🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread 💉

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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@buddy love

Now that I destroyed your bizarre post about party games for 14 year olds, can you now explain why covid and flu are the same?

It would be a Nobel winning answer if you can prove it.
If the difference is so great and obvious why was it that the diagnostic tool used could not reliably distinguish between the two?

Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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Mysterious new long Covid symptom identified by scientists​


The 33-year-old patient experienced “rapid purple discolouration” on his legs (The Lancet/Manoj Sivan)

Published in The Lancet medical journal, the research detailed a new symptom of the condition after a 33-year-old man was referred to the specialists’ clinic.

The patient had a six-month history of what the authors describe as a “rapid purple discolouration” on his legs. When standing, he remarked that they would feel progressively heavier and become “tingly, itchy and dusky” in colour.

He added that a rash would occasionally appear on his feet, but that the mysterious symptoms would disappear when laying down.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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She was proven right about the transmission vector.

But it's all BS because the diagnostic tool was totally unreliable, so all this 'science' about transmission and infection rates blah blah blah, is totally baseless. In fact, it's not science at all, just long winded puffery by egotistical bandwagon jumpers.

Zipporah's Flint

Mod action; I deleted one post on this thread. Please try to keep things civil.


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Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Tank, why did you flounce only to sign in with a new account a day later?
It flounced last weekend for about 15 hours then came back and changed it's name for some bizarre reason.
Strange individual.


Well-known member
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Jan 13, 2023
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Mod action: Seriously just leave it.
Are you protecting Wankstain?
Or can you not just ignore the cut and thrust of a discussion site.

The chap referred to me as a child which seems to be a common theme with his posts.
Why would anyone continue to refer to children in that way all the time?

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Yes. There are side effects such as Myocarditis, but these are also the issues that someone with covid would have, except far, far worse. If you suffer Myocarditis from the shot, then you were very probably going to experience significant cardiac issues from a full blown covid infection.

On the one hand, it stopped a huge viral outbreak on the original variant. We already know (and there is no point in dismissing) that long Covid is a problem. These numbers would have been far higher if the virus was allowed to freely circulate with no mitigation. We would face significant population health, social and financial issues now and the numbers would totally overwhelm the HSE (who can't cope with the current workload right now).

On the other hand, there is an health impact from cancelled OP visits, cancelled screening, and social impacts from school closures.

The latter however, we know how to tackle, even if the resources may be lacking The former....its scary to see how little is still know about Long Covid and some of these peoples lives are ruined. Crank the numbers up and it becomes terrifying. These people can't work, and are a burden on the healthcare system.

On balance then, the right decision was made, especially early on when we knew nothing about the short, medium and long term impacts of covid.

Yes. There are numerous studies on this, both at a population effect level, and at a basic level in measuring droplet counts expelled using a mask and without.
Yabba yabba yabba! It's all makey uppy self justification for the most horrendous hoax that has killed and maimed millions worldwide.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Yabba yabba yabba! It's all makey uppy self justification for the most horrendous hoax that has killed and maimed millions worldwide.
Crazy how a couple of mentions of a 'variant' in the MSM that nobody is concerned about sends these CoVidiots right back to their hysteria from March 2020.

They are definitely, and beyond any doubt, mentally damaged individuals.

They should be in padded cells for their own safety.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Crazy how a couple of mentions of a 'variant' in the MSM that nobody is concerned about sends these CoVidiots right back to their hysteria from March 2020.

They are definitely, and beyond any doubt, mentally damaged individuals.

They should be in padded cells for their own safety.
...and ours.


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
Yabba yabba yabba! It's all makey uppy self justification for the most horrendous hoax that has killed and maimed millions worldwide.
Crazy how a couple of mentions of a 'variant' in the MSM that nobody is concerned about sends these CoVidiots right back to their hysteria from March 2020.

Why misinterpretation of electron micrographs in SARS-CoV-2-infected tissue goes viral​

. . . ultrastructural details in autopsy tissues have been misinterpreted as coronavirus particles in recent papers. Bradley and colleagues described “coronavirus-like particles” in autopsy specimens of the “respiratory system, kidney, and gastrointestinal tract”, and in a case report Dolhnikoff and colleagues described “viral particles” in “different cell types of cardiac tissue” of a deceased child. However, the images in these publications show putative virus particles that lack sufficient ultrastructure for an unambiguous identification as virus. - Hoax, they're not viruses at all:oops:

. . . findings, described by Tavazzi and colleagues,of “viral particles” in interstitial cells, which are clearly non-viral structures, such as coated vesicles. Furthermore, Bradley and colleagues quoted publications as a reference for their virus particle identification, which, in our opinion, both identified non-coronavirus structures as coronavirus particles,:oops:

With interest we follow the publications that show the presence of putative severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by electron microscopy (EM) in patient tissues and the debate about these results, - Good, let's see🧐 . . .
Test proofs.jpg

Now, the following is the kicker in regard to the blinding science sourced by twits as evidence . . .

. . . As diagnostic EM requires both specialised staff and expensive equipment, and has been replaced by other methods (eg, immunohistochemistry) in several fields of application, its use has been in decline in the past decades, resulting in irreversible loss of expertise that now becomes dramatically overt during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. This dilemma of diagnostic EM should alarm us all, as misleading information on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in tissue has already made its way into the scientific literature and seems to be perpetuated. 😲
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