September 11th 2001 - Never Forget


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Sep 11, 2021
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Even what you link says cell phone use is impossible. Any more lies from you and you will be turned to dust like the steel



Even what you link says cell phone use is impossible. Any more lies from you and you will be turned to dust like the steel
You didn't finish the article.

"The next diagram shows the cell phone footprint for an aircraft at 1000 feet AGL, as before, but traveling at a groundspeed of 250 kts. This situation is fairly representative of airliners making their final approaches for landings. It can be seen that there should be ample opportunity for cell phone communications using cellular towers located two to five miles to either side of the aircraft."


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Sep 11, 2021
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Shut up about 1000 feet, the planes were above 30000 feet when these fake calls were made to the poor deceived parents.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Thanks @Jerry for linking that article proving cell phone use to be impossible above 1000ft, something everyone knows. Your input is done.

Two things.

1. Everyone knows that using a cell phone at 30000 ft was impossible.

2. This is only one of the many impossible things we are told happened.


Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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I've shown otherwise Dec. You really can't argue with pilots saying they can get phone service.

MAF argued that "The whole 9/11 narrative has always stressed people were phoning their families from their cell phones. NOT, from the Airfone system or its like". Though later he says "Nobody said they were not in use". :D

I've shown airphones were used for almost all communications from passengers.

And we have known it from the beginning. I presume you found the references in the 911 Commision report for example.

And that's that.

Banning me from the thread doesn't change a very awkward fact for any of you.

What people want to do instead is focus solely on what was actually a small number of cell phone calls, then rely on bad science and a hilariously inept understanding of technology to say these calls could not have happened. Smoke and mirrors.

Almost all calls by passengers were made by airphone.
I've shown otherwise Dec. You really can't argue with pilots saying they can get phone service.

MAF argued that "The whole 9/11 narrative has always stressed people were phoning their families from their cell phones. NOT, from the Airfone system or its like". Though later he says "Nobody said they were not in use". :D

I've shown airphones were used for almost all communications from passengers.

And we have known it from the beginning. I presume you found the references in the 911 Commision report for example.

And that's that.

Banning me from the thread doesn't change a very awkward fact for any of you.

What people want to do instead is focus solely on what was actually a small number of cell phone calls, then rely on bad science and a hilariously inept understanding of technology to say these calls could not have happened. Smoke and mirrors.

Almost all calls by passengers were made by airphone.
How do you know they are pilots?

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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I've shown otherwise Dec. You really can't argue with pilots saying they can get phone service.

MAF argued that "The whole 9/11 narrative has always stressed people were phoning their families from their cell phones. NOT, from the Airfone system or its like". Though later he says "Nobody said they were not in use". :D

I've shown airphones were used for almost all communications from passengers.

And we have known it from the beginning. I presume you found the references in the 911 Commision report for example.

And that's that.

Banning me from the thread doesn't change a very awkward fact for any of you.

What people want to do instead is focus solely on what was actually a small number of cell phone calls, then rely on bad science and a hilariously inept understanding of technology to say these calls could not have happened. Smoke and mirrors.

Almost all calls by passengers were made by airphone.

You really have no idea about the use of words have you....

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Myles i know you like a summary and this will freak you out but it is what it is and i am only writing this in case it helps someone .you are very kind -- i have lived possibly 30-40 years longer than the average on this site --this does not give me any intellectual ability however i have clocked up 40 years more miles and seen 40 years more of life and made more mistakes and had to endure their cost and i have reflected on some and come to a better understanding of my frailties and others, and i am only now starting to get sense near the final curtain.i through my work have spent much of my life traveling and have worked for the most varied mix of people including the British House of Lords and the Bangladeshi community of the south east of Ireland in the same week i made friends with the Bangladeshis most of whom were from Sylhet in northern Bangladesh which i was familiar with and this is the tea growing area and the British embassy is located there and not in Dhaka for very practical reasons.i have an engineering base and i am familiar with heavy vehicles also ,i am semi retired now working 2-3 days per week +++ and as a hobby i have an small electronics lab and a studio for making documentaries which i hope to christen later this yeari have spent the past 5 years gathering material for a book which is non fiction and is based on Irish and world history what was 7 chapters is now almost 40 and i am trying to limit my input to 15 pages at the most as i require the book to be devoid almost of any personal commentary and i am merely connecting dots i was not given money as a child but could have any book i wanted and i read every page in a large collection of encyclopedias prior to TV arriving in our house in 1963 which only lasted a few hours a day and i was used to hearing the national anthem each night and read continuously some rubbish and some great material .i pay my monthly sub to scribed and others and i download books each month for free and for a pittance .
i was totally liberated by the internet and you who have never been totally frustrated by---- info being either in-accessible or UN-afforadable by making inquiries at Easons or Chapters and if they did not have it that was the end of the road for thousands of inquiring Irish people .
the wealth of Ireland today is almost beyond my comprehension and my father came from a small farm and had a very humble start and my mother came from Leitrim and went to school barefoot for a period -- my grandfather died when they were young and it left them destitute and it marked them for life .
my grandmother brought my mother to a small kilkenny town and PAID the shop and sawmill and pub owner to give her a start as an a trainee accountant who then gave an oxo cube in hot water and bread for lunch .
my father reared greyhounds and trained them while he was serving his time as a mechanic in order to feed himself.
i as their son did not suffer their lot and traveled this planet and proposed to my wife in the gardens of the Taj Mahal and she quite rightly initially turned me down.
my grown children are just qualifying as teachers and do not read nor are they curious or have any great interest in seeing the world or meeting it people.
my politics are foreign to them and they will never search easons or chapters .
they are lovely people and i do not impose my beliefs on them -- life for them is so different and i am frightened by their quiet acceptance of evil -- they don't see it and i cannot make them see it --i keep thinking they will cop on and i do my best to hint that things are not what they seem -- but it is too much at present they need depth and background to make an assessment and they and their lovely kind friends have neither.
It took a span of 24 hours and I had to lie down after getting a migrane but that was well worth the read Sir.

It sickens me the disrespect a man who lived a life like yours is shown both online and offline.

I feel blood may have to be let if we're to see this Country right again.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
It took a span of 24 hours and I had to lie down after getting a migrane but that was well worth the read Sir.

It sickens me the disrespect a man who lived a life like yours is shown both online and offline.

I feel blood may have to be let if we're to see this Country right again.

Here's the long-story-short version again - What just happened there? 🤭



Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown


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Sep 11, 2021
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The towers were closed before and many believe the explosives were placed then. There are pictures and videos even.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Does anyone have the video of the fake witness from the morning of 911.

The lad with the handlers in the background.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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The towers were closed before and many believe the explosives were placed then. There are pictures and videos even.
Which brings us neatly to another little detail.

On the day I distinctly remember a worker in the towers being hailed as a hero for helping to rescue burnt survivors from the basement of the towers, and we must remember that there were several layers of floors below ground level.

At the time the explanation was that jet fuel had poured down the lift shafts and incinerated the poor folk working below. There are, however, two major problems with this. First, there was simply not enough fuel to account for the fireball outside of the tower, the fire inside the building and having tonnes of it cascade down lift shafts.

Secondly, it was let slip that our man was bringing people upstairs before the planes struck, so what was going on?

Plastic explosive can be used in two ways, it can be detonated to produce an explosion, or it can be ignited to burn with a heat intense enough to melt steel......

One explanation is that the supprt coloums in the basement were rigged with plastic explosives which was ignited, fatally weakening the structure. Others might remember accounts of firemen being withdrawn because the building felt unsafe long before it collapsed. This would be why.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Which brings us neatly to another little detail.

On the day I distinctly remember a worker in the towers being hailed as a hero for helping to rescue burnt survivors from the basement of the towers, and we must remember that there were several layers of floors below ground level.

At the time the explanation was that jet fuel had poured down the lift shafts and incinerated the poor folk working below. There are, however, two major problems with this. First, there was simply not enough fuel to account for the fireball outside of the tower, the fire inside the building and having tonnes of it cascade down lift shafts.

Secondly, it was let slip that our man was bringing people upstairs before the planes struck, so what was going on?

Plastic explosive can be used in two ways, it can be detonated to produce an explosion, or it can be ignited to burn with a heat intense enough to melt steel......

One explanation is that the supprt coloums in the basement were rigged with plastic explosives which was ignited, fatally weakening the structure. Others might remember accounts of firemen being withdrawn because the building felt unsafe long before it collapsed. This would be why.
the towers were designed that there were NO CHIMNEYS inside to prevent fire and fumes traveling from top to bottom .
this was simply done in WTC1 and WTC2 by dividing the tower into 3 sections and it was not possible therefore to get a lift on the ground floor to the top .
you went a third of the way and had to get out of the top of your elevator shaft and go for a good walk down a corridor to get to the next offset elevator shaft .
in this way the building was protected and the explosions which came down the bottom elevator shafts and blew the skin off the living bodies in the lobby as reported by many sources were simply explosive charges put there to imprison people in the building and to kill as many as possible including and especially firemen .
the explosions could not be connected to the events above as the aircraft hit the 88th floor on the top third section completely separate elevator shaft section .
the truth is that the experienced firemen who traveled to the 88th floor stated clearly on their radios and were recorded that "" TWO LINES WILL KNOCK IT OUT "" meaning two lines of hoses will extinguish the remaining flames as the kerosene was burnt off is a few seconds .
this assessment was never challenged by anyone as it is completely realistic to expect just office fires from such an event and the windows on the floors above and below did not break as the building was not under any stress and the building showed this by remaining structurally intact after the planes impact until the explosions started .
the big story for a journalist is the big story manufactured and ready moments after the towers were brought down .
the Israeli prime minister was ready miked up and primed in a BBC studio to state with authority it was terrorism by osama/Muslim mad men.
there were plants interviewed which passed themselves off as fleeing bystanders but gave a carefully prepared SUMMARY of the events .


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I must try to get the interview of that obvious plant who was interviewed


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Perhaps the American Deep-State / Dark-State always had this one up their sleeve and some one in the know gave a few whispers to someone.

Also ~ ~ Criminals like to Brag ~ Even if it's Brag in Advance ! !
The Twin Towers or Pillars is masonic symbolism for the gateway to the lodge, which is to say, the gateway to illumination and transcendence.
I suspect the Towers were built with this in mind, and that their occult destruction symbolizes a transitionary point in the worlds initiation into a more 'enlightened' age or order

Masonic ritual makes direct reference to using pillars to store and protect knowledge.

Later, two pillars appear in the Book of Numbers, guiding Moses and the Israelites through the desert into the promised land. The pillar of cloud appeared and guided the Israelites during the day, while a pillar of fire showed the way at night. Throughout the texts of the Abrahamic religions, pillars reflected the knowledge of man as it was shared by the Great Architect.


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