Countdown to World War 3


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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The situation could be that the PTB consider themselves above mere national boundaries and that it doesn't really matter which group of people they they set against which, it's all the same to them.
America likes to pretend it ~ ~ Is Not An Empire.

When the Reality is America wants to be ~ ~ The Imperial Power of The World.

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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Elite Zionist bankers own the Western political establishment, and thus the CIA and MI6 do their bidding via the bought political puppets.

All mainstream media is also Zionist elite-owned, and it plays along providing whatever narrative is required for whatever these rulers are doing via their puppets and pawns.

I mean, who do folk think instructed Boris Johnson to go to Ukraine and kill the peace deal nearly two years ago? The senile US President? Clearly not!

It'll be the same people that instructed Bush and Blair to destroy Iraq, and the same ones who instructed Sarkozy, Cameron and Co to destroy Libya, and the same ones who planned the regime change attempt in Syria.

Who do folk think Kier Starmer will answer to when he's put into power? The faceless, nameless rulers of the Western world!

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