An Ultra-Leftist podcast on links between Imperial Japan and Black Nationalists in the USA between the last two World Wars.


Zipporah's Flint

I remember reading an essay from during or just after World War II somewhere about mass Black Nationalist support among North American Blacks for not just Japan but for the Axis powers as a whole. There were racial battles within the US Army in Europe during WWII which involved exchanges of live fire. You find left overs of this among the Black Hebrew Israelites today who claim that Hitler hated European Jews because he knew apparently that they had stolen the identity of the North American Black population who were the real descendants of the Israelites and Judeans of the Bible and that as Crackers go he was a goodun.

This is an interesting subject that has been covered up by not just the Liberal establishment.



Well-known member
Feb 27, 2024
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I remember reading an essay from during or just after World War II somewhere about mass Black Nationalist support among North American Blacks for not just Japan but for the Axis powers as a whole. There were racial battles within the US Army in Europe during WWII which involved exchanges of live fire. You find left overs of this among the Black Hebrew Israelites today who claim that Hitler hated European Jews because he knew apparently that they had stolen the identity of the North American Black population who were the real descendants of the Israelites and Judeans of the Bible and that as Crackers go he was a goodun.

This is an interesting subject that has been covered up by not just the Liberal establishment.


Its not "covered up" :rolleyes:

The information is ridiculously easy to find.

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