September 11th 2001 - Never Forget


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I'll never forget that day, Watched it live as it happened, draw dropped all day long.

RIP to all those who died from that awful day.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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The joys of Washington's warmongering and murderous foreign policy......
Ya reap what ya sow.
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Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Also, expect another one of these type of events within the next 12 months as America heads towards the election.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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I'll never forget that day, Watched it live as it happened, draw dropped all day long.

RIP to all those who died from that awful day.
This event was constructed and implemented by a NATION STATE as stated by the president of Italy .
the people who did this profited from this in a thousand ways .
the company which developed the technology to fly Boeing aircraft remotely was SPC = System Planning Corp its CEO was Rabbi Dov Zakheim .
they had the ability to land all aircraft on 911 .
the pentagon (Donald Rumsfelt ) announced less than 24 hours before 911 that the office of the comptroller of the pentagon headed by Rabbi Dov Zakheim was looking into the disappearance of and theft of over 3 TRILLION dollars -- its office and staff -- records of the theft were wiped out by the attack on the pentagon .
no other office was attacked just the one looking into the theft of 3 trillion -- the rabbi escaped thankfully -- all the staff died .
the wiki entry shows -----the person who was hired /tasked with finding those missing trillions was unbelievably Rabbi Dov Zhakeim and he is listed as COMPTROLLER AND CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER for the USA dept of defense for the period may 2001 to April 2004 .
i have 2 copies of the published 911 report and you can download the report for free online also .
there is no mention of why nobody phoned Dov Zakheim to land the planes nor was the question asked did he have anything to do with the plane which he could control hitting his office and staff and records in any report .
following the attack all aircraft in the north American continent were grounded in order that the hijacked aircraft would be visible .
The only plane allowed to fly on that day was a 747 from new York to tel Aviv fully laden with technical people and the deputy prime minister of Israel .
the CCTV record of the passengers in the airport was DESTROYED by the airport manager .


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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At that time, it was not known to the public that planes could be flown remotely or that peoples voices could be mimicked in what is now called Deep Fakes.

IMO all calls from people to parents were actually fake.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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At that time, it was not known to the public that planes could be flown remotely or that peoples voices could be mimicked in what is now called Deep Fakes.

IMO all calls from people to parents were actually fake.
how you know for sure who did it ---is look at the journalists and the universities for example ..
IT IS DEATH to write a paper or to do any research on 911 .
your career is over if you even whisper the words 911 .
this is the biggest event in recent history in America and the research is left to CONSPIRACY nutters --unhinged daft mad bastards .
no university will analyze the dust -- the seismic data ,
the longest burning fires in world history which burned underwater for months and were only extinguished many months later by the massive use of pry col a fire retardant .
the rock in the basement melted for over a croke park pitch size -- melted like butter --they tried to say it was historic caused by the old volcanoes until photos of its construction and the drawings of the piles sunk emerged,
but nobody no university no newspaper would examine why the basement levels burned underwater for months .
they had a major problem with the space station which flew over the site each day and automatically uploaded the surface temp of the planet below to its website for the children of the world to examine , and the only place on earth where the earth burned at 2000 degrees underwater each day for months was ground zero.
i have a number of tube steel paraffin/kerosene/ jet fuel blow heaters none of them melt the steel at the front it does glow cherry red but for years it has never melted after hundreds of hours of use .
the steel in the building was wrapped with asbestos and surrounded with concrete and was inches thick .
it was subjected to a flash of paraffin of a few seconds it hardly got warm -- throw a gallon of paraffin on a girder at home and set fire to it --you might make it luke warm if you had something to act as a wick to hold the paraffin for a half hour surrounding it before you would make a slight change in the girder of 10 mm thick but try and heat a 50mm solid wall of steel and you would not heat it in a day .
the roof was constructed of steel girders and each skyscraper had a HAT BOX these hat boxes were some of the strongest steel structures on this planet .
they may have been the strongest steel structures ever manufactured and unbelievably the 911 report blames them for the destruction of the towers as they were UNFORGIVING in their massive strength and they claim this unbelievably strong hat box was strong enough to overcome all stresses on it and the building collapsed instead .
they were stuck with this as no plane hit them and since they were on the roof only birdshit landed on them ---HOWEVER all they had to do was float down on a carpet of dust and we could all examine them but no the 3 yes 3 of the strongest steel structures in the world many times stronger than the George Washington bridge the Israelis were caught trying to blow with a truck load of explosives all of them vanished on their way to the ground .
drop a girder from a great height and see does it vanish in Ireland --
it vanishes in the USA .
each floor was the size of Croke park pitch 110 floors in each tower and 48 in building 7 .
they finished up to the door handle of an ambulance parked on ground zero -- they just vanished --the concrete was reduced to 1 micron and this was finer than flour or talcum powder --try and reduce a brick to powder with a hammer you would not reduce it to flour in 5 hours .
you would normally expect the place to be crawling with professors and people doing their patriotic duty doing PHD on the most minute details of this NOTHING not a fart out of every profession and university --- nothing you can smell the fear.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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So, the impossible happened. The impossible happens all the time in history. The Aztecs observed the impossible, they mysteriously fell dead, without being hit by an arrow and nobody even near him. Someone said the spanish had a secret weapon and he was called a nutjob(


Fast forward to about 2013 in Boston where there was a bit of a riot and a lad started to singe and no cop near him. Someone said the cops had a secret weapon but he was called a nutjob.

The nutjob of course was right.

Get the picture.

Anyway, let me take just of of the things he mentioned. We can see solid steel just turn to dust and blow away in the breeze. Many say this is impossible but we can see it happening. So a secret weapon was used to achieve this and it has to be some sort of energy beam that atomized the steel, hence the debris pile being way smaller than the volumn of material in the towers.

I will try to find the video.


There, you see the steel just turning to dust and floating away

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
And why did BBC say it had collapsed when it was clearly still standing behind them
Indeed, those buildings were modern best build designed to remain standing tall against plane, fire & bomb attack. No one could know of a buildings collapse due to fire, it just doesn't happen as the proof shows, there's no case of collapsed building anywhere on the internet but there's loads of them still standing the next day




Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Cheers fellas. Aul Lad could be onto something alright (y)
Around the world people have looked at these events and when you spend many hours pouring over mad stuff and good stuff and daft stuff you realize this is a money-spinner for every nutjob on the planet .
you then give it a break as you are disillusioned and come back to it years later and you find the language changed and many of the videos and interviews have vanished and you say that's ODD .
and your experienced eyes tell you that the hiding of certain truthful and undeniable material is the truthful path .
you find that there are billions of Chinese -Indian -Indonesian-African -south-American -Russians on the planet and none of these billions of people had anything to do with 911 .
your further critical examination shows the main ethnic groups in America firstly the Germans and then the Irish and then the Mexicians/Hispanics had nothing to do with 911 either apart from dying trying to save people as firefighters etc .
and then you say this is very odd --the vast amount of people on the planet had nothing to do with 911 .
the vast amount of people in the USA had nothing to do with 911 and this is never stated in the media.
so lets look at it -- did the martians do it --was it the seagulls who shit on it .
there has to be a link and the scenery change and the actors on the stage prior to the main event and the people who took the takings at the box office maybe they ran the show -- lets see .
the buildings were bought just a few weeks shortly before by Larry silverstien who got an interest free loan and in real terms put down 16 million of his own money to pay a member of his synagogue,
who works on the port authority who owned the buildings and who sold him the 7 not 2 world trade centers.
and then took out unique insurance for "" MULTIPLE plane attacks on the buildings "" and all Larrys world trade center buildings ONLY were destroyed ALL 7 OF THEM .
ALL and i mean ALL property developers in new York were aware these buildings would cost billions to pull down and remove the asbestos which was about to have them condemned,
as they were sprayed with the stuff from top to bottom and each piece of steel had been fireproofed with the stuff to a dept of inches
-- these buildings were known to be money bombs for who ever was even given them for nothing.
Larry silverstien got 4.7 billion for his 16 million investment and no nasty asbestos problem to deal with as it just blew away .
the judge who awarded him 4.7 billion was also a member of his synagogue ,
and this was despite Larry telling just a little fib just a little one --
this little fib was exposed by a black fire-marshal who went on mainstream just for a millisecond ,
and stated the new York fire service does not explode buildings -- we have no explosives -- we have no explosive experts -- no fire service in the world has explosives or explosive experts .
this little fib would be enough to pause any insurance co paying for your flat fire/destruction in Ireland,
as Dublin fire brigade have just said they did not blow it up and reduce it to talcum powder and no fire brigade could/would do so.
but in America the Jewish people owned it and shipped out the evidence to china,
and now also sickeningly designed the memorial which during the visit of Netanahu the video shows him asking how many Jews died and the reply is ONE SIR.
4000 inquires were made to the Israeli embassy regarding the 4000 Israelis who received a message from Odigo messaging service on their phones warning them not to go to work in the twin towers that morning --they ALL stayed away but did not tell their work colleagues or the firemen from Ireland who died --
the warning was accurate to 60 seconds and the billion dollar NSA who monitor the farts of pidgins and anything that communicates is not mentioned for failing to take note of the Odigio warning,
the biggest terrorist event in americian history was about to take place and the FBI say they were not warned the CIA were not told the fire brigade / police were not told by any of the thousands of Israelis who were in no doubt to stay away ,
and they of course did not inform the GOY they worked and laughed with for years WHY WOULD YOU .
life is a bitch when you do not speak Hebrew .
type in "" harratz newspaper odigo"" into google for an Israeli article on all of this .
so the martians did not do it or the seagulls.
Christopher bollyn has researched 911 and his book covers the most ground regarding 911 --however when you type israel and 911 books into google -- you have to wade through a lot of crap before you find him surprise surprise .
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