Battle of Dublin, 23rd November 2023


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Sep 11, 2021
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Just a few thoughts on this possible turning point in the recent history of Ireland.


At midday on the above date an Algerian, presumed Muslim, stabbed three 5 year old girls and a teacher outside a Gaelscoil on Parnell Square on the North side of Dublin City. After the event a crowd gathered, partly onlookers of all nationalities, partly local working class Dubliners from the flat complexes in that area especially as rumours abounded that some of these were local children, and, in particular from approximately 7pm on, there was a general call for a protest by anti-mass immigration activists, who, in various shapes and forms, have been protesting on the subject around Dublin City for approximately a year.

There was some general bad feeling exchanged with the Gardaí on the scene – who were few enough initially – then some general debris was thrown at them, then somehow, as the crowd gathered to a thousand or a few thousand on nearby O'Connell Street, two Garda squad cars were simultaneously ignited on either end of that street. After that there was some period of general mayhem, with a lot of smoke and small explosions caused by the vehicles on fire – which in time included a bus and tram carriage – and bangers let loose among the crowd, but in particular the Gardaí aimed to clear that street by pushing the crowd from the Parnell monument towards the bridge and the South side.

At this charge by the Gardaí most fled in front of them, but some, perceiving their ranks not to be so great, and bearing in mind the wide streets here so that only a large force can completely seal all gaps, stood their ground and even pushed back. When this happened most that had fled started to come back and help out. Then the Gardaí charged again and the same pattern developed, and this happened a few times. At any rate most of the protesters dispersed off the side streets onto the South Side and it began to fizzle out from about 9.30pm on, although there remained a big Garda presence in the city for much of the night.

Who caused most of the damage, looting and arson etc?

There have been countless protests on this subject all around Ireland over the past year, and at absolutely none of them has there been the least trouble caused by any of the protesters – although a few times some injuries were caused by the Gardaí – so the question has to be asked, who set alight those vehicles and also looted the stores nearby? The looting seems to have been caused by some at the periphery of the protest, many of whom were foreign nationals themselves, as is obvious from some of the names released among those charged with looting.

At this point it should be noted too that at many of those earlier migration protests there has been a presence of some very young, about 15 year old, boys on bikes or scooters, who do sometimes threaten to cause trouble, like abusing foreign nationals they come across. They are always stopped by the rest of the crowd, with whom they don't engage very much, and they are also usually masked a bit by scarves etc. Who exactly they represent is hard to say, maybe they are just spoiling for a fight a bit, or are some engaged by the Gardaí as agent provocateurs, despite their young age? At any rate it was they that set the fires which really touched off this incident as a riot as opposed to a normal protest, as was explained to this writer by people involved and confirmed by the bus driver attacked, in an interview on RTE radio.

Government Tactics

If there was some underhand government action like this, the obvious question is what could they have to gain by such a riot? That answer is not hard to come by.

During this summer, almost for the first time in living memory, Irish people, concerned about upcoming legislation, had some impact on it, by at least delaying its passage through the Oireachtas. This is the Hate Speech Bill which, as articulated by good work by such as Professor Gerard Casey, Barrister Tracey O'Mahoney and Solicitor Sarah Hardiman, looks like an attempt by the government to seize power to destroy all Irish freedom of speech, on internet social networks at any rate. Certainly it would go a long way towards criminalizing any criticism of the complete open door/ mass immigration policies of the current regime. So while delayed in the summer it was reported a few weeks ago, by a member of the Oireachtas at a meeting in Kells Co. Meath on the subject, that the government are very determined to get it passed before the end of the year.

Then after this riot/protest we have a renewed push to get the legislation passed, as openly stated by the Taoiseach for example, and even accompanied by new totalitarian steps like laws to authorise the use of automatic AI facial recognition, and other draconian measures. Also this riot might just be used to usher in newer harsher policing steps against the mass immigration protesters, especially in Dublin, as, again, is openly stated by the current powers that be.

Hence deliberate cause and effect, is not so difficult to see here when we consider this 'agent provocateur' thesis.

Genuine Outrage of Dubliners

But this is by no means the only story of last Thursday. The native population of Dublin are in fact genuinely outraged and exasperated by government policy on the immigration issue, and that has boiled over with this attack. Many of these citizens, particularly females, are now afraid to walk streets that they were safe on a few months before and now a completely unprovoked stabbing of 5 year children in broad daylight on one of the main streets, has tipped things over the edge.

You can see that in the response of some of the people caught up in this incident, for example:
"My little 6 yr old relative attends the school attacked today in Dublin. Ok thank god but deeply traumatised. Call me a racist if you want, deportations for everyone who has arrived here in the last 5 years. GET OUT" (1)
And as regards the view of the mothers of the victims:
"Did you hear the Gardaí trying to force us to take to RTE and tell the public not to protest, if we don't have enough to deal with. Telling us ff/fg Michael Martin wants us to do this for Ireland, not 'how our kids' or 'we sorry we failed you'.
People, as my baby is in this hospital I'm asking you to stick with each other and protest, fucking protest, get this bastard out of here, pox Michael Martin and Leo."(2)

Sure, frequently, in fact usually, its very wrong for people to take to the streets over one particular emotional type episode, because these things can be very manipulated, especially by the media. But this type of random stabbing is not all that uncommon now, you hear reports of a unprovoked stabbing of an Irish person a week before in Dublin,(3) not long ago we had the same type of incident at Dublin airport, and elsewhere we had the beheading of two people in Sligo and a still largely unexplained stabbing on a canal bank in Offaly.

Of course all this has nothing to do with immigration, supposedly, deliberately ignoring a clear pattern of these incidents being perpetrated by immigrants, especially Muslims, which is the predominant religion of recent immigration, and very frequently, when it is by them it is covered up or played down by the Irish media. The people of Dublin knew it would be like this again, and are fed up with that pattern, they want answers to the questions that arise in these cases (for example its reported that the immigrant was earlier served with a deportation order, which was over turned for no given reason, and charged recently with knife offenses, which resulted in no follow up legal action it seems) and they want it highlighted and not covered up like so much recent crime by the new immigrants.
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Sep 11, 2021
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Opposition to Mass Immigration into Ireland

So actually it does have something to do with immigration and lets recap where we are on this subject: Beginning approximately at the start of this year at the East Wall district in Dublin, and then spreading all over Dublin and Ireland we have huge opposition to the current tidal wave of new immigrants been bused into accommodation (old and new) all over Ireland. You have for example mass meetings and protests on the subject in places as far apart as Killarney, Rosslare, Oughterard, Mullingar, etc etc. These well attended meetings are always replied to by the Taoiseach with the reassuring words, that the local communities have no right whatsoever to have any opinion on who lives there, and then the new migrants are bused in at the dead of night or pushed through the surrounding protesters. This sometimes doubles or triples the whole population in some of these villages and towns, including even Gaeltacht areas.

Incidentally, in case people are wondering, Irish planning laws are very strict and no one can re-purpose a building to accommodate people, for example, without local consent and a myriad of similar rules. Hence recently, as an example, in this local district a native person has been forced to pull down a small log cabin on their land, where they tried to live unobtrusively instead of emigrating to the US or Australia like so many native Irish people during this housing crisis. But in emergency legislation, the government has now completely abolished all planning requirements for housing recent immigrants until 2025.(4) The emergency of course is the war in Ukraine, although in practice virtually all recent migrants emerging off those buses etc turn out to be young Muslim males, from countries not at war.

As well as having no right to an opinion locally, the government has made sure that no opposition is allowed nationally either. There are for example no national public representatives, known to this writer at any rate, of about 200 in our National Parliament, who oppose mass immigration, even though opinion polls put that opposition at about 77% of the electorate. Whenever the Minister for Justice is asked why all immigration control seems to be suspended in Ireland, the standard reply is that:
"...for security reasons and to protect the integrity of the immigration system, both I and my Department do not comment on operational procedures of the Border Management Unit or the Garda National Immigration Bureau."(5)


This all boils down to a clash of ideas, two long term and very oft repeated government lines that are now wearing thin among Irish people in inner city Dublin especially, but in fact all over the country. Firstly it states that all opposition to mass migration is racist. We are getting the full wave of 'Critical Race Theory' here, how white people are slave owners and privileged etc etc. This is despite the fact that the Irish were a colonised people fighting against its yoke just like Africa and Asia. Also much of the history of Independent Ireland is tied up with the huge and successful efforts we made to bring education, health care, famine relief, etc, to the Third World, especially Africa, with great expenditure of scarce money, and comparatively huge numbers of personnel from a small country, in that endeavour. Furthermore there is no modern history of slavery in Ireland, except for those enslaved by Cromwell and sent to the West Indies, the first great wave of colonised slavery in the Americas.

Secondly the government line is that the great problems now facing Irish people, especially in housing but also fear in walking the streets, healthcare and education among others, have absolutely nothing to do with immigration, and to say so is being racist. So when Irish people queue up looking for a house behind a line of possibly hundreds of people from the Indian sub continent (incidentally many of these migrants are given 80,000 euro, and various other generous benefits, by the Irish government to come here (6)) and the other four corners of the world, they have to believe their housing problems have nothing to do with mass immigration, and much the same experience you will have if you use any other service in Ireland today.

The bottom line is that the Irish people, are not ashamed enough of being Irish to buy this endless 'racist' line, and not dumb enough to buy this 'nothing to do with immigration' line as regards housing etc.

Therefore the Irish government has actually a big problem on its hands. While indeed it controls, and is currently furiously working, the organs of propaganda in this country like all similar totalitarian states, it is rapidly losing the 'hearts and minds' of the people of Dublin and Ireland. No amount of endless talk about hooligans and dole scroungers (Irish people are routinely slandered that way while it is 'racist' to make any assumption that people are attracted to Ireland by very generous welfare arrangements, which are denied to the Irish) is going to change the fact that last Thursday the people of Dublin signaled they do not want any more of this mass migration into Ireland, and they carry the rest of the country with them.


2. As reported on numerous whatsapp groups.

3. See the twitter feed of Michael O'Keefe.

4. .

5. .

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Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I would point out that a "lakh" is 100000.

So 71 lakh rupee is 7100000 rupees. That is over 7 million rupees.

That is 86 thousand dollars.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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View attachment 3676
Just a few thoughts on this possible turning point in the recent history of Ireland.


At midday on the above date an Algerian, presumed Muslim, stabbed three 5 year old girls and a teacher outside a Gaelscoil on Parnell Square on the North side of Dublin City. After the event a crowd gathered, partly onlookers of all nationalities, partly local working class Dubliners from the flat complexes in that area especially as rumours abounded that some of these were local children, and, in particular from approximately 7pm on, there was a general call for a protest by anti-mass immigration activists, who, in various shapes and forms, have been protesting on the subject around Dublin City for approximately a year.

There was some general bad feeling exchanged with the Gardaí on the scene - who were few enough initially - then some general debris was thrown at them, then somehow, as the crowd gathered to a thousand or a few thousand on nearby O'Connell Street, two Garda squad cars were simultaneously ignited on either end of that street. After that there was some period of general mayhem, with a lot of smoke and small explosions caused by the vehicles on fire - which in time included a bus and tram carriage - and bangers let loose among the crowd, but in particular the Gardaí aimed to clear that street by pushing the crowd from the Parnell monument towards the bridge and the South side.

At this charge by the Gardaí most fled in front of them, but some, perceiving their ranks not to be so great, and bearing in mind the wide streets here so that only a large force can completely seal all gaps, stood their ground and even pushed back. When this happened most that had fled started to come back and help out. Then the Gardaí charged again and the same pattern developed, and this happened a few times. At any rate most of the protesters dispersed off the side streets onto the South Side and it began to fizzle out from about 9.30pm on, although there remained a big Garda presence in the city for much of the night.

Who caused most of the damage, looting and arson etc?

There have been countless protests on this subject all around Ireland over the past year, and at absolutely none of them has there been the least trouble caused by any of the protesters - although a few times some injuries were caused by the Gardaí - so the question has to be asked, who set alight those vehicles and also looted the stores nearby? The looting seems to have been caused by some at the periphery of the protest, many of whom were foreign nationals themselves, as is obvious from some of the names released among those charged with looting.

At this point it should be noted too that at many of those earlier migration protests there has been a presence of some very young, about 15 year old, boys on bikes or scooters, who do sometimes threaten to cause trouble, like abusing foreign nationals they come across. They are always stopped by the rest of the crowd, with whom they don't engage very much, and they are also usually masked a bit by scarves etc. Who exactly they represent is hard to say, maybe they are just spoiling for a fight a bit, or are some engaged by the Gardaí as agent provocateurs, despite their young age? At any rate it was they that set the fires which really touched off this incident as a riot as opposed to a normal protest, as was explained to this writer by people involved and confirmed by the bus driver attacked, in an interview on RTE radio.

Government Tactics

If there was some underhand government action like this, the obvious question is what could they have to gain by such a riot? That answer is not hard to come by.

During this summer, almost for the first time in living memory, Irish people, concerned about upcoming legislation, had some impact on it, by at least delaying its passage through the Oireachtas. This is the Hate Speech Bill which, as articulated by good work by such as Professor Gerard Casey, Barrister Tracey O'Mahoney and Solicitor Sarah Hardiman, looks like an attempt by the government to seize power to destroy all Irish freedom of speech, on internet social networks at any rate. Certainly it would go a long way towards criminalizing any criticism of the complete open door/ mass immigration policies of the current regime. So while delayed in the summer it was reported a few weeks ago, by a member of the Oireachtas at a meeting in Kells Co. Meath on the subject, that the government are very determined to get it passed before the end of the year.

Then after this riot/protest we have a renewed push to get the legislation passed, as openly
stated by the Taoiseach for example, and even accompanied by new totalitarian steps like laws to authorise the use of automatic AI facial recognition, and other draconian measures. Also this riot might just be used to usher in newer harsher policing steps against the mass immigration protesters, especially in Dublin, as, again, is openly stated by the current powers that be.

Hence deliberate cause and effect, is not so difficult to see here when we consider this 'agent provocateur' thesis.

Genuine Outrage of Dubliners

But this is by no means the only story of last Thursday. The native population of Dublin are in fact genuinely outraged and exasperated by government policy on the immigration issue, and that has boiled over with this attack. Many of these citizens, particularly females, are now afraid to walk streets that they were safe on a few months before and now a completely unprovoked stabbing of 5 year children in broad daylight on one of the main streets, has tipped things over the edge.

You can see that in the response of some of the people caught up in this incident, for example:

And as regards the view of the mothers of the victims:

Sure, frequently, in fact usually, its very wrong for people to take to the streets over one particular emotional type episode, because these things can be very manipulated, especially by the media. But this type of random stabbing is not all that uncommon now, you hear reports of a unprovoked stabbing of an Irish person a week before in Dublin,(3) not long ago we had the same type of incident at Dublin airport, and elsewhere we had the beheading of two people in Sligo and a still largely unexplained stabbing on a canal bank in Offaly.

Of course all this has nothing to do with immigration, supposedly, deliberately ignoring a clear pattern of these incidents being perpetrated by immigrants, especially Muslims, which is the predominant religion of recent immigration, and very frequently, when it is by them it is covered up or played down by the Irish media. The people of Dublin knew it would be like this again, and are fed up with that pattern, they want answers to the questions that arise in these cases (for example its reported that the immigrant was earlier served with a deportation order, which was over turned for no given reason, and charged recently with knife offenses, which resulted in no follow up legal action it seems) and they want it highlighted and not covered up like so much recent crime by the new immigrants.
Ireland deserves temporal punishment for voting overwhelmingly for abortion and so called ‘gay marriage’.

It’s no surprise that it’s falling apart at the seams.

‘Behold your secular utopia!’
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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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I would point out that = = the Battle of Dublin showed how Fragile the hold the Political Establishment / Other Establishment have = = It can all Fall so easily for them ! !


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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I would point out that = = the Battle of Dublin showed how Fragile the hold the Political Establishment / Other Establishment have = = It can all Fall so easily for them ! !
I’m not sure they care much about shops and buses. They seem to be just doubling down in response.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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I’m not sure they care much about shops and buses. They seem to be just doubling down in response.
Their Over-Reaction = = Actually = = Just Shows = = How Fragile Their Edifice Is.

It just goes to Show how Easily the Irish People can take back our Country if we want to = = The Question is = = Do we want to ? !

Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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Their Over-Reaction = = Actually = = Just Shows = = How Fragile Their Edifice Is.

It just goes to Show how Easily the Irish People can take back our Country if we want to = = The Question is = = Do we want to ? !
The state may attempt to draft @Myles O'Reilly back into the FCA and send him out with a stick to bate heads ......they certainly can't hold Dublin for very long without calling in reinforcements from outside areas .....even Donegal was activated last Thursday but stood down later on


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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The state may attempt to draft @Myles O'Reilly back into the FCA and send him out with a stick to bate heads ......they certainly can't hold Dublin for very long without calling in reinforcements from outside areas .....even Donegal was activated last Thursday but stood down later on
Ya see = = They are Fucked ! ! !

Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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Posting this on a couple of threads comments allowed of course .......I also understand sinn Fein were holding up a picture in the dail of some random dude sitting down on a step in central Dublin drinking a can :unsure:

Skin the Goat

Active member
Feb 14, 2023
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That's complete bollocks.
It's a deliberate misinterpretation of the "Our living islands" scheme which offers grants of up to €80,000 to existing Irish residents who purchase a property on one of the offshore islands and prove it is to be used as their principal residence.

But obviously some people are stupid enough to believe anything.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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It sounded daft alright.

But none of what you said makes sense either Goat. Is it anything to do with Indians or Pakis, yes or no?

Skin the Goat

Active member
Feb 14, 2023
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It sounded daft alright.

But none of what you said makes sense either Goat. Is it anything to do with Indians or Pakis, yes or no?

It's a scheme to try to get existing Irish residents to purchase and renovate properties on an offshore island, providing they move there permanently.

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