Origins Thread


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Jun 14, 2023
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Au contraire my good man. Saul Goodman has consulted Artificial Intelligence about me and here are its findings:
Haha, all good.

Presumably you saw the name Taylor and got mixed up. It was actually Dr. James Tour that was being discussed here. He’s asking difficult questions to the field of evolutionary science around the origin of life and the feasibility of naturalistic explanations for certain biochemical processes.

Certain YouTube hucksters have their noses out of joint and have become obsessed with trying to deflect his challenges without actually answering any of them.

One of these YouTube hucksters is an obnoxious chancer that Jambo adores called Farina. He’s a troll who only engages in ad hominem attacks.

They ended up having a public face to face debate, where Taylor rinsed his clock (video posted above).

Even a biased google agrees. See here:

View attachment 4363

A War of Words? How to Tell Who Won the Tour-Farina Debate​

Casey Luskin
May 23, 2023, 2:19 PM
  • Farina-Tour-debate.png
    Photo source: YouTube (screenshot).
A few years ago, just as I was finishing writing my PhD thesis, I received an email from an Internet questioner with the subject “War of Words.” This person expressed concerns that there is so much back and forth between experts in the debate over the origin and evolution of life and intelligent design, that it can sometimes be difficult for a non-expert to determine who is right. I can sympathize with this: Even though I have multiple science degrees, took many undergraduate and graduate courses in evolution, and have closely followed the science for years, it’s still a challenge to keep up with everything. What’s a non-expert to do?
Last Friday we witnessed a debate on the origin of life (OOL) between two widely followed voices on the topic: Rice University chemistry Professor James Tour, and YouTube science educator Celery Farina, aka “Professor Celery.” This debate, which took place on the Rice University campus, was at times turbulent, but it provides an apt example of how to answer my “War of Words” Internet questioner.

“No Viable Model”​

The topic of the debate was: “Are We Clueless About the Origin of Life?” Discovery Institute did not organize this debate and I was not a big fan of this framing because it would be much harder to prove a high standard, that OOL researchers are “clueless,” than it would be to prove some lesser — but still entirely reasonable — claim like “There is no viable model for the origin of life.” Nonetheless, Tour faithfully stuck to the debate topic, and he made a strong scientific case against the natural chemical origin of life.

Celery Farina represented the standard view that unguided natural chemical processes could have produced the first life on earth. Unfortunately, however, Farina decided to focus on a very different debate topic. His topic was essentially — no exaggeration — Is James Tour a liar and a fraud? — and that is precisely what he asserted over and over again throughout the night. Farina’s venom and personal attacks and insults against Tour knew almost no boundaries. It was a spectacle, and I was shocked that the moderator allowed it to proceed. But Farina’s focus on personal attacks and his repeated refusals to answer Tour’s reasonable scientific challenges made it clear to many viewers that Tour had the better argument.
If you don’t believe me, consider some comments on the YouTube chat posted by viewers who are apparently self-described as atheists, agnostics, and/or former supporters of Farina:
  • “Am I the only non-religious person that finds Tour much more convincing than Celery? This debate made me further convinced. The problem with Celery is that strangely, as an educator, he in no way tried to educate James Tour, but only attack him and slander him, he has zero class, and from a psychology standpoint, seems like he did nothing but dodge and deflect, which would suggest he doesn’t have a deep understanding of the subject, but merely a surface level one, a true scientist wants people to understand the truth, and would carefully address Tours questions concisely and on a deeper level.”
  • “I’m an atheist, however, Farina’s smug and snide attacks on Tour throughout this debate, disgusted me. I may disagree with Tour’s mission, however, no one can ignore his considerable contribution to science.”
  • “I’m agnostic, but hearing Dr. Farina’s statements, grounded on insulting and sarcasm sincerely show more how clueless he or his community are…usually when you use sarcasm it is because you have [little] to say. I say this as an academic myself (other field though) when I see colleagues use sarcasm is because they don’t know how to ground their statements.”
  • “I’m [an] atheist and this was embarrassing to watch. Celery claiming that James doesn’t know how to read papers, while…citing barely anything beyond the titles of a bunch of papers. I think that disrespecting the audience and claiming to know what they do and don’t know was the worst move of the entire debate. It shows that he’s arguing emotionally.”
  • “I’ve been floating around this conflict, viewing from the outside. Celery’s videos helped me in middle-high school. Celery poisoned the well, then used insults and rhetoric as the substance of his ‘argument’. This was disappointing, I was hoping he would bring something of value. Dr. Tour won this one.”

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Jambo is embarrassed by me schooling him again, so he’s deleting my posts to hide his shame.

Here’s one he’s deleting

David has been banned said:
Just to clear, you're a 70 IQ Catholic zealot dipshit who attaches yourself to science, or scientists, when it suits. For example, the noisy fraud and liar, whose name you don't even know how to spell and who doesn't know anything about origin of life research or this chap, Alexander Vilenkin, who you also know nothing about.

Did you watch your video by the way (till the end)? In what way did he hedge his bets?
Click to expand...
James, all of the elements of this conversation were brought to the table by me.

You don’t get to say what I do or don’t know about them.

You bring nothing to the table. Ever.

You couldn’t even muster an opinion of your own to counter what I said. You always reply with inane questions.

You clearly have an inferiority complex when in my company. This motivates you to speak and behave like a doltish 12 year old boy.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Ladies and gentlemen, yours truly has defeated James ‘the spoofer’ Dawson in this Origins debate.

He is now deleting the awkward challenging questions I was posing to him (over on his demented zoo thread), as they were highlighting how out of his depth he is.

I simplified an earlier question to him (because he couldn’t understand the question, to even begin attempt an answer) and he deleted it out of frustration within a minute or two of it being posted.

This is the telling question that he deleted…

Why do living things get old and weak even though it’s better for them to stay strong and have babies? How do some ideas like antagonistic pleiotropy and disposable soma help us understand why aging happens in the first place?

This question highlighted just how out of his depth he is on this topic.

I imagine this news will trigger him to have a conniption and go on a rant this evening, posting nonsense to himself. James suffers from an inferiority complex and I pushed too many of his inferiority buttons for him to be able to cope.

He knew I had him in my sights and was about to pull the trigger.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Ladies and gentlemen, once again I have beat up Jambo so much that he can’t respond to me and is simply deleting posts again (although it should be mentioned that he’s pissed out of his head).

This is the question he won’t/can’t answer

How could bacterial flagellum, with its intricate structure consisting of numerous interdependent parts like the rotor, stator, propeller, and various proteins, have evolved through gradual, step-by-step processes, considering that removing or altering any of its components would render in non-functional and thus not provide any selective advantage until all parts were fully assembled?


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Why is Jimbo '50/50' Dawson allowed shitpost every thread on this board? :unsure:


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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It's your blog, get rid of this gimp FFS.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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