Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe


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Sep 11, 2021
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There exists in this country a gigantic Borg of well heeled, bourgeois trendies who are completely out of touch with the plain people of the country and their concerns surrounding mass immigration of men from war torn countries that aren't at war.

RTE is one cog in the filthy machine. How many of their employees/contractors live in areas that have had gangs of foreign men dumped on them? I imagine very few. Have you been to the plush suburbs in South Dublin where so many of these people live? I regularly cycle through them and the first thing one notices is just how few foreign people there are. Even the shops have mostly Irish staff.

Contrast that with somewhere like the north inner city which has been transformed by mass immigration in a very short space of time. If you walk from Connolly Station up to Smithfield the chances are you won't hear an Irish accent. Who wants that exactly?

These people are completely embedded into every institution of the State. Their primary concerns are concerns that aren't shared by the majority of people in the country. In other words, they live such comfortable lives that they have the luxury of obsessing over non-issues that most people couldn't two fucks about (e.g. LGBT mania or any other trendy cause they can hitch their wagon to).

Mass immigration is really a class issue. What you're seeing now is the non-bourgeois trendies fighting back. The mass dumping of foreign men on settled communities was the final straw.

All power to the lads in Newtownmountkennedy and elsewhere.
Excellent post. My friends from university are all in exactly this boat. Heading smallish companies and one is president of what used to be the rtc in Galway. They are in cloud cuckoo land.

Jim Beam

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Mar 10, 2023
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Excellent post. My friends from university are all in exactly this boat. Heading smallish companies and one is president of what used to be the rtc in Galway. They are in cloud cuckoo land.
As are people I know with a university education, almost to a man and woman they believe all of these migrants coming here are as pure as the driven snow and unlimited numbers of them are entitled to a new life paid entirely from our resources.

You can't reason with them. I've tried to point out to them that a state, not least one of about 5m people and about 2.2m taxpayers, can fund indefinitely the lives of unlimited numbers of people with no employable skills or experience. That state will eventually collapse into chaos or anarchy. It has nothing to do with any ism, fascism, nationalism or socialism, it's just basic common sense.

I'd expect people of their level of education and years on the earth to be able to figure this stuff out and to behave like grown-ups, not 14 year old spotty teenagers whose worldview begins and ends with John Lennon's Imagine. Some of them I've known since that age and without a doubt, they have intellectually degenerated, their minds infested with this woke crap. They are in echo chambers from which they can't, or more accurately, won't get out.

Politics in this country and all over the West will split on this woke shite. I don't think politics will sort it out. Some day there'll have to be a reckoning if these stubborn woke clowns don't back down.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I joined a whatsapp group of about 25 of my class mates. I was notorious in uni. Anyway, one lad greeted me and one lad even called me and we spoke for about an hour.

The rest seem brain dead and they don't even take to one another. They are zombies and they all are engineers , some with PhD. I cant believe it. Only when someone croaks will they issue the usual rip or worse, are Doris dé a anam or some such shite.

I have a buddy, in LA from the class, he agrees, they all are in some sort of trace. Worried solely about global warming and such tripe.

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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I have to say that when people lose their native language, they can usually be bought very cheaply. Ireland is an extraordinary fragile concept at this stage. I'm not saying it's not real - it's very real - but very very fragile. The anti-Irish elements have been trying to destroy the Gaelic core of Ireland for centuries. They are hoping that mass immigration will finally put Gaelic Ireland in the grave. Over on and I'd say about half the posters openly admit that they want to see the end of Gaelic Ireland, and for Ireland to be 100% within the Anglosphere.

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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Orban said Soros’ plans went against what all the Christian and conservative leaders of the EU want.
While Orban is by far the best European leader on this issue, he still doesn't go far enough. Even in the 1930s, the German National Socialist and Workers Party felt it was necessary to take one quarter of a couple's mortgage off with each child. In effect, on the fourth child the house was theirs. And we are now in an almost infinitely worse position than in the 1930s.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Dont forget to vote Independent in Laois. Aontu slipped up not getting his lad


Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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If those 3 spooks showed up at my property to "canvas" they would be seen of by the business end of the side by side .........where the fuck do these people get off :mad:

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