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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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He's the problem!
And there's no hiding it!
Very true, and appointing a half Jewish gay pretty boy as pm won't be doing him any favours with one of the major drawbacks being thug Leo panting for an invite to shag discuss world affairs with the latest encumbant.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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'ON WHETHER REASONS ARE NECESSARY: In considering a list of reasons that are often cited as requiring abortion to be available, saving the life of the mother was considered the most important reason.

Reasons for support for abortion included: To protect the life of the mother, 86%; in cases of rape and incest, 81%; if the baby has a life-threatening condition, 76%; if the baby has a medical condition that may be challenging; 74%; if the baby has a medical condition that will be costly, 61%; and if a woman is in an abusive relationship, 57%.

However, the following were NOT reasons for abortion support with the percentages indicating a NO vote: If a baby is NOT the desired sex, 78%; for any reason at all, 60%; if a woman is in a relationship that’s unlikely to last; if the father refuses to financially support the child, 57%; if a woman is in a relationship with someone she doesn’t want to keep seeing, 58%; or if the timing of the pregnancy is inconvenient, 54%.

BOTTOM LINE: When it comes to abortion, reasons matter for these youth voters. Finding the timing inconvenient, not liking the sex, or no longer being interested in the father is not enough to justify ending a life.

ON WHETHER ABORTION IS PAINFUL FOR WOMEN: The Youth Vote also rejects the talking point from abortion-supporting media and “feminist” groups that abortion is no big deal, without pain and suffering.

Asked How physically and emotionally painful do you believe abortions are for the women/mothers who experience them?”, most agree that abortion is a horrific event.

97% said that abortion was physically painful, with 42% saying “very painful.” Only 4% said it was not a physically painful event.

97% said that abortion was emotionally painful, with 60% saying that it was “very painful.” Only 2% thought that abortion was not an emotionally painful event.

Once again, women’s lived experience with abortion does not match Planned Parenthood’s hype.'

The YOUTH VOTE Doesn’t Support the Radical Abortion Agenda Democrats are Selling BUT Supports Limits on Abortion & Chemical Abortion Pill Safeguards - Demetree

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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There was talk on another thread about AI being discussed at the WEF, but I can't remember which one so I'll put this here .

I came across this article -

And the following comment upon it from elsewhere -

If they really mean what they are saying about formal proofs of correctness for all pattern learning systems, including LLMs, then they are actually saying that AI is now dead because this cannot be done from the patterns.

As I understand it, the gist is that that big tech is looking to develop self correcting AI which is basically an impossibility because the AI is simply a way of amassing/accessing large volumes of data, and then picking out the bits that are relevant, but to assure its correctness judgement and awareness is required, and despite being very clever, AI just can't do that.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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There was talk on another thread about AI being discussed at the WEF, but I can't remember which one so I'll put this here .

I came across this article -

And the following comment upon it from elsewhere -

If they really mean what they are saying about formal proofs of correctness for all pattern learning systems, including LLMs, then they are actually saying that AI is now dead because this cannot be done from the patterns.

As I understand it, the gist is that that big tech is looking to develop self correcting AI which is basically an impossibility because the AI is simply a way of amassing/accessing large volumes of data, and then picking out the bits that are relevant, but to assure its correctness judgement and awareness is required, and despite being very clever, AI just can't do that.
You're after nailing the core fallacy of machine learning.
It's a sophisticated database reader.
A great tool to help sift through material.
In the hands of someone who knows what they are doing.
Rubbish in Rubbish out.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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'The British government is adding fluoride to the drinking water of 1.6 million people as part of a scheme to “systematically” fluoridate much of the country’s water supply.

“Under new legislation, we have made it simpler to start new water fluoridation schemes,” confirmed Andrea Leadsom MP, the Minister for Public Health in Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government.


Sir Chris Witty, the Chief Medical Officer for England who pushed for lockdown restrictions during the Covid pandemic, argues that mass fluoridation will improve the nation’s dental health.'

UK Govt to Fluoridate Drinking Water of Millions of Britons. - The National Pulse


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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'A resolution introduced in the House last month calls for the US to drop the charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who faces up to 175 years in prison if extradited to the US and convicted for journalism that exposed US war crimes.

The bill, introduced by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), expresses “the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities, including the obtainment and publication of information, are protected under the First Amendment and that the federal government should drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange.”


Click here to find your representative, or call the House switchboard operator at (202) 224-3121. Tell them to support H.Res. 934 to protect the First Amendment and press freedom.'

Bill Introduced in House Calls for US to Drop Charges Against Julian Assange -

Watching the news about Navalny's death. It looks like a death caused by the harsh conditions of imprisonment rather than a murder - something like the conditions Solzhenitsyn described in the Gulag Archipelago.

So, Putin didn't order him killed - he died a surplus sudden death. The fact remains that he was sent to their worst prison out of pique and it was that decision which caused the chain of events that saw him pass prematurely.

It has been roundly condemned in Western media - BBC and Sky News were particularly animated by it. It is very strange that the very similar case of Julian Assange - who is clearly a political prisoner - is avidly avoided or smirked at by those who feel embittered by HRC's loss in 2016.

The original charges brought against him have proven empty and now he is charged with a specifically political crime - namely the exposure of the SNAFU in Iraq. We'll see how the British Justice system does - this has gone on for so long that we're at a nanometer scale now.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Didn't the Stickies lobotomise him when they blew part of his brains out during the Troubles?

John Taylor, former Unionist MP and Deputy Leader of the UUP. Severely wounded in 1972 when he was shot in an assassination attempt by the Official IRA.​

John Taylor, former Unionist MP and Deputy Leader of the UUP. Severely wounded in 1972 when he was shot in an assassination attempt by the Official IRA.
View this item online at Boston College

Shot outside the supermarket, the way he slumped in the car saved his life

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