Conflicts, and potential conflicts, that could explode into WWIII


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Sep 11, 2021
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This article claims no attempt at futurology, who knows which or any of these will blow up as the beginning of WWIII, but hopefully in discussing these countries readers might gain a few insights into what this writer feels are the policies of the globalists, the real movers and shakers in modern world politics.


Similar to diamonds, the whole wealth of the oil industry is based on it being, or perceived to be, rare and about to run out, even though it actually is neither. This was understood by the great oil industry magnates as long ago as 1892, as explained here by people like Leroy Fletcher Prouty.(1) So it seems no accident that countries that find extensive oil reserves also seem to soon run into political/military conflict, which prevents their oil reserves coming on stream globally, apart from Muslim countries and some others whose wealth is boosted by the Globalists for specific reasons.

Another issue is that, again from the 19th century, oil has been denominated in dollars. This means that as oil became very widespread in modern economies across the world (not just in fuel, but also in plastics etc) its exalted price allowed the US government to borrow heavily across the world in dollars. (US government debt in practice is what many countries around the world need to have to pay for the oil, hence creating an artificial demand for it.) Therefore, until recently anyway, a high oil price, which generally means a cap on oil supply, is a critical US strategic aim, although it tends to be disguised by much talk of Arab countries and OPEC etc.

Which brings us to Guyana, the thinly populated former British colony which stretches from the Amazon rain forest to the North East coast of South America. Although a small country it is now a huge supplier of oil to Europe, in some respects almost replacing Russia in that market, with many reserves still to come on stream. Also the country that might attack it, Venezuela, is also sitting on some of the largest oil supplies in the word and for much of the 20th century was one of the leading oil producers in the Americas. Venezuela – a country under a practical Communist government, and as with pretty much all such countries in time, it is collapsing with even food shortages etc – has held a referendum claiming the huge province of Esequibo from Guyana, raising the distinct prospect of war between them.

If this was to happen it would probably lead to the cancellation of all oil exports from both countries, as a result of damage from war or sanctions.


This country is obviously already at war with Russia but it remains quite possible – even likely – that the war will extend further, maybe even with a Russian invasion of Central or Western Europe. Consider this recent tweet by President Macron of France:
“We negotiated as best we could, the Minsk agreements, and other stories, but there’s nothing to discuss with Russia, Ukraine must win. French troops will be in Ukraine. There will be no red lines. I am the president of this country called France, and I decide.”(2)
With statements like that are the European powers not asking for war with Russia, and why would anybody assume it will be confined to Ukraine? Meanwhile the power of Russia as it towers over Europe is immense, especially when you consider the very rundown state of most Western European armies, and now with so much of their equipment destroyed in Ukraine. It has been pointed out for example with respect to the recent additions to the Russian army:
“Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announces the creation of 2 new ground armies, with 16 new brigades & 14 new divisions. As @noclador points out, that’s more than the combined armies of Germany, UK, France, Poland, Spain, Netherlands and Sweden.”(3)

Personally I think that most of continental Europe has been promised to Russia for Occult reasons. Because it is a reward for their work in fostering Communism around the world in the past, the closest system to the totalitarian world state they now hope to create. For the same reason its possible that some Western countries have been promised to China, like Australia and Canada possibly.

Yes, for what its worth, I think at a very high level the world does turn according to an Occult agenda by strange but powerful Luciferian cults. I am sure that will surprise many but if one cares to study these subjects, you cannot but find the Occult at the top of the power structure and they do make strange long term decisions like this.(4)


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Sep 11, 2021
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I think there are about three long term issues involved in the Israel/Gazan war which obviously broke out in late 2023.

Israel’s strong sense of identity a problem for the Globalists
a) Firstly you have the usual, and obvious, long term aim of the Globalists of destroying independent countries. Clearly if they are going to create an overarching world government, it will involve the destruction of most of the sovereignty of all now independent countries.

They might have anticipated major opposition, only from those countries with strong religious or cultural identities. The question of a country, or race’s, identity, is a very important one and I think is worth considering for a second. In some ways you could frame this issue in a simple question:

Why, if the globalists control countries like the US, do they not send in their armies and invade the various countries around the world and get world government that way?

Well Hitler did that for Europe in the 1940s but he wasn’t able to hold it. You should picture in your minds eye that scene in Casablanca, a contemporary film where some French exiles from the fall of France gathered around the piano and belted out the Marseillaise. You see its easy to take over a country, but a lot harder to hold it if the people are patriotic and nationalistic minded.

So the modern thinking, and you can see this explained by people like Yuri Bezmenov the KGB defector, is to wear down a countries nationalistic fervour before invading.(5) So instead of French people passionately asserting their country’s great influence over the world of learning and civilisation generally, the globalists will promote the idea that they were all slave traders, etc etc. You get the general idea, you root out the source of pride in ones country, and it can take 30 years, only after which you invade.

But the greatest push in pursuit of this idea of destroying a countries identity, is certainly the mass immigration tactic. If you can picture now new French emigres huddled over the piano like in Casablanca, they will now be a hodge podge of nationalities from all over the world, with really no deep grá for France and no wish to sing the Marsellais!

Now lets go back to Israel. It is a country that flat out refuses to take in immigrants that are not the same religion/race as Israel itself, and the country also has huge nationalistic and religious ties to the land it occupies, even by reviving the Hebrew language. Hence, unlike so many observers, I don’t think Israel is a popular country for the Globalists and so I think a lot of what is going on now is the destruction of Israel, both in its standing in the world and quite possibly simply as any sort of independent country. Yes its true that they are committing atrocities in Gaza but they obviously have a totally corrupt government, like most around the world, which are I think deliberately discrediting their country and marching it to its destruction.

Globalist support for the rise of Islam
b) As pointed out, we seem to march internationally to an Occult agenda, and I think one obvious aim of the Occult is the destruction of the Christian religion. For that they need allies, and I believe they have supported Islam over a long period of time, simply to use them about now as the hammer to destroy Judaism but particularly Christianity.

Hence the war in Gaza has energised and united world Islam, ready for a serious push against Israel and maybe Christianity in Europe where many Islamic groups are now based? Maybe we could end up with an Islamic uprising in Europe, similar to the Black Lives Matter uprising in the US a few years ago but in this case presumably involving widespread destruction of Christian symbols and institutions, which are obviously anathema to Islam. One wonders as well what will be the role of Turkey in this, by far the largest NATO army in Europe which could possibly invade Europe as part of this kind of uprising?

Occult Significance
c) But it seems the Holy Land, specifically Gaza and the Temple Mount, have great significance for Occult groups and maybe they have all along planned for the events we are now witnessing to herald in some event of Occult importance. If one researches the matter you can hear about Occult ceremonies taking place in tunnels underneath Temple Mount In Jerusalem, and talk of sacrificing red heifers there (which apparently are already in Israel) and you will find out that Gaza was a leading castle and base of the Knights Templars in that area. That group of course are important to modern Occult/Masonic groups.(6)

Bill Cooper was a well known researcher into the political elite, famous for exposing the extra terrestrial aliens phenomenon as really a hoax by the Occult groups, but anyway on Israel he said, based on his extensive contacts in that area and among US intelligence agencies:
“What role in the Middle East again does Israel play in this?
Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the fulfilment of prophecy. A war that will be so terrible where nuclear weapons will be used so that the American citizens and the other people in the world would get down on their knees and beg for no more war and what is the answer to that?
They’re going to be told the only way we can guarantee no more war is if we destroy the sovereignty of nations and we come together as one humanity in a One World Government.”(7)
If nuclear weapons are to be used as part of this war now, it will presumably happen via a conflict with Iran, who are already supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon.

North Korea

As part of the push towards a world government, it might have been felt that some countries would specifically need to be ‘taken out’ because they are very independent now and intend staying so no matter what changes in the future. The ‘hermit Kingdom’ of North Korea is an obvious example of this and maybe that is the simple reason why it could be now in the crosshairs of the Globalists.

Also if there was to be war in Korea it could act like Ukraine has done for much of Europe, an excuse to destroy immigration laws in the face of mass immigration pressures caused by war. Some countries in Asia, like Japan and South Korea, have retained their identity, in a way that the Globalists dislike as previously explained, so maybe they could be urged to scrap such immigration laws after a war on their doorstep in Korea.

A simple further point is that North Korea has been held up internationally as a totally pariah state, for decades now, so if the Globalists wish to take some extreme step, e.g. explode an EMP type bomb across North America, they can always blame North Korea and most people will believe them. (North Korea now has satellites which on occasion circle North America, and could be claimed therefore as a platform for an EMP strike, whether true or not.)


Guesses these are, but for what its worth this writer thinks there will be at least a short WWIII soon enough. It will probably happen because of what Bill Cooper stated earlier, it provides a good platform for a world government. Like the modern EU, the Globalists will always claim that this destruction of sovereignty is needed to maintain peace between countries. Think of the League of Nations and then the United Nations, obviously both key steps in the creation of some form of world government, and both claimed to be necessary to maintain peace after a world war. So, if you are a globalist with the aim of creating a world government, you bring about such a war.

by Brian Nugent




4. For example you could read this about Australia: , or the Toronto Protocols:
, or the great links of the Occult with the big Intelligence Agencies detailed by people like Leo Zagami: .


6. For example you can listen to Leo Zagami, formerly of the Occult world, talking about the Occult importance of the Temple Mount and Gaza here:

7. .
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Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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Globalists, of whom many are Jews, and one can presume virtually all are Zionists, want Israel destroyed?

Sorry but that makes zero sense.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, as I have scribbled elsewhere, I think the Globalists at their core are Occultists, not Jewish. Sure there are many of them that masquerade under various religions, including Catholicism, Islam and Judaism, e.g. the Rothschilds, Soroses etc, but they are actually Luciferians. As such they hate all religions other than their own, but they see some value in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism etc, which are closest to theirs.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Yes, as I have scribbled elsewhere, I think the Globalists at their core are Occultists, not Jewish. Sure there are many of them that masquerade under various religions, including Catholicism, Islam and Judaism, e.g. the Rothschilds, Soroses etc, but they are actually Luciferians. As such they hate all religions other than their own, but they see some value in Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism etc, which are closest to theirs.

The destruction of Al-Aqsa and the building of a Temple for the Antichrist is a goal not just of Religious Zionism but also of Freemasonry.

Anyone who believes in "Israel's right to exist" is essentially serving the Antichrist if they argue for it.

The the reason that Jerusalem was declared an international city in the 1947 partition plan which legalized the Zionist entity was down to lobbying from the Vatican and even than the Vatican only recognized the Zionist entity- within the borders given to it in 1947 by the UN- in the 1990s.

Christ rejecting- not just rejecting but hating- Jews controlling Palestine in general but the Temple Mount in particular is very much a sign of the End Times.


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Sep 11, 2021
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I suspect I have lost a lot of people talking so much about the Occult above but I just don't think a proper analysis of the situation, especially in Israel, is complete without considering it. Here is another person, George Green, talking a bit like Bill Cooper above after his experiences interacting with the elite in the mid 1970s:


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Russian found an exploded shell that had Serbian markings that had been sold to the Sudan but had someway found its way back to Ukraine.

Recently the French reported that 40% of all its artillery capability had already sent to the Ukraine.

That French commitment of ground troops to the Ukraine would be around 1500 to 2000 men.

What is this third world war to be fought with?

The US is ever pulling back from global commitments.

There will be no 'world war' rather regional conflicts that have continued just like before.

but poured over by bored interent observers who are beyond soccer for teams to root for.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Drones, Planes, Missiles & Armies, oh . . . And Nato! There's 50+ Armies training every year for it - You Know?
the french Army got kicked out of North Africa
The US army got kicked out of Afghanistan
The US are currently running depleted regiments as are the British army
They can't recruit sufficient replacements.
French soldiers are leaving at the faster rate than they are being recruited.
The Western world can't staff armies and they have spent through their equipment and their industrial base is such that they cannot arm for major wars.

So all this talk of world war is nonsense but does make for distracting and exciting internet content.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
The Western world can't staff armies and they have spent through their equipment and their industrial base is such that they cannot arm for major wars.

So all this talk of world war is nonsense but does make for distracting and exciting internet content.

Nonsense? But sure the World is at War and the West declares so every day.

There's plenty of distraction & excitement felt on the streets & homes throughout the land as we accommodate the refugees just from those individual wars which add up to - WW3. We're already paying for and escalating it.

Currently Russia's being attacked with no end in sight. They've stated made clear their 'Red line' warnings and are facing the military might of 50+ armies who show no sign of quitting but are pushing on relentlessly.

Nukes flying happens at a later stage but for now the fighting continues as do the threats to the Chinese, Asians and Middle Easterners.

It seems like nonsense🤨 to suggest that the Americans & Nato were "kicked out" when they still operate their bases in Afghanistan.

Idi O'Min

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Jun 24, 2022
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Taiwan could be in trouble. They have hitech semiconductors. I'll see if I can get brendon o connell video on this.


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Sep 11, 2021
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He is good, but he predicted that the Ukes would crush the Russians using hi-tech


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Sep 11, 2021
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"There will be no 'world war' rather regional conflicts that have continued just like before."

Thats a reasonable way of looking at it, why not just look at these as regional conflicts with no unity between them?

But whatever happens will be to the Globalists advantage, and as pointed out at the end there, they need a global war to present their global solution, i.e. a world government. Thats why I think it will end up as a world war.

Also the second track in their thinking - the first is that want issues that get people thinking in a global way - is to latch onto excuses for them to create a totalitarian type state. War is wonderful for that, conscription, war time censorship, military on the streets to close down protests etc etc. Right now there is a bill going through the Oireachtas which will make illegal any criticism of government policy by members of the armed forces, so if they get half the population in such forces, via conscription, then voila you have a beautiful framework for a totalitarian state.

For example you do know that Denmark has just announced a major extension of their conscription program, which for the first time will conscript women?


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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America's oil is light grade, not suitable for diesel. OK for petrol etc. They export a lot of it and impost the heavier oil. Without imported oil America would have to change engines back to petrol which is inefficient.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Yes the Norman Dodd interview is very good and important, I saw it before alright.

Oil Price
Just on the question of the oil price and US aims, this is an interview in the Observer with the important Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani, and remember this is also about the time when they took the dollar off the gold standard, and hence needing to support it in a big way:
“His voice quickens further when he reminisces about the era of great oil diplomacy in the Seventies and his contemporary, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
At this point he makes an extraordinary claim: ‘I am 100 per cent sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in real trouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them.’
He says he was convinced of this by the attitude of the Shah of Iran, who in one crucial day in 1974 moved from the Saudi view, that a hike would be dangerous to Opec because it would alienate the US, to advocating higher prices.
‘King Faisal sent me to the Shah of Iran, who said: “Why are you against the increase in the price of oil? That is what they want? Ask Henry Kissinger - he is the one who wants a higher price”.’
Yamani contends that proof of his long-held belief has recently emerged in the minutes of a secret meeting on a Swedish island, where UK and US officials determined to orchestrate a 400 per cent increase in the oil price."
(Brian Nugent, In Defence of Conspiracy Theories (Corstown, 2008), p.240-1.)

Israel in the crosshairs
I am sure Ruck Da Fules is not the only one who objects to my characterising the Jews and Israel as, among others, the victims here. But watch for example the media coverage of the Gaza war. They all start off saying that Israel has the right to exist and defend itself etc but then dive into every Israeli atrocity with great relish. There is no doubt about it, alongwith earlier Israeli actions, these atrocities get way more publicity than say the Russians in Grozny or the Americans in Raqqa. Yes I know this version is not put forward in most 'right-wing' alternative media but I think the Powers That Be have their hooks in there too and could be deliberately misdirecting you.

One interesting twist is that for the last few decades Israel, and to a large degree Jews themselves, have been invited to place one foot of their identity onto the rotten plank of the Holocaust narrative. I don't think the latter stands up to historical scrutiny at all, so if the Globalists wanted to crash Jewish identity now they could expose that flawed narrative.

They must be tempted to do that, and are doing it on alternative media, but the problem arises with the country for which that saga was directed, Germany. When the allied powers conquered Germany in 1945 they aimed to keep it that way, and to do that they needed to crash the German identity, so you get the Holocaust and it has been wonderful in consolidating US/UK (and earlier USSR) influence there ever since. So if you mess with that narrative now you threaten to awaken German nationalism, and they wouldn't want that.

Anyway, the point is that the game the Globalists play more than anything now, is that they try to crash every countries identity and so smoothing the path to an overall world government.

In Ireland for example Michael Martin popularised the phrase the 'dark Catholic past' at the time when the report on the Mother and Baby Homes came out, and this phrase was picked up and repeated by some Catholic blogs that you might have thought were on our side. That obviously kills two birds with one stone, the Church (which is important to knock for the purpose of brainwashing people into worshiping the state and its laws instead) and old Irish society in general so that we are ashamed of our past etc.

They also correctly say that the Irish identity is mostly rural, so they get in there and among the donkeys and Aran sweaters in movies they depict an absolutely horrible society, hoping to crash the identity again. In fact they could roll out on 'comedy' shows and other fora, rural personalities who are stupid, inbred and constantly talking about slurry, as part of this identity bashing.

That is a big part of the modern Globalist - and hence intelligence agency - agenda in my view.

Idi O'Min

Well-known member
Jun 24, 2022
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Yes the Norman Dodd interview is very good and important, I saw it before alright.

Oil Price
Just on the question of the oil price and US aims, this is an interview in the Observer with the important Saudi oil minister Sheikh Yamani, and remember this is also about the time when they took the dollar off the gold standard, and hence needing to support it in a big way:

Israel in the crosshairs
I am sure Ruck Da Fules is not the only one who objects to my characterising the Jews and Israel as, among others, the victims here. But watch for example the media coverage of the Gaza war. They all start off saying that Israel has the right to exist and defend itself etc but then dive into every Israeli atrocity with great relish. There is no doubt about it, alongwith earlier Israeli actions, these atrocities get way more publicity than say the Russians in Grozny or the Americans in Raqqa. Yes I know this version is not put forward in most 'right-wing' alternative media but I think the Powers That Be have their hooks in there too and could be deliberately misdirecting you.

One interesting twist is that for the last few decades Israel, and to a large degree Jews themselves, have been invited to place one foot of their identity onto the rotten plank of the Holocaust narrative. I don't think the latter stands up to historical scrutiny at all, so if the Globalists wanted to crash Jewish identity now they could expose that flawed narrative.

They must be tempted to do that, and are doing it on alternative media, but the problem arises with the country for which that saga was directed, Germany. When the allied powers conquered Germany in 1945 they aimed to keep it that way, and to do that they needed to crash the German identity, so you get the Holocaust and it has been wonderful in consolidating US/UK (and earlier USSR) influence there ever since. So if you mess with that narrative now you threaten to awaken German nationalism, and they wouldn't want that.

Anyway, the point is that the game the Globalists play more than anything now, is that they try to crash every countries identity and so smoothing the path to an overall world government.

In Ireland for example Michael Martin popularised the phrase the 'dark Catholic past' at the time when the report on the Mother and Baby Homes came out, and this phrase was picked up and repeated by some Catholic blogs that you might have thought were on our side. That obviously kills two birds with one stone, the Church (which is important to knock for the purpose of brainwashing people into worshiping the state and its laws instead) and old Irish society in general so that we are ashamed of our past etc.

They also correctly say that the Irish identity is mostly rural, so they get in there and among the donkeys and Aran sweaters in movies they depict an absolutely horrible society, hoping to crash the identity again. In fact they could roll out on 'comedy' shows and other fora, rural personalities who are stupid, inbred and constantly talking about slurry, as part of this identity bashing.

That is a big part of the modern Globalist - and hence intelligence agency - agenda in my view.
Have you seen the Kay Griggs interview from the late nineties?


Active member
Feb 19, 2023
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The destruction of Al-Aqsa and the building of a Temple for the Antichrist is a goal not just of Religious Zionism but also of Freemasonry.

Anyone who believes in "Israel's right to exist" is essentially serving the Antichrist if they argue for it.

The the reason that Jerusalem was declared an international city in the 1947 partition plan which legalized the Zionist entity was down to lobbying from the Vatican and even than the Vatican only recognized the Zionist entity- within the borders given to it in 1947 by the UN- in the 1990s.

Christ rejecting- not just rejecting but hating- Jews controlling Palestine in general but the Temple Mount in particular is very much a sign of the End Times.
Well l never! A temple just for Me?


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Sep 11, 2021
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I remember that interview as well and did see bits of it, but I think the full thing is about 3 hours and I don't believe I saw it all.

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