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  1. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Once this clown starts using words such as comprehensively, you know he's lying. Why is he posting 2 years old links to some moron who introduces her dog!
  2. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    There's a comment underneath- The good news is we were right and the bad news is we were right. That's exactly how I feel now.
  3. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    That's highly unlikely. Don't be surprised if the fool comes on here to "confirm" that that video "absolutely unequivocally nails" the effectiveness and efficiency of mRNA jabs.
  4. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    I wouldn't like to see him banned as the more he posts, the more of a buck eejit he makes of himself. Russkiy is an egotistical clown. A moron. Coming out with the amount of crap he posts, bear in mind the vitriol that was thrown at us during the Covid panic, then abuse will come his way...
  5. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Angry, I was laughing my ass off! Caught out? You don't understand what cumulative figures represent. Post #1,238. I'd expect a Junior Cert Maths kid to know that. If you don't post ridiculously incorrect comments, when you do comment as opposed to cutting and pasting, the best you can do is...
  6. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    You're clutching at straws at this point. You grasped some irrelevant statistic in between the original post and the edit to try and save face, as your open goal comment illustrates, because your uber pedantic nature has led you down some rabbit hole. If that stat was obvious to you, you...
  7. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    It makes perfect sense. If it was obvious to you, you would have put it into your original post, especially with your overinflated ego.
  8. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    It wasn't that obvious to you if you had to edit your original post to put in that statistic. Anyway it's neither here nor there, it's not relevant.
  9. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Ah give it up lad. Open goal my hole. You tried to be a smart arse and were caught out, and you know it.
  10. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    I'll disagree with you here on the assumption that the Charlottesweb account on Pish was used by one person and the M1A2 account here is used by one person. I don't think they're the same person, at least Charlottesweb had some basic data analysis skills unlike the eejit here who doesn't...
  11. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Big Jim to you boy.
  12. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    What the hell are you at!? First set of figures i.e. August 2020 are cumulative. (I've highlighted above, in bold print, the word "total" for ease of understanding). Second set of figures from the Irish Examiner article from 10 August 2021 are the hospitalisation and ICU figures for THAT DAY...
  13. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Childish? You're the person telling people to fuck off and amending their posts when you quote them! 1. The 10% figure was an approximate figure i.e. an estimate. I said as much at the very beginning of my first post. The point being that the man who more than any other in this country pushed...
  14. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    You pulled me up on some immaterial nonsense about how something was reported rather than deal with the substance of what was in the report. If you could answer my question, you would, such is your childish need to demonstrate some intellectual brilliance which you believe to have, which you...
  15. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    It was the same yesterday. He/she was found out, starting telling me to fuck off and I was done. Except he fucked off and then came back trying to deflect to ivermectin. He/ she is a clown.
  16. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    The usual shite.
  17. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    You can't answer the question asked moron. It was you who fucked off in the end despite your bravado.
  18. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    Owned my bollox. You faffed about here with your usual irrelevant pedantry over how certain things were reported without dealing with the actual issue. It was you who fucked off and then came back flogging the dead ivermectin horse again in an attempt to change the subject away from the one...
  19. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    A nice little deflection.
  20. J

    🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread πŸ’‰

    That's where I was going earlier on. Ireland and Britain are full of overly educated fools and spoofers who regurgitate supposed facts from models which operate on a shit in, shit out basis and are passed off as THE science. Covid and the climate scam being the two most prominent examples...

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