they've been taking outrageous Demovik positions - very Stickie-like - so a proper commie sect. Very similar to RTÉ really - closet Stalinist assholes. One should remember that the CCP have...
  9. tldr


  10. tldr


    The Russians aren't the good guys, neither are the Neocons. Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949. Article 13 - Humane treatment of prisoners Prisoners of war must at all times be humanely treated. Any unlawful act or omission by the Detaining...
  11. tldr


    Transnistria is a part of Moldova, not Romania. The prospect of EU membership will probably relax any calls for the incorporation of Moldova into Romania. The era of unrestricted Russian mafia activity is in the past. It's not the case that such entities can be used as a foreign policy...
  12. tldr


    I wouldn't get too worked up about it. The Ukraine invasion demonstrates that it requires masses of manpower to make any ground and this sort of manpower is not available in the West or in Russia. The kind of mobilisation shown in 'Enemy at the Gates' isn't useful in modern warfare. That...
  13. tldr


    I meant the countries surrounding the Baltic sea, so region in that sense.
  14. tldr


    When things settle down trade can start up again. This is an important region and we don't need it incinerated.
  15. tldr


    My view is that it sets a demarcation line. Thus far and no more. The sort of equipment that is deployed to fortifications are different to those deployed in active defensive lines (which are very similar to offensive components). This would mean that they would not have the excuse for large...
  16. tldr


    More on the defensive line of fortifications in the Baltic states. 'The new Baltic defensive line is aligned with NATO's updated "forward defense posture and deterrence by denial" approach, Lilleväli told reporters on Thursday, "with the aim of defending every inch of allied territory at all...
  17. tldr


    Well, you could say the same about Orwell during the Spanish Civil war but I take your point. I don't have anything else to add to this other than if I see escalations in the pipeline to note.
  18. tldr


    Reports are that the Ukrainians shot it down. Russians were flying a military transport plane North East of Belgorod (the city that has been shelled recently). A FR24 discussion reported that the Ukrainian MoD recently pulled a report saying that they did it, and are now denying it. Hard to...
  19. tldr


  20. tldr


    Seems sensible. They're beautiful places and remarkable people. Points to the drawing up of hard borders and expectations of escalation.

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