Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?


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Sep 11, 2021
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A number of commentators on Irish politics, particularly Gemma O’Doherty in some talks and writings, have stated that Ireland is a very controlled country, that virtually everything is controlled by the globalists, all media outlets, political parties and movements etc etc. I tend to agree, and while proof of such I think is impossible nonetheless it might be worthwhile discussing what we, the Irish people, can and should do in that situation.


The first question then is why would this come about at all, why would these groups control Ireland anyway? For me the first, and maybe surprising, answer to this, is that they can. I think that these Globalist/Occult Powers That Be saw some advantages in controlling micro states around the late 1940s and then went from there into controlling small countries, like Ireland, Israel and Australia. The micro countries that it might be thought they controlled could be: the Vatican, which was used to give passports to Nazi figures who were part of this milieu, Monaco, which has apparently a very powerful lodge set up by the P2 organisation in Rome, and some Indian reservations in the US which were used as places where some mysterious software was developed for US intelligence agencies.

You see if you can absolutely control everything in a country (all its media, political parties, security apparatus etc) then clearly you can do anything you like there, its obviously impossible for any opposition to arise in that environment, and then you can base your intelligence agency connected tech companies, etc, in that place without any problems.

Ireland is an easy country to do that to:
– because of the naivety and complacency of the people (‘we are unimportant’ ‘sure intelligence agencies here are like chasing leprechauns’ etc etc).
– because there are so few genuine activists in politics or even involved in reporting things outside the confines of the mainstream media. I remember years ago talking to one activist in left wing/anarchist groups, pointing out that the community was so small they probably all know each other because nearly all met at different times in the same building (the teachers club in Parnell Square). He replied saying it was worse than that, many of them are in multiple organisations, the secretary of x group could be also the regional organiser of y group etc!
The number of genuine people out there, passionate about the political fate of their country, is absolutely tiny, there are far more cricket supporters for example in Ireland than political activists of any hue, and it was described to me at a protest recently that a good bingo night anywhere in Ireland would attract far more than even a nationally organised and well advertised protest. Sure you have political activists organised around Ireland, in Fianna Fail and Fine Gael say, but their ard fheiseanna could have a median age of 80 nowadays, there is virtually nobody else there except those being paid by the state to work in politics.

Also Ireland is conveniently placed, and easy to work in, for the US and UK intelligence agencies, who are the most important globalist ones.

Finally it might be thought that targeting Ireland has an Occult, meaning Satanist, type agenda behind it. Don’t be so surprised at that speculation, if you follow somebody like Leo Zagami, who operated at the highest levels of the Occult world, he says you cannot separate out their activities from that of the big Western intelligence agencies. He talks about attending high up Masonic initiations in a hall near the MI6 building in London, where the latter were out in force, and also about key figures in the intelligence area also been into the Occult. So on that score their targeting of Israel – which, as pointed out above, I think is as true as Ireland – could have Occult significance, the Temple Mount, the Holy Places to Christianity, etc (for example he said once that he was invited to a Satanic type ritual in tunnels under the Temple Mount). By the same token Ireland, famous as the land of Saints, might also have that significance, an important place to corrupt and control.


To recap again, my contention is that the gigantically funded US and UK intelligence agencies – who of course all dance to a globalist, world government agenda, they by no means look after the interests of their governments –, plus any they can shake loose of Irish controlled ones, are controlling, somehow, all of the political parties and media outlets in the Republic of Ireland. They do this with people on the ground, its by no means the case that these agencies just use electronic data etc, quite the contrary, they have a small army on the ground of agents of various types. Some are:
– paid agents doing it for the money, of which more anon.
– blackmailed or generally in fear of the Gardai and their sometimes exalted powers.
– intimidated by threats, for example for the state to seize their children. This is no dead letter in Ireland, at a recent protest in Mullingar for example a senior Garda threatened the protesters with Tusla.

But mostly these agencies are helped by people who think it is the ‘right thing to do’ to assist the state even where it is breaking up communities and friendships and destroying democracy in these ways. We have almost a generation of people who think the highest form of morality is to become a snitch for the Gardaí or other state agencies, whereas in practice any information given to them, or any other state agency, goes immediately onto the computers, and will be used by, these international intelligence agencies.

As regards money its a mistake to think most work for, at least serious, money, many are quite poor and rather their value system/morality forces them to be pawns for these corrupt agencies. But anyway its interesting to speculate how they pay their agents, bearing in mind that these days there is a huge paper trail behind almost any transaction and which therefore can be chased up by tax authorities if nobody else. Some ways of doing this might be:
The horse racing world. Obviously its easy to handle cash at the races, where you can always say you won it, and it provides a link to some key people and their districts, like Cheltenham where one of the big UK agencies is located. Also owning racehorses in Ireland is curiously exempt form any kind of tax, conveniently enough.
Court, or out of court, settlements or payouts, which are easily explained and sometimes not taxed. So for example some agent might get a bumper libel payout, maybe an easy to get settlement from our very controlled media, possibly over a not very important matter, or just a giant and suspiciously easy to receive insurance claim.
Welfare system. This can be curiously flexible and varied in Ireland, where some people seem to get very substantial benefits in cash and in kind, and some virtually nothing. This could depend on how ‘co-operative’ a person was with certain, security minded, state agencies?
– or just assistance in getting a good job, which might require little work but much money, maybe from the state or cooperating multinationals.

What they do

Again, these people are attempting to get a controlling interest in all political movements/parties/groups and media outlets. They do that by building their ‘legends’, in intelligence agency parlance. Meaning their agents will have a great track record in assisting the movement they are trying to control, a decades long track record in the pro life or environmental or anti mass migration movements etc, and will naturally rise to the top because of this commitment and work. They can do this of course because the agencies will have realized there is a gap in the political spectrum that needs filling here, so they will be the first, or nearly the first to raise a particular issue, and since they get paid on the sly they can put in these hours over a long period of time, where genuine people might not have the money or resources to do that.

That’s the way these agencies view the political world, its a spectrum like selling ice cream. You can select any flavour of ice cream you like, green, red, authoritarian, libertarian, who cares as long as you get it from this single ice cream vendor. As long as its controlled, every part of the spectrum is allowed to exist, and even encouraged to fight against each other, why not imprison people into this controlled environment? By controlled we mean either the leader, or a doughnut of controlled people around the leader, the finances, and especially the media outlets controlled by that group, e.g. youtube channel, social media, website or journal, etc.

These ‘controlled’ people will in fact act, at least 99% of the time, in the interests of the movement, and will be a great help in growing it and sustaining it. The powers that be don’t care too much about any group that forms because, for example, it might just settle down to try and elect a TD say, which could easily turn into a 20 or 30 year project with precious little political influence to show for it at the end anyway. In the unlikely event that their movement does have national significance, say some big protest or other, then yes, a little confusion can creep into the system, with days or times getting mixed up or people moving off to different venues at the same time, etc. But at least 99% of the time none of this drama is really necessary.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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What they say

But its important to understand that these controlled people do not just wait around for the very rare occasions when their influence is necessary to crush some rising opposition or whatever. What they do the rest of the time is try and influence the people in the movement to go in some direction of their choosing. In other words if they cannot get the people involved to believe in the merits of the CIA, or love globalism or something daft like that, at least they can spread around some concepts that help the globalists.

For example why not say that everybody should now go and tend to a vegetable patch in some rural area, have many children and not get involved in politics or protests, because its useless etc. That sort of fatalism is useful for the globalists obviously. Or hype up the possibility of control by infiltrating agents such that the members of the movement are suspicious of outsiders and will act unfriendly to newcomers in that atmosphere. For example that was the given reason why the National Party sacked Philip Dwyer, because he was getting involved in groups where the ‘unvetted’ could interact with the party, his long walks etc, and that was supposedly a terrible problem in a political party that is trying to grow support? Of course that’s helpful in stopping movements reaching any kind of mass appeal, and in general you might like to spread around this kind of suspicious atmosphere – not giving your full name when asked etc – because its stops people getting to know each other and cooperating in general, useful for these corrupt people again.

Remember, in my thesis the people who control the movement are at the top table doing the talking, they are not that guy who arrived late and is asking some trivial questions about who everybody is. The globalists have all that information anyway, through electronic means if nothing else, its the innocent guy who would just like to know what’s going on. Another example could be in the Catholic traditionalist movement. You might say that you cannot oppose vaccination by going to a protest with other groups, because they could be freemasons or whatever, an obvious divida et impera type tactic.

So that’s what they also do, they have a ‘line’ on almost every issue that they will spin, it won’t be contrary to the movements aims, but it will, subtly, further the globalists aims.

How they cooperate across movements/media outlets

Another point that you might not detect is how the ‘controlled’ people in your movement are cooperating with others. In Ireland today the powers that be operate a kind of escalator system for their agents. or people they like generally, and de-escalator against their opponents. Some people live a charmed life here in terms of publicity, say, for books or political careers or whatever, and some can never get a word in edgeways. A simple example might be the second Lisbon Referendum. If you think about it for a minute, Declan Ganley, a globalist millionaire with links to the Bush family in the US, for example, was selected by the media as the main leader of the ‘No’ side, while Patricia McKenna, a person who led a genuine organisation on the ground, was hardly permitted to get a word in. Anyway the ‘controlled’ media outlets/movements that I am talking about can work that system undetected by you, giving publicity to the ‘right’ kind of people.

A lot of this you will not detect, because the globalists have agendas that you might not guess at. For example I would suggest they planned for this current atmosphere where Israel is the new globalist bad boy, they could have been highlighting writers/speakers through their media condemning Israel, a bit more than the facts suggest is reasonable. (They don’t like Israel because its a country with a strong ethnic, religious and cultural identity, they want all countries to be a hodge potch of races and religions with no unifying element, helpful in controlling them in a world government scenario obviously.)

What you should do now

First of all can I say you should get involved in movements, protests etc, despite these problems. You have no choice, they are gunning to set up their prison planet and you will be in it with no rights at all unless you fight against this thing, and on your own you can only do so much.

Always be genuinely polite and Christian in your dealings with people, no matter who they are, it will not help matters at all to start making allegations, despite your misgivings sometimes. But simultaneously you should be careful in what advice you get, try and work out if some people have some agenda there and steer clear of it if possible. Try not to get trolled, which is where some people will lengthen out some daft disagreement in a way that gets you thrown off some forum or movement or whatever, just walk away from too heated an argument and happily give your opponent the last word.

Anyway that’s just a few ideas about the atmosphere on the ground in Ireland now.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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What they say

But its important to understand that these controlled people do not just wait around for the very rare occasions when their influence is necessary to crush some rising opposition or whatever. What they do the rest of the time is try and influence the people in the movement to go in some direction of their choosing. In other words if they cannot get the people involved to believe in the merits of the CIA, or love globalism or something daft like that, at least they can spread around some concepts that help the globalists.

For example why not say that everybody should now go and tend to a vegetable patch in some rural area, have many children and not get involved in politics or protests, because its useless etc. That sort of fatalism is useful for the globalists obviously. Or hype up the possibility of control by infiltrating agents such that the members of the movement are suspicious of outsiders and will act unfriendly to newcomers in that atmosphere. For example that was the given reason why the National Party sacked Philip Dwyer, because he was getting involved in groups where the ‘unvetted’ could interact with the party, his long walks etc, and that was supposedly a terrible problem in a political party that is trying to grow support? Of course that’s helpful in stopping movements reaching any kind of mass appeal, and in general you might like to spread around this kind of suspicious atmosphere – not giving your full name when asked etc – because its stops people getting to know each other and cooperating in general, useful for these corrupt people again.

Remember, in my thesis the people who control the movement are at the top table doing the talking, they are not that guy who arrived late and is asking some trivial questions about who everybody is. The globalists have all that information anyway, through electronic means if nothing else, its the innocent guy who would just like to know what’s going on. Another example could be in the Catholic traditionalist movement. You might say that you cannot oppose vaccination by going to a protest with other groups, because they could be freemasons or whatever, an obvious divida et impera type tactic.

So that’s what they also do, they have a ‘line’ on almost every issue that they will spin, it won’t be contrary to the movements aims, but it will, subtly, further the globalists aims.

How they cooperate across movements/media outlets

Another point that you might not detect is how the ‘controlled’ people in your movement are cooperating with others. In Ireland today the powers that be operate a kind of escalator system for their agents. or people they like generally, and de-escalator against their opponents. Some people live a charmed life here in terms of publicity, say, for books or political careers or whatever, and some can never get a word in edgeways. A simple example might be the second Lisbon Referendum. If you think about it for a minute, Declan Ganley, a globalist millionaire with links to the Bush family in the US, for example, was selected by the media as the main leader of the ‘No’ side, while Patricia McKenna, a person who led a genuine organisation on the ground, was hardly permitted to get a word in. Anyway the ‘controlled’ media outlets/movements that I am talking about can work that system undetected by you, giving publicity to the ‘right’ kind of people.

A lot of this you will not detect, because the globalists have agendas that you might not guess at. For example I would suggest they planned for this current atmosphere where Israel is the new globalist bad boy, they could have been highlighting writers/speakers through their media condemning Israel, a bit more than the facts suggest is reasonable. (They don’t like Israel because its a country with a strong ethnic, religious and cultural identity, they want all countries to be a hodge potch of races and religions with no unifying element, helpful in controlling them in a world government scenario obviously.)

What you should do now

First of all can I say you should get involved in movements, protests etc, despite these problems. You have no choice, they are gunning to set up their prison planet and you will be in it with no rights at all unless you fight against this thing, and on your own you can only do so much.

Always be genuinely polite and Christian in your dealings with people, no matter who they are, it will not help matters at all to start making allegations, despite your misgivings sometimes. But simultaneously you should be careful in what advice you get, try and work out if some people have some agenda there and steer clear of it if possible. Try not to get trolled, which is where some people will lengthen out some daft disagreement in a way that gets you thrown off some forum or movement or whatever, just walk away from too heated an argument and happily give your opponent the last word.

Anyway that’s just a few ideas about the atmosphere on the ground in Ireland now.
Was it Lenin or was it Stalin that said that best way to counter opposition movement was to lead the opposition movements.

Imagine being a young IRA Volunteer in the 1980s who paid with years off your life in prison, or with your life completely, only to find that those leading you are working with the enemy all the time. Not a a random traitor in the ranks but the leadership of the organisation entire.

Or your a UK nationally minded person who trusted in Nigel Farage only to be led to dead end after dead on. Where a political party who command 30% in Euro elections is killed off deliberately. Or to build again a Reform party only for that momentum and votes to be sold to the Tory party in 2019 election for absolutely no Quid Pro Quo.

Or to chase your tail, pumping out endless leaflet for the National party, overlooking Barrett handicapping your party by making the death penalty a core principle of the Party, overlooking Barrett calling for the execution of abortion doctors at Ard Fheis.. to find that his Ultimately quest is now to take control of a micro-party whilst dressed in a War-Hammer 40,0000 Great Coat from Ali Express.

Ireland is a long way away.

Such example would make you question the value of engagement in protest or political movements. Especially those who premise is to work within the rules set by the enemy. You may be making yourself feel better or assuaging your sense of guilt.. but are you making a practical difference or are you being farmed by some establishment shepherd?


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Sep 11, 2021
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No I definitely think that the current protests can make a real difference, but you are right, they are good examples. Thats why we have to face the music and see the real power we are facing, and be careful not to waste time in their hamster wheel.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Bocht I can't read all of that. What is your main point?


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Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, thats how I would summarise it, but hopefully I cover more than that here.



Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?​

Applying Betteridges Law.....



Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?​

Applying Betteridges Law.....

A better question is - Name the parties that are not controlled?

Covid showed full spectrum obedience across the political parties. No exceptions


Covid showed full spectrum obedience across the political parties. No exceptions
A pandemic isn't political.

And remember, we were all supposed to be in lockdowns forever, weren't we? It wasn't the virus that all the tin foil hat brigade were freaking out about.

It was the supposed NWO Soros Davos WEF blah blah population control lockdown measures that were going to last forever - until they ended as expected by the rest of us when most of the population developed some kind of immunity.

A lot of now very embarrassing and cringe stuff was said by a lot of brainless idiots on this forum and on Pish.

Best to not talk about it.


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Sep 11, 2021
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The virus scam ended because fortunately enough of people were not hoodwinked. Granted, states here populated by idiots like Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois etc fell for it but people elsewhere were not taken in.

So the result is, covid is shelved


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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The virus scam ended because fortunately enough of people were not hoodwinked. Granted, states here populated by idiots like Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Illinois etc fell for it but people elsewhere were not taken in.

So the result is, covid is shelved
Funny how the Uki war started within days of the scamdemic being exposed.
Now the American proxy war against Russia has proven to be a complete white elephant another front had to be opened up in jewland.
All retarded and perverted internet bots need a current thing to support.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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The scamdemic ended (quite suddenly) when the politicians and the fake news media stopped talking about it, how embarrassing for people like you.
Pandemic suggests a worldwide disease.
ConVid only affected wealthy countries in the west.
The greatest psychological operation ever perpetrated.
Swallowed whole and pushed by brain dead pedophiles like Comical Jarry.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Well, by that definition, you could say that there is an ongoing coronavirus pandemic (Jarry thinks he'll never catch a cold again because he's immune and quadruple "boostered" (he might catch a heart attack though :)) but nothing significant really changed about that.. the year the flu was (miraculously) eradicated :)


Twas down to his politics I guess..
A political virus ok.
Only perverted and angry lefties got it bad.
The rest of us shook it off like a common cold....which is exactly what it was.
'Coronavirus' is a cold virus first discovered in humans in the 1960's.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Clearly what they did during the scamdemic is a test of things to come, during which, as stated here, all political parties and media outlets were all on board that titanic. I don't know what the next one will look like but it will involve the same totalitarian atmosphere. Maybe we will even get a world war next year, it certainly seems close, even a nuclear one, and that will cause the kind of mass panic and fear that the powers that be clearly stoked and exploited the last time.


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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The thing is, lefties don't talk about it anymore,
I've found with a lot of my family and friends who would be leftards that they just clam up when shown the evidence.
It's either embarrassment, stupidity or just plain ignorance.
I have 5 siblings all around the 60 mark a good bit older than me, all of them run like lemmings to get their flu and ConVid jabs.

My elderly mother point blank refuses to take it, she's almost 100!!!
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The scamdemic ended (quite suddenly) when the politicians and the fake news media stopped talking about it, how embarrassing for people like you.

Let's move on. Covid was probably a good time to talk about a great many things wrong in the country.

But the only contrary voices turned out to talking delusional shite and still are.

If you wanted credibility you blew it.

By all means, keep talking about the "scamdemic". Why would the rest of us stop you putting your foot in your month now when we didn't before? It's the ultimate red flag. And we need to know who you idiots are.
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Zipporah's Flint


I do not want for the thread to go off topic too much but even though he was literally genocidal total psycho Jewish Supremacist back in the 1960s Meir Kahane pointed out by carrying on in ways that angered both the Whites and People of Colour, and both the Hard Right and Hard Left, the American Jewish Establishment was creating a situation where they and maybe Jews more generally would be caught in the middle if ever there was a serious crisis in the USA. Carrying on like your one in that video is far from wise- especially if you are prone to being paranoid. That is thing though- where does paranoia stop and power games begin? With a lot of people of all backgrounds it is hard to tell at times.

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