Origins Thread


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Jan 11, 2023
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How does a vertical tree trunk manage to fossilize itself through multiple strata of rock, when the official narrative is that said strata take eons to be laid down on top of one another?

Is the official geologic timeline Bollox?


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Jun 14, 2023
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How does a vertical tree trunk manage to fossilize itself through multiple strata of rock, when the official narrative is that said strata take eons to be laid down on top of one another?

Is the official geologic timeline Bollox?
Normally this is explained away as being a result of tectonic activity, however there are clearly examples where this is a poor explanation.
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Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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I think that calls for a thread of it's own. I have noticed that parts of the Ruling Elites in the West want to revive the type of "Muscular" (Theologically) Liberal Protestantism that you had in England between the last third of Victoria's reign to World War I and in Germany during the Wilhelmine Era. The thing is that the only Liberal Protestant thinkers of the 20 th century of real meat and merit- Paul Althaus and Emanuel Hirsch- were both not just members of the NSADP but avowed Hitlerites (particularly the latter who I think was the most talented). I find people like Dawkins wanting to cynically use Christianity for their own (sinister?) purposes smacks actually of Antichrist.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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His influence is mainly over the Novus Ordo church of paganism.

Do you mean people still claim to be Catholics or actual Witches?

In England and France I know outside of people in their 80s and 70s no one who claims to be Catholic is interested in him but actual Witches are interested in him.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Do you mean people still claim to be Catholics or actual Witches?

In England and France I know outside of people in their 80s and 70s no one who claims to be Catholic is interested in him but actual Witches are interested in him.
All of the priests formed since the 1960’s have been taught based on his ideas.

My uncle was a priest. His ordination card had Teilhard pictured and quoted on the back.


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Sep 11, 2021
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The Occult world claim the Jesuits as part of their realm now, because of the influence of Teilhard, hence what Zipporah says about real witches quoting him is unfortunately quite believable.


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Mar 13, 2023
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Do you mean people still claim to be Catholics or actual Witches?

In England and France I know outside of people in their 80s and 70s no one who claims to be Catholic is interested in him but actual Witches are interested in him.
The concept of witches and witchcraft is very modern. Historically, most women who were considered witches were simply isolated poor women living in the outskirts of poverty because their husbands died early in the game. Often times they would take small mammals etc as pets, for company, which is where the concept of familiars comes from.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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The concept of witches and witchcraft is very modern. Historically, most women who were considered witches were simply isolated poor women living in the outskirts of poverty because their husbands died early in the game. Often times they would take small mammals etc as pets, for company, which is where the concept of familiars comes from.

Nearly all the people executed in Ireland for Witchcraft came from the Upper Classes.

And it was not only in Ireland that things were similar most of the time-



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Sep 11, 2021
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Its also a minuscule number of people executed for witchcraft, or by Catholic Church authorities in general, in Ireland (I think about 5 people over 1,600 years of history). Its much more a feature of more Protestant countries.


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Mar 13, 2023
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Nearly all the people executed in Ireland for Witchcraft came from the Upper Classes.

And it was not only in Ireland that things were similar most of the time-

This is nonsense, I'm afraid. The vast majority of women executed for witchcraft were decidedly not upper class. In fact, the vast majority of witch hunts happened in poor rural areas. They tended to be peasant wives, often widowed. Keep in mind this was occurring at the burgeoning of industrialization, and many of these women were likely economic refugees in their own host nations:

Federici (2018), Larner (1984) and Bange (2010) also stress the element of poverty in accused women. Female beggars (Bange, 2010), widowed women, wise women (Federici 2004, p.200), and folk healers including midwives (Larner, 1984) were especially at risk. What these women usually had in common, was that they were of old age and poor. Wise women and folk healers 24 were usually older women in rural communities, who had been around for long enough to have collected a wide knowledge on healing plants, conception, birth, birth control and even abortion (Federici, 2004). They posed a threat towards the Church’ ideology on fertility. In larger towns and cities, female beggars were more common. When they were found to be too “disturbing” in their begging, and especially when they were widowed, they risked being accused of witchery (Bange, 2010). If these women were deemed social outcasts, or had already been suspected of witchcraft, it was likely that they resorted to small, simple houses outside the town to not draw attention. However, this could increase suspicions of witchery (Borman, 2015, p.40).

Monballyu (2015) collected the profiles of thirty-one people who were tried for witchcraft. I counted twenty-six women, the youngest being 40 years old, of whom fourteen were widowed. Fifteen of these women, of whom nine widows, were killed by burning them to death. The occupation of the women, or their (former) husbands’, were often not known. If they were known, it usually involved trade in fruit, milk, butter, or fish. Among the men, one, whose age was not known, was sent to jail with his wife, who was also accused of witchery. a 45-year-old man, who owned several houses, was burnt, just like his daughter, who was previously accused of witchery. A 52-year-old farmer was tried but not killed, and a baker of unknown age was burnt. A 58-year-old fruit seller was burnt. All but one man were married. In the Geneva trials between 1571 and 1572, thirty-five people were tried as a witch, for causing a plague epidemic. All accused witches or their spouses, whose occupation was known, were labourers and craftsmen (Monter, 1976)


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Jun 14, 2023
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Spot on.​

Atheist Richard Dawkins’s latest ‘culturally Christian’ comments show he still doesn’t get it​

Liberalism is the attempt to continue Christianity without Christ. Like Matthew Arnold before him, Dawkins sees in Christianity a poetic beauty having no essential truth.
Featured Image
Richard DawkinsAl Teich/Shutterstock

Frank Wright
Wed Apr 3, 2024 - 5:02 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — British biologist and militant atheist Richard Dawkins has once again professed the value of Christianity – minus Christ, of course.
He chose the Easter Triduum, the pinnacle of the liturgical year which commemorates the central mystery of the Catholic faith, to remind the world that he thinks of himself as a “Cultural Christian.”


What this means to him is simply that Christianity, as he misunderstands it, is now liberal, and therefore pleasing to him.
“I like to live in a culturally Christian country, though I do not believe a single word of the Christian faith,” said Dawkins.
He says that by contrast, the doctrine of Islam is “fundamentally hostile to women, hostile to gays.”
The culture that Dawkins is defending here is that of the rights-based religion of reason. This is nothing new, as the tradition to which he belongs is an attempt to replace the divine with itself.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Spot on.​

Atheist Richard Dawkins’s latest ‘culturally Christian’ comments show he still doesn’t get it​

Liberalism is the attempt to continue Christianity without Christ. Like Matthew Arnold before him, Dawkins sees in Christianity a poetic beauty having no essential truth.
Featured Image
Richard DawkinsAl Teich/Shutterstock

Frank Wright
Wed Apr 3, 2024 - 5:02 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) — British biologist and militant atheist Richard Dawkins has once again professed the value of Christianity – minus Christ, of course.
He chose the Easter Triduum, the pinnacle of the liturgical year which commemorates the central mystery of the Catholic faith, to remind the world that he thinks of himself as a “Cultural Christian.”


What this means to him is simply that Christianity, as he misunderstands it, is now liberal, and therefore pleasing to him.
“I like to live in a culturally Christian country, though I do not believe a single word of the Christian faith,” said Dawkins.
He says that by contrast, the doctrine of Islam is “fundamentally hostile to women, hostile to gays.”
The culture that Dawkins is defending here is that of the rights-based religion of reason. This is nothing new, as the tradition to which he belongs is an attempt to replace the divine with itself.

I don't think that Liberalism is an attempt to continue Christianity without Christ at all. The New Testament (read the first chapter of the Epistle to the Romans) I think clearly says that not just people who engage in homosexual acts deserve the death penalty but those approve of homosexual carry on deserve it as well- contrast that with the Koran which actually says nothing about homosexuality on the face of it which is why historically the Muslim world has been a lot more tolerant of homosexual carry on than Christendom. You could make a much better argument that Socialism and Fascism were seeking Christianity without Christ to to speak (there are strong arguments that Bolshevikism was essentially a Christian heresy and Hitlerism was a Rabbinic Jewish heresy- Jews themselves have made those arguments).


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Jun 14, 2023
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Prevailing scientific assumptions often die hard, especially when they fit so neatly into an evolutionary view of the development of life on earth. On this episode of ID The Future from the archive (link below) Dr. Casey Luskin gives host Andrew McDiarmid the scoop on one of the biggest mistakes in science of our lifetime: the concept of “junk DNA.”

The myth of junk DNA is a major example of why a Darwinian paradigm can slow the progress of science, while a design perspective can open up new avenues for research and discovery.

In this update, Luskin explains that intelligent design theorists have long argued against the idea that non-protein coding DNA is useless evolutionary junk, instead predicting that it serves important biological functions. Year after year for decades, new evidence has emerged revealing such functions and vindicating ID scientists. Luskin summarizes several recent papers that have found specific functions for non-coding DNA, such as regulating gene expression, controlling development, and influencing epigenetic processes. He then reports on the latest new evidence: the function of short tandem repeats (STRs), previously considered “junk DNA.” Luskin also discusses the work of molecular biologist John Mattick, who has written recently about the shift in thinking about “junk DNA.” Luskin suggests a new way of looking at non-protein coding regions of DNA and concludes that, far from junk, these “highly compact information suites” are essential and serve a variety of important functions in the genome.


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Jan 11, 2023
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Junk DNA is just the latest iteration in a long line of failed/debunked 'vestigial' arguments, used to bolster the unfounded notion of evolutionary change.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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I don't think that Liberalism is an attempt to continue Christianity without Christ at all.
Christianity is a communal affair that imposes group ethics, social standards of behavior and cultural norms. Totally antithetical to the Libertarian mindset.

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