
Ruck Da Fules!

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Oct 14, 2023
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It's pretty much what's said in the video. Putin offered a totally unworkable, unrealistic and unwanted offer. How did he think anyone would go for that with this track record since 1991:
  • 1992-1993 – Russia occupied Transnistria.
  • 1992-1993 – Russia provoked the Abkhazian war.
  • 1994-1996 – first Russian-Chechen war.
  • 1999-2009 – second Russian-Chechen war.
  • 2008 – Russian-Georgian war.
  • 2014 onwards –Invasion of Ukraine, occuption of Crimea
  • 2015-2022 – Russia's invasion of Syria.
No Eastern European country would leave NATO seeing all this unfold. Not even Orban would do it, and that tells you all you need to know.

Russia has legitimate security concerns and put forward a perfectly reasonable proposal that was ignored because the US wants Putin gone so the people running it can pillage the place after acquiring Russian subservience. They knew that if they kept turning the screw Russia would go into Ukraine. There was no other choice left!

The Globalists/Neocons hoped the SMO would give them the opportunity to oust Putin, either through internal pressure born from dissatisfaction due to economic stress from the sanctions, or due to a military failure.

It backfired as Russia is now stronger both economically and militarily. And Putin is more secure than ever. Ukraine was sacrificed to placate the Neocons whose greed and hatred know no bounds!

There are thousands of shills like you online, doing their bit for the (lost) cause, but it makes not a jot of difference to reality, regardless of how much propaganda you spread!

Russia has prevailed!😎


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Sep 11, 2021
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Russia has legitimate security concerns and put forward a perfectly reasonable proposal that was ignored because the US wants Putin gone so the people running it can pillage the place after acquiring Russian subservience. They knew that if they kept turning the screw Russia would go into Ukraine. There was no other choice left!

The Globalists/Neocons hoped the SMO would give them the opportunity to oust Putin, either through internal pressure born from dissatisfaction due to economic stress from the sanctions, or due to a military failure.

It backfired as Russia is now stronger both economically and militarily. And Putin is more secure than ever. Ukraine was sacrificed to placate the Neocons whose greed and hatred know no bounds!

There are thousands of shills like you online, doing their bit for the (lost) cause, but it makes not a jot of difference to reality, regardless of how much propaganda you spread!

Russia has prevailed!😎
Well said.
The West thought that their superior technology would rule the day and it only applied to drones as the so called game changer tanks, were useless. I have not heard a word about Abram tanks in month. Have they got there even. They likely are as useless as Biden.
Ukraine is likely out of ammo now as well.

Meanwhile we are just 5 days from a possible government shutdown so the money panic is on for zellensky. When those unhappy solders and mercy are not paid, they likely will react unfavorably to disappointment.


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Mar 13, 2023
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It's begun.



Russia has legitimate security concerns and put forward a perfectly reasonable proposal
Total shite. Neither of these are true. Only a total fucking eejit manipulated by Russian propaganda would say otherwise.

Anong the last set of countries to enter NATO were Albania and Croatia in 2009, and then there is a long gap until Montenegro in 2017 and North Macedonia in 2019.

Did mighty North Macedonia suddenly scare Putin all of a sudden? The entire premise of Putins argument is horseshit.

Now Russian Federation is doing exactly what led to the failure of the USSR and the Russian Empire, massive spending on the military at the expense of everything else. Its basically a rerun of Reagans strategy. The best paying jobs right now are in the army, a job that is essentially unproductive for the economy and in fact drain the coffers.
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Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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Total shite. Neither of these are true. Only a total fucking eejit manipulated by Russian propaganda would say otherwise.

Anong the last set of countries to enter NATO were Albania and Croatia in 2009, and then there is a long gap until Montenegro in 2017 and North Macedonia in 2019.

Did mighty North Macedonia suddenly scare Putin all of a sudden? The entire premise of Putins argument is horseshit.

Now Russian Federation is doing exactly what led to the failure of the USSR and the Russian Empire, massive spending on the military at the expense of everything else. It’s basically a rerun of Reagans strategy. The best paying jobs right now are in the army, a job that is essentially unproductive for the economy and in fact drain the coffers.
Sorry, but I don’t play internet ping-pong with Globalist propagandists!

The readers here can decide for themselves what to believe. From what I’ve seen most do that quite well!


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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The Irish Army used to do the same. I once worked with a guy that was given the ultimatum ~ Either sign up or go to jail ~ He signed up.
fr Celery used to appear in court for some young lads and state he got Jim B------- horse trainer to take him .
The judges knew this route to salvation was not easy but likely to succeed .
jockeys are harder than jailbirds and less forgiving .
i have heard of how and what animal was used to put manners and to give focus to young lads this animal never failed and ate the clothes of some of them when left in their company overnight .
Jims daughter ran the lab and some horses were on nerve powder to make it possible to handle them -- if not administered the horse was a lunatic.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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So, shell shock is a separate phenomenon to combat stress but has similar symptoms. One would imagine that this extends to those under bombardment - in addition to the psychological stress of being in that environment there are also effects from the shock waves from the explosions. Thus populations under heavy bombardment will have large number of brain injured that are currently impossible to diagnose. These people will have profound mental and behavioural issues and will serve as a feeder population for extremism. Łobaczewski may have been on to something.
I worked briefly for hertz beside runway 3 heathrow where Concorde would take off beside me at 330 each day to Bahrain .
it was 166 decibels and my bodily organs shook in particular my area below the lungs .
we went to Granada ghias before the takeoff and people would knock on the windows as it was taking off and look for assistance --we did not dare unlock the car and our bodies vibrated inside the cars .
some of the customers left as they were unwell --there was no signs to warn them and people laughed it off --they would not do so today.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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If I were running Ukraine I would have retained about 5 billion dollars of the money donated.

I would buy nuclear dirty bomb material and if possible a nuclear warhead or more is they could be got. '

I would place it is Moscow and explode it all on December 23 rd.
i thought you were a self educated farmer who stimulated conversation with an alternative viewpoint .
your last post tells me you are unhinged .
i walked that town and caught trains to the suburbs --to endless blocks of flats like Ballymun --i watched people starve i saw the bodies after suicide .
I saw people sleeping in minus 34 -------cracks opening in their faces --no blood just white material open wounds -----wrapped in 5 or 6 coats 3-4 hats ---ropes to keep it all on .
they were victims of the Jewish oligarchs who with the help of the USA collapsed the ruble to one fifty second of its value in order to rob Russia properly .
you wish to bomb these innocent people and cause the end of life on this planet and time it to the birth of Christ .
you are completely mad --i would regret anyone leaving this site but you are unwell upstairs .


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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i thought you were a self educated farmer who stimulated conversation with an alternative viewpoint .
your last post tells me you are unhinged .
i walked that town and caught trains to the suburbs --to endless blocks of flats like Ballymun --i watched people starve i saw the bodies after suicide .
I saw people sleeping in minus 34 -------cracks opening in their faces --no blood just white material open wounds -----wrapped in 5 or 6 coats 3-4 hats ---ropes to keep it all on .
they were victims of the Jewish oligarchs who with the help of the USA collapsed the ruble to one fifty second of its value in order to rob Russia properly .
you wish to bomb these innocent people and cause the end of life on this planet and time it to the birth of Christ .
you are completely mad --i would regret anyone leaving this site but you are unwell upstairs .
Well, he says that he has left.


Old news.

Of course NATO trainers are going to learn from the feedback and then adjust for the new battlefields in Ukraine. There's still a huge pipeline for training.

It's a bit desperate to try big this up. But there you go.




"A fighter of the Wagner PMC from the Krasnodar Territory accused the Kremlin dictator of leaving the Wagnerites crippled in battles with Ukraine to the mercy of fate: they have no work, no pension.

In his video message to Putin, the occupier clarified that he lost an eye at the front, another one had to be operated on, and Russia, as a country, did not give him anything.

" Deal with these problems! With medical, police, with everyone in general... We defended our country, atoned for guilt. Although we are prisoners, we are not prisoners! We are the most fair people. We will prove it to anyone, even you, bald, we will prove it “that we are respect and respect, “Wagner” is strength ,”

Tough shit, Vatnick.

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