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  1. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But I did post as a reply. You are thinking of Declan and Myles.
  2. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    @Zipporah's Flint Can you explain why I got a 1 day ban for pointing out that other posters use more offensive language than "anti-vac wankers"? Is this embarrassment on your part for failing to do your job as mod? :unsure:
  3. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    I'm always talking sense Myles.
  4. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But are they in reality? In short, no, we should not be accepting those who don't follow our values or can't respect our laws. Also what are they seeking asylum from?
  5. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    What question, Val? I've already stated my opinion about immigration on this forum. It's the opposite of what you say. "I've said it before, we should have controlled immigration, points system etc. There is no doubt we need to look after asylum seekers. But they need to be real asylum...
  6. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Hamas would string them up from a lamppost in an instant. This is common knowledge if she bothered to find out.
  7. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Glad to see abuse of the custom title is over. Will baseless accusations of pedophilelia be next? :unsure:
  8. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    It's from the last fucking Census. If you're this gone, let's little point in discussing further.
  9. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Muslims constitute 1.62% of the country's population. There are more Ukrainians in Ireland than Muslims. You are being bat shit crazy here.
  10. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    ...from one single set of people with a burning desire for vengeance, I think you mean.
  11. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    They had many chances. In 1937, the Peel Commission proposed the partition of Palestine and the creation of an Arab state. In 1939, the British White Paper proposed the creation of a unitary Arab state. In 1947, the UN would have created an even larger Arab state as part of its partition plan...
  12. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    That's more a matter of a entirely different culture with far better technology overwhelming the indigenous population.
  13. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    I suppose someone will tell me what's its all about at some point.
  14. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    I still haven't watched it...can you give me a summary?
  15. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But not for for long, right? :D You'll be back at it again, changing it slightly, changing it again to what you want, hoping Dec won't catch you.
  16. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    Check out Wolf's custom title. "Kangal loves watching the auld child sex tapes." I thought you had PM'd this guy? Well hes basically saying, fuck you Dec.
  17. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But you just said I could report posters. When I can't. Caught out again, Dec. Keep allowing posters to accuse others of child abuse and keep on trucking. (y)
  18. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of a man who runs a site allegedly devoted to free speech. #cancelculture
  19. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read.

    But Declan, you removed my report button.
  20. Kangal

    General Chat For All To Read. Selective banning as usual.

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