

Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Hopefully after Terrorist NATO/Ukraine's attacks on Russia Putin gives the go ahead for a full blown attack on the Nazi ridden corrupt Ukrainian shithole and razes what's left of it to the ground.
The man went too soft on them at the start.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Every media outlet in the world, on both sides, is spinning the propaganda that suits them and that they're paid to publish.
Most of it is just pure lies.

The sexual angle seems to attract certain types though as if Uki men, well known for treating women like dirt, wouldn't be at the exact same thing.
Some sexual violence victims are more important than others I guess.
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Mad as Fish

Macron on the danger of this border dispute becoming protracted -

"We prepare for this conflict to become protracted, to the consequences of such development of events," he said. "We must prepare the public opinion for long-term support of Ukraine in a high-and medium-intensity conflict in accordance with the situation. To that extent we must reconsider and analyze the nature of our support together with our partners during this summer, and to realize what we need to achieve the desired result."

So there you have it, we are to be told what to think.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Macron on the danger of this border dispute becoming protracted -

"We prepare for this conflict to become protracted, to the consequences of such development of events," he said. "We must prepare the public opinion for long-term support of Ukraine in a high-and medium-intensity conflict in accordance with the situation. To that extent we must reconsider and analyze the nature of our support together with our partners during this summer, and to realize what we need to achieve the desired result."

So there you have it, we are to be told what to think.
Orwellian times.
But we know from the scamdemic how easily led the sheeple are.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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Ukraine is the most sordid, child trafficking,organ transplanting, diabolical shit-hole on earth.

You know this.

You're damaged goods.
Looks like it's reverted to it's pet subject now.
The proof is in the pudding.
A sick individual.

Mad as Fish

They're not going to admit defeat and will keep escalating until Russia has no choice but to end it!

Fucking insanity!
The report was from TASS, which rounded it of with -

Meanwhile, the French leader refrained from publicly discussing the perspectives in case of failure of the expected Ukrainian counter-offensive, expressing his hope that it will be successful.

Is that the closest that any western political leader has come to admitting that it's going to be a balls up, if it happens at all?

I do get the impression that the west doesn't really know what to do now that the loss of Bakhmut has showed up its weakness. NATO just hasn't the resources for an assault, and anyway, isn't it meant to be a defensive alliance, while Russia is replenishing its stocks as the conflict continues. The longer it drags on the weaker the west will get for it appears not to be able to ramp up its arms production in the short term.

Wars are a matter of industrial output, Russia is streets ahead while we in the west have farmed out our manufacturing expertise to China, which the US is busy trying to upset with chip sanctions. Not the brightest move.

Deleted member 1


Don't think Turkey agreed, did they?

Deleted member 1

The report was from TASS, which rounded it of with -

Meanwhile, the French leader refrained from publicly discussing the perspectives in case of failure of the expected Ukrainian counter-offensive, expressing his hope that it will be successful.

Is that the closest that any western political leader has come to admitting that it's going to be a balls up, if it happens at all?

I do get the impression that the west doesn't really know what to do now that the loss of Bakhmut has showed up its weakness. NATO just hasn't the resources for an assault, and anyway, isn't it meant to be a defensive alliance, while Russia is replenishing its stocks as the conflict continues. The longer it drags on the weaker the west will get for it appears not to be able to ramp up its arms production in the short term.

Wars are a matter of industrial output, Russia is streets ahead while we in the west have farmed out our manufacturing expertise to China, which the US is busy trying to upset with chip sanctions. Not the brightest move.
Putin is to announce full mobilisation in the next few days.
Not surprise that Macron is hesitant to give express confidence.


Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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5 million Ukrainians have returned home including to front line areas , probably not the ones who came here of course
With our welfare system?
Compared to what they'd get in their own corrupt shithole they're on the pig's back here.
They'll never leave.

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