🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread 💉


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Jul 3, 2023
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For Irish people, we should be taking about 10,000IU - 15,000IU per day (with vit K2)

In winter we should also be taking high dosages of high quality non synthetic Vitamin C.

Going back onto NAC will help with symptoms
I know but I needed to give it a break so my immune system could do a bit of work. I'm obvs complaining, but just in regard to what is actually out there. I'm no stranger to colds, but this is ridiculous.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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I know but I needed to give it a break so my immune system could do a bit of work. I'm obvs complaining, but just in regard to what is actually out there. I'm no stranger to colds, but this is ridiculous.
My wife has had a similar experience. We’ve reluctantly had to get various strengths of antibiotics to cure her.

As a comparison I haven’t had so much of a sniffle this winter. I have taken high dose Vit D3, Vit C and Zinc for years and never get a cold. My wife had a persistent 4 month cold on the other hand.


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Jul 3, 2023
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Look, this is a play out of the whole Marek vaccine in Chickens. Marek syndrome used to just affect a few in the flock, they died, it never passed on. Then they introduced a vaccine. It was a leaky vaccine, same as covid vaxx. Chickens started incubating the disease and passing it on. Suddenly all unvaccinated Chickens started getting sick, so entire flocks had to be vaxxed at birth. Only flocks that were safe were those kept completely isolated from the vaxxed chucks. We do have some means of protection. This much annoys pharma.
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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2023
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My wife has had a similar experience. We’ve reluctantly had to get various strengths of antibiotics to cure her.

As a comparison I haven’t had so much of a sniffle this winter. I have taken high dose Vit D3, Vit C and Zinc for years and never get a cold. My wife had a persistent 4 month cold on the other hand.
You know, antibiotics get bad press, they aren't the worst. They clear your system and allow you to rebuild it as you wish. But that aside I don't see an issue with people exposing their immune systems to daily assault. For eg, when I was younger, classmates were constantly off school with flu, measles, chicken pox, what have you. We all got these, they built our immune system. Yes, sometimes you needed an antibiotic for a shitty chest infection. Half the time we used to fake it anyway.:D


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Look, this is a play out of the whole Marek vaccine in Chickens. Marek syndrome used to just affect a few in the flock, they died, it never passed on. Then they introduced a vaccine. It was a leaky vaccine, same as covid vaxx. Chickens started incubating the disease and passing it on. Suddenly all unvaccinated Chickens started getting sick, so entire flocks had to be vaxxed at birth. Only flocks that were safe were those kept completely isolated from the vaxxed chucks. We do have some means of protection. This much annoys pharma.
Have you not had Covid before?

Most of us have probably caught Covid from our injected friends, however we have become stronger as a result.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2023
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Have you not had Covid before?

Most of us have probably caught Covid from our injected friends, however we have become stronger as a result.
Yeah, I've had it. Or what was described as such, by a fkng PCR test. :LOL: It was just a bad flu. Kinda fkd my breathing though. I needed a nebulizer for a bit. But saying that, because it had been so long since I had gotten ill, my immune system was likely not up to the task.


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Mar 10, 2023
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Why people are now constantly sick all the time​

February 13, 2024 Radagast Uncategorized 44

Please take a look with me at some worrisome developments in the Netherlands.
So to start with, here is the excess mortality we observe:

We simply have too many people dying again, compared to what you would expect during this time of the year. The rest of Europe has the same problem.
Am I supposed to just keep my mouth shut and move on, when people are dying, after they were threatened with social ostracism if they did not sign up for an experimental vaccine? These are just the people dying, I have also personally met people who began to develop autoimmune nerve conditions, within weeks of receiving the third shot. Again, am I supposed to just ignore it, as the problem steadily grows worse?
In recent weeks, the excess deaths have been steadily growing. If you look at this graph, it’s pretty clear that the excess mortality mostly tends to show up during winter. That strongly suggests it is related to how our body deals with the unique challenges of winter, namely our increased susceptibility to respiratory infections during winter.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Why people are now constantly sick all the time​

February 13, 2024 Radagast Uncategorized 44

Please take a look with me at some worrisome developments in the Netherlands.
So to start with, here is the excess mortality we observe:

We simply have too many people dying again, compared to what you would expect during this time of the year. The rest of Europe has the same problem.
Am I supposed to just keep my mouth shut and move on, when people are dying, after they were threatened with social ostracism if they did not sign up for an experimental vaccine? These are just the people dying, I have also personally met people who began to develop autoimmune nerve conditions, within weeks of receiving the third shot. Again, am I supposed to just ignore it, as the problem steadily grows worse?
In recent weeks, the excess deaths have been steadily growing. If you look at this graph, it’s pretty clear that the excess mortality mostly tends to show up during winter. That strongly suggests it is related to how our body deals with the unique challenges of winter, namely our increased susceptibility to respiratory infections during winter.

Long article. You posted something from him before that I replied to :


From your above post:

'I can not sufficiently emphasize how nightmarish this problem is. It effectively shuts down all the pro-inflammatory messaging that your immune cells produce, that encourages infected cells to destroy the viral RNA that infected them, warns the neighboring vulnerable cells there is a virus present and encourages other immune cells to get active. You will have reduced symptoms of the infection as a result, while the virus happily spreads through your cells. That is insanely dangerous when dealing with a virus like this, that has the inherent ability to spread by fusing an infected cell together with an uninfected cells.

Infections don’t solve this problem, they make it steadily worse. The first signs are seen after two shots, but it only becomes significant once those two shots are followed by an infection. We have not seen a fraction yet of what this problem will cause, because respiratory pathogens like SARS2 will evolve in response to this abnormal immune response to abuse it. You can expect an increase in asymptomatic infections from a variety of respiratory pathogens. The absurd rates of pneumonia now seen in children may be largely a result of them constantly being exposed to those asymptomatic carriers. I have been warning for a long time now, that some solution needs to be sought to remove these B cells doing this, but nothing is being done.'


'Eventually, we will see the same thing as we recently saw in South Africa: These persistent infections will end up with shorter loops in the N-Terminal Domain, turning this virus into something more similar to the original SARS. You will see deletions emerge in these regions: 14-26 (N1), 141-156 (N3) and 246-260 (N5).

You may also see mutations of amino acids to Serine or Threonine, either within these regions, or around them. Once you see this happen, you can expect a rapid increase in virulence. It will be impossible to deny something is seriously wrong. An awful lot of people will get very sick simultaneously.

Once we reach this point, there will be no places left where antibodies can bind and neutralize the Spike protein, because the whole RBD either looks similar to our own amino acids, or is shielded by the glycans. Binding to the glycans seems to be insufficient to neutralize the Spike protein, but causes autoimmune problems, as these antibodies also bind to your own cells glycans.

Because people’s immune systems have spent the past three years, devoting more and more of their limited capacity to this adaptive immune response of antibodies and T cells, proliferating these cells at the cost of the innate immune system’s ability to do its job, now treating this Spike protein as if it were a kind of strange new bee venom or pollen that is continually showing up in our lungs somehow, the loss of these immunogenic regions of the N-Terminal Domain would suddenly leave most people in highly vaccinated Western countries with no protection.


On the other hand, among people with natural immunity, the innate immune system would continue to do its job:

-NK cells have proliferated, adjusted their receptor repertoire and know when to strike.

-Plasmacytoid dendritic cells have proliferated and are not told to shut down by IgG4 antibodies.'

Looks like there's been a rise in cases reported here but it's nothing catastrophic as yet:

Covid Ireland warning as cases of new variant increase again - the symptoms to look out for - Irish Mirror

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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Could Nordie and Tony please summarise their two posts above?

Nordie's graph doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Could Nordie and Tony please summarise their two posts above?

Nordie's graph doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.
Yeah, its a link to another blog poster who does a lot of high brow science stuff about the vaccines and the damage that it has done to human immune response. He goes away into the the technical detail that I dont understand but the general jist seem to be that the vaccine is producing a Marek like problem in humans. That people are constantly ill and dont shake off infections as their immune system is fucked.

He is pointing out that illness and death rates in his country are way up and predicts that this trends is going to intensify.

He is a curious guy as he is total believer in climate change and goes for the veganism and stuff. Which is usually not what you'd associate with vaccine skeptics.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Could Nordie and Tony please summarise their two posts above?

Nordie's graph doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense.

There are bits missing from this but it's the gist.

Your immune system has a layered defence with different systems to deal with infections. The innate immune system (roving natural killer cells) is the first type, the antibody system is the learned type.

The reason why children were immune to COVID is because their innate immune system is very strong while their learned system is weak. It's opposite in older people.

The vaccine uses the antibody system.

There are two different types of antibodies - one marks an infected cell for destruction, the other marks them to be ignored

After the second injection - the second system (that exists so we don't get severe allergy reactions) dominates. It suppresses the immune system. A peanut allergy is an example of this system not being properly active so it's important.

COVID can cause big immune reactions that can produce severe symptoms that can kill people.

By using the second system, this stops the severe symptoms, so less people die, but it makes infected people not seem ill because symptoms are caused by the fight against an infection. This means the infection runs amok and persists for longer - they're riddled with COVID so to speak.

Because of the nature of this virus, and since it is sitting around for a long time in people who have a suppressed immune system, this allows the virus to mutate which means the second system doesn't work anymore. This could then cause large numbers of people to fall severely sick at the same time and create a true pandemic.

In the mean time, because infected people aren't clearing the virus it means that those around them are experiencing a prolonged exposure to a high viral load in the environment. It also means that there are secondary infections (like other viruses) that accompany persistent infections which also add to the shedding in their vicinity.

This causes the writer to link the high rates of respiratory illnesses in children with chronically infected people - he says that he's hearing a lot more of the usual coughing around him. He has graphs.

People who weren't vaccinated still have operational immune systems so should be okay. The concern is that no anti-virals are permitted for use, the hospitals are run down, and nothing is being done to anticipate this problem.

In response to Macken: you know the food and drink purity laws on the continent? Well this is the sort of fella he is. Probably meditating somewhere with spring water and an apple. Very conscious of the naturalness of his inputs and outputs - something along the lines of Bret Weinstein. A Gaia sort of chap.

It hasn't happened yet (and the Minister doesn't seem concerned) so we should put his observations into the noted category. It means that we have a head start should something like this happen - which is a lot more than what we had when COVID hit Italy and caused the panic.

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