Disease X


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Sep 3, 2022
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That's not quite what he says , but still, the fellow is trying to big himself as being as very very clever by mumbling on about AI, as if he knows the first thing about it.

I have been trying to follow developments in the field in another place and I am getting the strong vibes that its all starting to fall apart as the expectations are not being realised in reality. AI sounds all very important and futuristic but limitations are beginning to appear it seems. Don't ask me for a deeper explanation, it's just what I manage to skim off the surface.
On the subject of AI
It's exposing a lot of fake research.
Watch this develop!


Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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On the subject of AI
It's exposing a lot of fake research.
Watch this develop!

Some good news at last, I wonder how many other 'scientists' will be looking over their shoulders, especially in the fields of covid and climate change where there has been ample reward for those that come up with the right results.
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Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Some good news at last, I wonder how many other 'scientists' will be looking over their shoulders, especially in the fields of covid and climate change where there has been ample reward for those that come up with the right results.
Won't be so social.
In the social sciences to start the ball rolling.
But this has been a growing issue for at least 3 decades.
And it could also impact perfectly good work as well.
There's going to be a lot of reputations tarnished .
More so with folk's who reviewed the information.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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On the subject of AI
It's exposing a lot of fake research.
Watch this develop!

The replication crisis except it's turned out above that the data was manipulated rather than misinterpreted.

There was another case in Stanford from last year (below).

Given the lack of integrity of the disgraced former President of Harvard, and the expectations normally ascribed to such positions, one wonders how far the universities and associated research facilities have degenerated.

'The president of Stanford University has resigned after an investigation opened by the board of trustees found several academic reports he authored contained manipulated data.

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, who has spent seven years as president, authored 12 reports that contained falsified information, including lab panels that had been stitched together, panel backgrounds that were digitally altered and blot results taken from other research papers.


Although Tesser-Lavigne is stepping down as president, effective Aug. 31, he will remain a Stanford faculty member and continue his research on brain development and neurodegeneration.'

Stanford president resigns after fallout from falsified data in his research - NPR


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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The replication crisis except it's turned out above that the data was manipulated rather than misinterpreted.

There was another case in Stanford from last year (below).

Given the lack of integrity of the disgraced former President of Harvard, and the expectations normally ascribed to such positions, one wonders how far the universities and associated research facilities have degenerated.

'The president of Stanford University has resigned after an investigation opened by the board of trustees found several academic reports he authored contained manipulated data.

Marc Tessier-Lavigne, who has spent seven years as president, authored 12 reports that contained falsified information, including lab panels that had been stitched together, panel backgrounds that were digitally altered and blot results taken from other research papers.


Although Tesser-Lavigne is stepping down as president, effective Aug. 31, he will remain a Stanford faculty member and continue his research on brain development and neurodegeneration.'

Stanford president resigns after fallout from falsified data in his research - NPR
Grants and prestige.
Rather than knowledge and integrity.
Bar the snobbery of having Harvard ,Yale John Hopkins etc on the resume.
As a parent you'd wonder why waste your money?
Woke plagiarism and manipulation of research seems to be the order of the day
Oh tldr it would be just as accurate to say reputation crisis as much as replication crisis now that I think of it.
Hard to salvage that and the massive endowments these places have.
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Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I had a somewhat unsettling encounter yesterday. I was coming out of a Diner and coming in was an older lady who would always greet me gregariously. But she did not look at me and she was a little feeble. So I said hi Mae is that you, I had not seen her for maybe 2 years or so. Totally blank. I said, it is Declan, from the Irish Pastoral Center. Total blank and no attempt to figure me out.
The man with her, presumably her husband, just ignored me and they went inside. I would not have known the husband and maybe never met him.

Obviously I am aware of dementia and alzheimers but it was the first time I saw it up close.

I now wonder is there a protocol. Is a person supposed to just ignore and is it a big no no to try to prompt the victim to try to remember.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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I had a somewhat unsettling encounter yesterday. I was coming out of a Diner and coming in was an older lady who would always greet me gregariously. But she did not look at me and she was a little feeble. So I said hi Mae is that you, I had not seen her for maybe 2 years or so. Totally blank. I said, it is Declan, from the Irish Pastoral Center. Total blank and no attempt to figure me out.
The man with her, presumably her husband, just ignored me and they went inside. I would not have known the husband and maybe never met him.

Obviously I am aware of dementia and alzheimers but it was the first time I saw it up close.

I now wonder is there a protocol. Is a person supposed to just ignore and is it a big no no to try to prompt the victim to try to remember.
I think you did your bit / thing ~ ~ I doubt there is anything that you can do ~ Unless it's you that's gone a bit do-lally ! ! !

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