The Gemma Thread.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Newtownmountkennedy Is Just The Latest Data Harvesting Fear Op From The Gardai (aka RUC)

‘Blacks On Tour’ Is A COINTELPRO Production With All The Usual Bad Actors On Board​

Enter Stage Left, an empathising multicultural ‘reporter’ (the irony) from State-run Gript ‘I had three boosters and I’m fine’ Media to start collating information on potential troublemakers in the area.
It’s such an obvious stunt, it’s hard to believe sentient people still fall for it.
As word spreads around the ‘communidee’, a gang of gurriers is bussed in from some inner city hellhole with the dirtiest of ‘Dublin’ accents and a flurry of freemasonic tricolours - think Parnell Bloodless Massacre last November and the zombies who set fire to those conveniently positioned Garda cars with their doors conveniently left open next to conveniently placed cardboard boxes that just happened to be alight. Ah, Pearse must be smiling down with pride. The role of these coked-up agents provocateurs is to rope in local scangers and whip them into a frenzy about the looming arrival of the ‘bleedin Pakis’ thereby ‘justifying’ the arrival of Drew’s other darkies - the new and improved Black and Tans. Working behind the scenes of course at all times, Antifa/Sinn Fein whose Marxist chant ‘Whose Streets? Our Streets’ stood out like a sore Red thumb in the Wicklow countryside.

At Newtownmountkennedy, Harass sent his thugs in with their axes, masks and flags to mix with genuine local people who are rightly scared about the prospect of African invaders coming to their village. Stage props in the form of wooden pallets were brought in and set alight to create fake disorder - the prerequisite for the ‘riot squad’ whose brutal behaviour ensured a weeding out of locals to separate the mice from the men and leave only hard-core protestors. They now possess a large file in Garda HQ and a team of Drew’s dogsbodies are actively profiling them and their families.

The good people of Wicklow have been fooled like so many before them. The migrant bus will pack up, leave town and move on to the next location with the usual suspects on board to carry out the next surveillance operation on unsuspecting locals.
Throughout the decades, protesting has proven as valuable in the fight against government tyranny as a chocolate teacup. All it has done is strengthen the Police State. In Ireland now, it is nothing more than a data compilation exercise for the powerful to justify their existence. It has been completely and totally taken over.
While you continue to engage with the State, it will continue to bully you. Walk away and it will collapse.



Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Gemma is right. People need to walk away, but they cant, they are shackled to the system.

Zipporah's Flint

Arra Dan for fukk's sake, how can you still be defending her ?

The woman is certifiable.

There was a time I believed that basically Gemma was just a grifter off characters like roc_ because she was always giving off about Muslims without ever criticizing the Abe Foxmans of this world and than just wow how I was proved wrong and than some.....I would not underestimate or dismiss her at least entirely, however she does obviously have something of a Princess complex which gets in the way of her actually leading collective things.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I believe there is a decent number who have walked away.

And then you have people who walked away but still collect dole etc etc.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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What do you think about the treatment of a Gaza dwellers? They voted for Hamas
Goes To Show = = You have to be Careful who you Vote for = = Just ask The Irish People.

The Irish People are going to have to ~ ~ Learn To Fight Like The Israeli's.

Zipporah's Flint

I believe there is a decent number who have walked away.

And then you have people who walked away but still collect dole etc etc.

I think a huge reason behind mass immigration is people in the elites wanting to dismantle large parts of the State which deals with dole, health, etc but also on the other hand to increase the repressive parts of it, basically massively stripping down people's civil liberties- those things are the two trends you can really see have increasingly manifested over the last decade or two in England and France, and mass immigration while not being the sole driver of both has been a massive element in both.


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Sep 11, 2021
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I guess thats a part of it Zip, but for me its definitely about the destruction of the Irish identity - the sense in which we feel Irish, and a sense of mutual solidarity, the roots of any opposition to a takeover of the country - and the destruction of Irish communities. When all the waffle and hype about 'strength in diversity' etc, has died down, the fact is that a country of people with the sole shared heritage of seeking vast amounts of money and goods from the Irish Exchequer, is just not a community at all. When you have in turn destroyed the communities its easier to control the masses.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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It would certainly be a good time to take a rest, til after the results are in.

Should it be a case that Nationalist candidates fare very badly, it will be a time to reassess. And indeed vice versa.

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