Do the Globalists control all political parties and media outlets in Ireland?

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Okay.. and the alienated are the workers, the reason for their alienation capitalism/capitalists, right?

Uh my reading is that everyone is alienated but because of their social position gives them the necesscity for co-operation and the social power necessary to bring it about the working class have the historic mission to bring communism.

Alienation began with the collapse of primitive communism according to my understanding of Marxism and reached it's zenith with capitalism but because capitalism by it's corrosive nature sweeps away all the previous illusions it also opens up the possibility of humanity reconnecting again with the essence of our social being, only this time on a much higher level than existed with primitive communism.

Did you never discuss all this with Tadgh?

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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I don't have an issue with the term 'alienation' (and I'm not being overly literal with it), I am trying to identify the groups in the power dynamic, the "class struggle" of Marxism. Do you accept that those are the proletariat (workers) and the bourgeoisie (capitalists)?

Yes according to Marxism the main class antagonism in the world today is between the working class, particularly those involved in direct production, and capitalists, particularly the large ones.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Nothing to see here.

A Masonic leader was at Vatican environmental conference to promote depopulation, world gov’t​

Carlos Alvarez Pereira was invited from The Club of Rome, which has from its founding been one of the chief promoters of the Malthusian myth of overpopulation and radical population control programs.
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Sep 25, 2023
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Here's a clever headline from ZeroHedge - Can We Reverse America's Distemper?

It's an article on Peter Turchin's theory of cliodynamics that suggests an analysis of the forces that drive political discord and reconstitution. It's a position that one could attribute to the left, although it is considerably more sophisticated than generally on offer from them. It reflects a materialist approach - a scientific historicism so to speak. It's not a surprise that he was brought up in the USSR. He has a pragmatic manner and the nodding but unconvinced posture of the genuine Soviet intellectual when asked to remark on doctrinaire truths. Here's a university lecture from him. A digest from a progressive publication is below.

'He sees four main drivers that lead to societal crisis, of which the most important is "intraelite competition and conflict," and the most variable is "geopolitical factors," which for large and powerful nations like the U.S. tend to be negligible. Another driver, "popular immiseration," increases as population growth drives down living standards, which leads to "elite overproduction," for example when too many middle-class college graduates compete for a stagnant number of well-paying jobs. The last driver, the "failing fiscal health and weakened legitimacy of the state," is exacerbated by both popular immiseration and elite overproduction, which are clearly the central features.

Turchin also focuses attention on what he calls the "engine" at the heart of the model, the previously mentioned "perverse 'wealth pump'... taking from the poor and giving to the rich." It intensifies and locks in popular immiseration and also drives elite overproduction, undermining social trust at both the top and bottom of the social pyramid.

This reflects "one of the most fundamental principles in sociology, the 'iron law of oligarchy,'" he writes, "which states that when an interest group acquires a lot of power, it inevitably starts using that power in self-interested ways."'

He's likely to turn up on UnHerd one of these days. He predicted that the 2020s would be a time of turmoil in 2010. There's a long march through the institutions sense to his theory although there is no explicit mention of it, and it does stand on its own without connection. There are numerous conversations that could arise out of it - especially when his introductory lecture, which more fuller describes his theory, is considered.

Peter Hitchens is likely to be highly perturbed by Lord Cameron's return. I'd say he may have some sympathy with Turchin's account (given his political formation). There's clearly significiantly more to Turchin's work than an article from salon or an hour lecture can convey - there's a rich seam of commentary to be mined here, all of which may not concur with the progenitor's conclusions or emphases.

In any case, not something that you'd expect to turn up on ZeroHedge. It is directly applicable to Scolaire Bocht's OP in that he discusses how opposition is cultivated - structurally and operationally. There are features of his theory that have long been recognised in the academic canon. I'd say that he's interesting and worth a watch (though maybe on one of the more popularly focused formats).

Resilience is an important feature of a polity's portfolio of interests. I should hope that it is an institutional priority. We could be more deleteriously positioned for this "age of turmoil". If we can keep our heads (and not turn into a land of whores and junkies) we have a good chance of getting through without too much harm.


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Feb 14, 2023
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Charlotte's head loves watching child sex tapes.🤢
Jan 13, 2023
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For your delectation!
Sweet mother of God.
They're fully committed to turning the population into mushrooms.
Keep them in the dark and feed them loads of shite.

Sure they're still pushing the Russian interference shite about Trump's election in 2016.
Hilary & Bill Clinton the pedophile couple paid for that hoax and that's been proven in court.
The MSM continues with the shit though.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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I don't have an issue with the term 'alienation' (and I'm not being overly literal with it), I am trying to identify the groups in the power dynamic, the "class struggle" of Marxism. Do you accept that those are the proletariat (workers) and the bourgeoisie (capitalists)?

Capitalism is fine with people screaming and shouting about their disgusting sexual habits and "Wokeness" more generally.

I think actually people like you run into contradiction with it than people like owedtojoy- there are good reasons why "The Economist" promotes open borders.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Funny how the Uki war started within days of the scamdemic being exposed.
Now the American proxy war against Russia has proven to be a complete white elephant another front had to be opened up in jewland.
All retarded and perverted internet bots need a current thing to support.
its not an americian war against Russia --the war is waged by DUAL CITIZENS and their donors all of whom are Jewish .
the poor of America are being robbed again for this Jewish war -- and if they were successful the poor would not benefit .
when you look at the last Jewish war against Russia in the early 1990s when over 11 million extra people died all the Jewish oligarchs except abramovich went to live in Israel when released from jail.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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marxism is juadism == jews quote

This is the thing- Jews were historically ultra-Capitalistic as regards non-Jews but very Socialistic among themselves in many ways. So when in the 19 th century a lot of Jews and people from Jewish backgrounds started moving towards universalism natrurally enough they became Socialist or Socialistic. That era has ended though. The State that calls itself "Israel" started off as Socialistic and now it is Thatcherism on steroids.


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Sep 11, 2021
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So to recap, I am sorry that the above article makes no great effort in proving that Ireland is so encompassed by these forces, although I think we are, its more a question of what to notice and expect. So basically, in my opinion, don't continue to fall for this Punch and Judy show, generally, with only a small number of exceptions, any person given publicity in the current climate is suspect. Its all for your entertainment and in the long run means nothing in terms of real government policy.

As pointed out, frequently they energise these sham 'debates' and parties, for example Trump. I would even include the Gaza war, with the US right, via the Pentecostals particularly, primed to cheer for Israel, and the left, especially in Ireland, primed to cheer for the Palestinians. Don't take sides and get enthusiastic about either side, I would say, because you could find that both Netanyahu and Hamas are working to somebody's script - primarily that of US intelligence agencies I would say, and remember, as pointed out, the Occult groups are obsessed with the Holy Land - to the detriment of the ordinary people of both Gaza and Israel.

What they are really afraid of is if you look away from their puppet show and see the man behind the curtain pulling the strings.

Right now on the street with the immigration protests, is where we are at in terms of making a difference for the better now in Ireland. And there, yes of course, the powers that be are ahead of us, busy making legends to establish their guys in charge, sometimes via publicity given to their people in the media, and are pumping out their 'lines' as pointed at above. Hence: 'we shouldn't be protesting at asylum centres themselves because its too intrusive to the asylum seekers'; 'we should be concentrating on the local elections' (months and months away, and probably a dead end anyway); and anybody that tries to assist at a protest in a town he is not a native of is made to feel unwelcome as well, for no good reason, this is an all Ireland issue.

Anyway hopefully we can navigate these problems and get our country back somehow or other! This picture by the way is from the 2012 Christmas edition of the Economist and is headed 'A Rough Guide to Hell'.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Sir, is your Username a kind of advance warning of your trolling of the Site?

Well, I did separate it into paragraphs to make it more legible. This is about Turchin. He says that there are socio-economic factors that cause periods of disorder and lays them out in the lecture I linked to above. He did predict in 2010 that the 2020s would be a time of turmoil. I hadn't heard of him before the article was listed on the ZeroHedge website.

His iron law of oligarchy states that any group when it has access to power will abuse this to "pump" wealth into their circle. This entails the co-option of pillars of opinion like political parties and the fourth estate - so a reference to Scolaire's assertion.

He also says that there is an overproduction of "elites" by which I think he means that there are a lot of people who follow a path they are told will provide security and prosperity but are disappointed, which radicalises them. Because they have access to "elite" knowledge they are familiar with the levers of power and can use these to upset the oligarchical arrangement. He maintains that revolutions are never successful bread riots - they always have to be officered to have any chance of success.

There's something else though - the overproduction of Bertie and Bertina Woosters and the subsequent stuffing of leadership positions by idiot children. This was a mark of, for example, the Spanish Empire which caused its long and indolent decline. Because global dynamics are so frenetic now this type of arrangement will meet a much sooner end in his terms.

I found him through reading ZeroHedge (which is a finance orientated website with a libertarian lean) - the comments section weren't kind to the author of the article.

I'm not coming down for or against his theory, just adding it to the discussion. You should watch the UnHerd video - its edifying, the guy is clearly spooked.


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Sep 3, 2022
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"and anybody that tries to assist at a protest in a town he is not a native of is made to feel unwelcome as well, for no good reason, this is an all Ireland issue."

Thing is that the left wing have been bussing in the professional protesters for decades.
Any time locals would announce a meeting or protest.
A counter protesters brigade seems to pop up .


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Well, I did separate it into paragraphs to make it more legible. This is about Turchin. He says that there are socio-economic factors that cause periods of disorder and lays them out in the lecture I linked to above. He did predict in 2010 that the 2020s would be a time of turmoil. I hadn't heard of him before the article was listed on the ZeroHedge website.

His iron law of oligarchy states that any group when it has access to power will abuse this to "pump" wealth into their circle. This entails the co-option of pillars of opinion like political parties and the fourth estate - so a reference to Scolaire's assertion.

He also says that there is an overproduction of "elites" by which I think he means that there are a lot of people who follow a path they are told will provide security and prosperity but are disappointed, which radicalises them. Because they have access to "elite" knowledge they are familiar with the levers of power and can use these to upset the oligarchical arrangement. He maintains that revolutions are never successful bread riots - they always have to be officered to have any chance of success.

There's something else though - the overproduction of Bertie and Bertina Woosters and the subsequent stuffing of leadership positions by idiot children. This was a mark of, for example, the Spanish Empire which caused its long and indolent decline. Because global dynamics are so frenetic now this type of arrangement will meet a much sooner end in his terms.

I found him through reading ZeroHedge (which is a finance orientated website with a libertarian lean) - the comments section weren't kind to the author of the article.

I'm not coming down for or against his theory, just adding it to the discussion. You should watch the UnHerd video - its edifying, the guy is clearly spooked.
have you a link to the unherd video you mentioned?


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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No one (noone) has a clue what you're about.. because you're so heavily disguising it. I've asked you several straightforward questions by now and you don't answer. Your reputation will continue to be nil here with everyone* until you do.

*Except with your twin brother @clarke-connolly

I've a feeling that you're pursuing this animosity because you wish to enhance your reputation by making me an enemy - according to the maxim that a man is judged by his enemies. Well, I have no interest in contesting with you.

Here's some good quotes on the topic though:

"I don't feel right, ain't got enough haters, Somebody send me some, so I can aggravate them." — Plies - "Watch Dis"

"Judge a man by the reputation of his enemies." — Arabian Proverb

"If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility." — Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

"One has a right to judge a man by the effect he has over his friends." ― Oscar Wilde

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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I don't think I said that, refusal to answer my straightforward questions only supports the theory.

Dishonest people or people with something to hide don't answer straightforward questions we've seen that also (again) recently with Jarry @Kangal. I hate dishonesty, I hate phonys

I could be wrong to think I remember you suggesting that- I thought about it and dismissed it but than he brought up one of Oscar Levy's theories which is not something well known at all and I thought it may well be roc_. Anyway it doesn't matter that much.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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I could be wrong to think I remember you suggesting that- I thought about it and dismissed it but than he brought up one of Oscar Levy's theories which is not something well known at all and I thought it may well be roc_. Anyway it doesn't matter that much.

Where did I bring up one of Oscar Levy's theories?

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