🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread 💉


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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This is very interesting. Jordan Peterson deftly picks through the prison speak in a very interesting (if extended) interview with Brett Johnson, a leading cyber criminal.

Peterson's gotten a bit much lately but this really demonstrates his quality.

The whole thing is worth a listen but I've linked to a point Peterson makes that is something everybody should know.



Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Titania McGrath?
Yeah, seems like that kind of a set up. A little ‘too’ silly.

That said, there’s a Polish chap and his wife that I work with. This couple have genuinely not stepped outside since March 2020. They order all their food to to the door. His wife has an auto immune disease so they’re scared witless.

He thinks it’s a conspiracy that everything has gone back to normal.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Yeah, seems like that kind of a set up. A little ‘too’ silly.

That said, there’s a Polish chap and his wife that I work with. This couple have genuinely not stepped outside since March 2020. They order all their food to to the door. His wife has an auto immune disease so they’re scared witless.

He thinks it’s a conspiracy that everything has gone back to normal.
That's extreme mind conditioning!


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Most likely affecting the jabbed.

'World Health Organisation officials have published a new document about the JN.1 Coronavirus strain, and it makes for some very grim reading as UK death figures rise again

Medical experts are panicking after confirming that the latest strain of Coronavirus taking over the world is “fast growing” and has “increased immune evasion”.

The JN.1 strain of Covid has been sweeping the world for the last month, becoming the dominant strain in many countries – including the UK. And in the World Health Organisation's latest report into it, officials have also reclassified the strain as its own separate variant, rather than being a variant of interest connected to others.'


Here's Dr. Vanden Bossche talking about this - he explains the mechanism behind what has made this JN.1 strain so alarming. The Dr McMillan guy is not someone I'm so sure of but he provides a platform I suppose. JN.1 isn't too bad, it's the evidence of the mechanism that has Bossche worked up.

Bossche has been warning about using vaccines during a pandemic as this will produce a multitude of variants. Vaccines should be applied (and processed by the body) prior to exposure otherwise they invite immune escape (the viral equivalent of superbugs).


McMillan discusses it with Dr. Rennebohm who has to steer the explanation against eddies and cross currents but the gist of it from what I understand is below - try about 53:35. I think these discussions are principally useful for those in the medical profession


the primary antibodies produced by the vaccines are for the original wuhan strain

there has been significant changes in the strains since which makes these antibodies ineffective

pnnba antibodies are second line less specialised antibodies that flag but do not clog up the virus - these were produced especially after the second shot and in lower quantities after an intitial boom in them

there are general policing immune dendretic cells that can snag the virions (individual viral cells) on their "arms" in the upper respiratory tract

these dendretic cells travel up and down the respiratory tract (from the nose to the lungs)

the virions can unsnag from these dendretic cells (unknown reason but could be to communicate new viruses to the immune cells in the lungs)

the covid virus is much more dangerous in the lungs as it can create sharp inflammation, blood clots and cytokine storms (where immune cells go on the rampage)

the pnnba antibodies that bind to virions on the arms of the dendretic cells stop the virion detaching when the dendretic cell travels to the lungs and so reduce the virulence (challenge) of an infection

this means that most of the infection stays in the upper respiratory tract. while there is still an infection, it means that the bulk of the viral load stay in the area that is less susceptible to serious reactions and is better equipped to deal with it.

the covid vaccines are only partially effective, with gives space for the virus to adapt. they also confuse the natural immune system

as the mRNA originated antibodies become more and more ineffective another type of immune cell is sent into fight the infection - cytokine cells

these are very effective but this mobilisation causes a transfer of resources so B Cells (which normally develop and manufacture antibodies) are inactive

the virus then changes to adapting to the cytokline attacks which are directed at proportions of the virus that is not prone to mutation

mutations have been observed in the stable areas in the virus

as a result Bossche expects that there will be another outbreak of covid with a novel strain that the population is unprepared for - it will affect both vaccinated and unvaccinated although the vaccinated immune systems are in worse condition given the chaos produced by the mRNA technology

military analogy:

heavy artillery becomes ineffective as enemy digs in. airburst shells are used which are less effective but suppress enemy attacks. the enemy gets steel helmets and these become less effective over time as they only work against big clumps of troops. the soldiers used as spotters are sent in on a ground attack. this means the artillery no longer has targetting information. this works well for a time but the enemy changes uniform and the soldiers begin to attack friend and foe. the enemy infiltrates into the lines further and these begin to collapse as command receives garbled messages and cannot direct a coherent reponse.

There's missing bits above (these are long discussions) but the overall impression I get (although it's never said) is that this mRNA technology is a gain of function technique.

Basically, they put a load of biological warfare scientists into immunology and they have this cool discovery that they want to see what happens when it's used on a large scale.

After all, why would we want to create new dangerous diseases for our own good? Why accelerate and engineer the evolution of hazards? Who does this? Do we want more zombie deer or something?

'What does gain of function mean?

Any organism can acquire a new ability or property, or "gain" a "function." This can happen through natural selection or a researcher's experiments. In research, many different types of experiments generate functions, and some pose certain safety and security concerns.

Scientists use a variety of techniques to modify organisms depending on the properties of the organism itself and the end goal. Some of these methods involve directly making changes at the level of genetic code. Others may involve placing organisms in environments that select for functions linked to genetic changes.'

What is 'gain-of-function' and why does it matter in the search for SARS-CoV-2's origins? - Phys.org

It'll probably all be fine though.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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So you believe that duh virus is real? Duh pandemic is/was real? Some reservations about the "vaccines"? Tell us what you think, not a copy paste job.

Well, my effort at a breakdown was a stream of thought job and badly written. The military analogy was from the second conversation with Rennebohm that McMillan botched and was my attempt to have another go at it.

When other text is quoted it's generally to provide an accepted definition or to present a relevant portion of a news article that otherwise wouldn't be clicked on.

Is the virus real? Is the flu real? Are colds real? They provide a viral protein map generated from genetic analyses in the above discussions.

The point is that there's another wave predicted by Bossche and the fact that this phenomenon is real was confirmed by the news article reporting on the WHO.

Bossche is predicting that there will be a more virulent version of the virus this time, rather than one that is more easily spread like Omicron. He also says that there is a source of these new versions outside the lab, so not necessarily from more virus research - thus it's been loosed in nature. Bossch isn't just some random guy with a pretty intro - he's a serious scientist.

One of the features of this message board is that news that we wouldn't otherwise see is reported here. It also gives us an opportunity to discuss it - something we wouldn't have if we were just sitting at home watching the nightly news.

So, it's encouraged to link to articles that we see. They may be of little importance or misleading but among them may be important information. Would any of us known about the developments in COVID if we weren't online?

Perhaps one day you can raise yourself above the condition of a pest. Why don't you start today? Ask me about something that was written above rather than making it all about a competition for attention.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Summarise his summary

Why is what I post so important to you? Do you resent the effort of reading more than a couple of paragraphs of text?

Senior scientist predicts that a new virulent strain of COVID will spread through the vaccinated population sometime next year.

We will be thrown into COVID measures in 2024 as a result.

Antivirals like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin (with zinc), and not more mRNA vaccines, are the appropriate countermeasures.

Bear in mind this is a prediction, so it might not happen. Just file it.

If a new pandemic is declared, it could well be a serious one for the vaccinated. There should be an insistence that antivirals are available as an alternative to mRNA vaccines.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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A bunch of people are making attempts to discredit the NZ data leaked by Barry Young who is now facing 7 years in prison for his actions.

All of the “analyses” claiming “there is nothing to see here” are flawed, but I’ll let you decide that for yourself.


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