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free and clean

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Oct 2, 2023
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Sep 3, 2022
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Isn't it the sign of a very sick society when a paedo rat bastard gets four years (if even) in prison for raping a young child and sharing it on social media? What the fuck is going through the mind of the judge in this case?

Import garlic from China you get six.
You're a teacher called Bourke who won't bend the knee to woke.
And you're left in jail because you upset sensibilities.
This isn't so mad after all.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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OK ~ ~ Too soon to say ~ ~ But, There is a Big Chance that this is another Islamic Nutter spreading the Religion of Peace by Stabbing People ! ! !

Murder and Stabbing.



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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I am only 20 minutes in to this.

Great exposure for Brendan O'Neill.

I assume that this will be Very Good. Two and A Half Hours Long.


Actually ~ ~ Not a good episode ~ ~

Got bogged down ~ ~ You'd have to wonder why O'Neill would waste such an opportunity on shilling for Israel ~ ~ And why Rogan ( though not nearly as bad with the shilling for Israel ) would let so much of an episode get so bogged down on this ~ ~

Hard to get through this episode.

Edit ~ ~ The last few minutes were the best bit of the episode ~ ~ Just finished it now.
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Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I spent some time today collecting signatures for putting a person on the ballot. What a thankless chore.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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My thinking is, That The American Democrat Party want all of this = = To Stop Donald Trump being Elected as American President.

free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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Actually ~ ~ Not a good episode ~ ~

Got bogged down ~ ~ You'd have to wonder why O'Neill would waste such an opportunity on shilling for Israel ~ ~ And why Rogan ( though not nearly as bad with the shilling for Israel ) would let so much of an episode get so bogged down on this ~ ~

Hard to get through this episode.

Edit ~ ~ The last few minutes were the best bit of the episode ~ ~ Just finished it now.
Listened to a bit of it. Surprised at how outspoken Rogan is in relation to the transgender cult. Would have thought that was a big no no in media land if you didn't want to lose advertising revenue. But maybe, like Musk, he has enough money to shield himself from such consequences.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Worth a read!
Interesting concepts.

Interesting. Evil is a study worthy of revival - the Devil has had his subterfuge, it's time to dispute his disappearance.

I think that the modern concept of evil is that of material or psychological want, so the way to remedy it is through social programs and support groups. This is the left wing's conviction.

This was in the traditional concept but also included was the understanding that evil has a active quality with its own personality. It is an entity that works for evil ends.

The absence of, say, material goods may cultivate an environment conducive for evil but the evil itself has an additional quality. Examples of this had a big influence on Solzhenitsyn. Frankl also noted it in Man's Search for Meaning.

So evil is a thing beyond mere deprivation - many fine people have lived penurious lives, and many wealthy individuals have been low and unworthy people (although counter-examples can be found in both sections of society which is why Solzhenitsyn wrote that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart).

This is why snobs that say that "the lower classes" are all scum and socialists who say that a person is justified by poverty alone are both morons.

Here are some good quotations from the article:

Charlton explains Sorathic evil as:

…. the purest, most absolutely negative form of evil.

If Luciferic evil is motivated by short-termist pleasure; while Ahrimanic evil is motivated by God-denial, spiritual blindness and reductionism towards a meaningless world of mechanical procedures; then the Sorathic impulse is driven by negative impulses - primarily fear, resentment and hatred.

Sorathic evil will therefore tend to destroy both the lustful pleasures of Luciferic evil, and the complex functional bureaucracies of Ahrimanic evil….

Tychonievich describes Sorath like this:

By Sorath I mean the principle of evil at its purest, the devil of all devils, Goethe's "spirit that negates." God is the love-motivated Creator, and Sorath is the hate-motivated anti-Creator, who opposes all creation -- who thinks it "better nothing would begin" and that all that has begun "deserves to perish wretchedly."

Sorath's ultimate goal is that nothing at all exist, including Sorath himself.


For, according to Charlton, the world we inhabit is actually already Sorathic:

A world in which the Luciferic lusts of sex/ drugs and the rock-and-roll lifestyle are forbidden and punished; and also a world in which the global system is being disabled and destroyed - even as its Ahrimanic architects have successfully accomplished a silent global coup, and are trying to perfect it into the grandiose schemes of The Great Reset/ Agenda 2030.

In 2020 we observe all modern institutions, corporations and every kind of bureaucracy as rapidly declining in efficiency and effectiveness - under pressure from an ever-increasing culture of fear, victimology, entitlement and resentment.

Sorath divides Mankind into more-and-more, smaller-and-smaller, self-identified victim groups; each resentful-of and pitted-against each other. The aim is eventually for each person to feel alone, consumed by feelings of thwarted entitlement, and hatred of the world; and living in permanent fear of a whole world of other people, each of whom resents and hates the solo-victim just as he hates them.

And then - eventually - Sorath's intent is that everyone, without exception, should die in fear and despair.

Sounds a bit like Jimbo, this Sorath character. Nevertheless, it's difficult not so see truth in the above formulation.

I happen to believe in the supernatural - being something of a foxhole convert - and I'm convinced there's more going on than that which meets the eye. The aids of the church are efficacious and the protection She affords essential. That they may seem silly to those addicted to rapid endorphin stimulation is a pity for them. I'm not the boss of them, nor am I The Decider, so I'll allow them what freedom I insist I have from them and let them roll their own dice. True, there is an obligation but it is not of a slavish kind.

Rene Guenon and Julius Evola are figures that Zipporah has mentioned before so that indicated the author's preferences.

Professor Bruce Charlton (the above is a commentary on his writings) is an interesting figure who is an accomplished medical doctor but a little marginal in the general discourse. Charlton did a Masters in English Literature as well, his thesis was on Alasdair Gray who wrote "Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation" - I like that.

A near-perfect example of Ahrimanic man is the 2020s birdemicist, happy to submit to house arrest, universal surveillance and censorship, and forced medical procedures -- rather than take a chance of catching the flu.

Had to look up Birdemicist - bit of humour there, watch the trailer.

Altogether, seems to be a Black Pill piece, and not something I'd be eager to dwell on, but it's interesting. The world has indeed gone bizarro mad, and only God can save us. We are in a time of a failed harvest of souls. Perhaps this Sorath is the mildew on the crop - he certainly sounds like a useless c__t.
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Listened to a bit of it. Surprised at how outspoken Rogan is in relation to the transgender cult. Would have thought that was a big no no in media land if you didn't want to lose advertising revenue. But maybe, like Musk, he has enough money to shield himself from such consequences.
Joe has been outspoken since day one on a whole load of sh1t which is why he's never been on the MSM.

They still tried to cancel him but they couldn't.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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More from Professor Charlton. Seems to be an Evangelical Christian. Not vapid like contemporary MSM commentary, there is a sense of alarm in his thoughts. Aligns with Alex Jones' line of thinking although apparently not connected to it.

'We are prone to do many wrong things instead... To look for some external authority to whom we can pretend to hand-over ultimate responsibility. To seek a gang for support and defence and better attack. Or perhaps to make excuses for why we do not do better in reforming ourselves and the world.

All the time missing the point, and failing to do what we must.


What is important are positive convictions; or more exactly positive metaphysical assumptions concerning the nature of reality - positive assumptions concerning the nature of reality (i.e. positive metaphysical beliefs) suitable to underpin, explain and guide a positive purpose to this mortal life.

I think there are at least four such assumption that it seems necessary to affirm; if one is to avoid being (sooner or later) sucked-into taking side with the agenda of evil.


1. That there is God, who is a person not an abstraction; and with a personal relationship with Men; and that we inhabit God's creation.

2. That we inhabit a living, conscious, developing universe.

3. This mortal life ending in death is followed by continued and personal existence.

4. That purposive evil is real.'

The understanding imperative: Denial is not ignorance - and, anyway, ignorance is not innocence - Bruce Charlton's Notions

So, to add to this, something from Stanford on where the use of ignorance is no defense for an evil act. It's a bit of a text wall but it has important content in it.

'3.6.3 Ignorance

Sometimes ignorance is used as an excuse for putative evildoing (Jones 1999, 69–70). The argument goes something like this: if an agent has no good reason to believe that she causes significant harm without moral justification, then she is not morally responsible for causing this harm because she has no good reason to act otherwise. For instance, if Dorian shoots a gun into some bushes on a country estate without having any reason to believe that a man is hiding there, he is not morally responsible for harming a man who is hiding there (this case comes from Oscar Wilde’s A Picture of Dorian Gray). In this way ignorance can be a legitimate excuse for causing unjustified harm.

However, since Aristotle, theorists have recognized that ignorance is only a legitimate excuse for causing unjustified harm when we are not responsible for our ignorance, i.e., when the ignorance is non-culpable (Nichomachean Ethics, Bk III). One sort of culpable ignorance which has received a fair bit of attention from philosophers writing about evil is ignorance that results from self-deception. In self-deception we evade acknowledging to ourselves some truth or what we would see as the truth if our beliefs were based on an unbiased assessment of available evidence. “Self-deceivers are initially aware of moments when they shift their attention away from available evidence to something else, although they may not be aware of the overall project of their self-deception.” (Jones 1999, 82). Some tactics used by self-deceivers to evade acknowledging some truth, including (1) avoiding thinking about the truth, (2) distracting themselves with rationalizations that are contrary to the truth, (3) systematically failing to make inquiries that would lead to evidence of the truth and (4) ignoring available evidence of the truth or distracting their attention from this evidence (Jones 1999, 82). Several theorists writing about evil have suggested that self-deception plays a significant role in the production of evil actions and institutions (Calder 2003 and 2004; Jones 1999; Morton 2004, 57–58; Thomas 2012).'

The Concept of Evil - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Interesting. Evil is a study worthy of revival - the Devil has had his subterfuge, it's time to dispute his disappearance.

I think that the modern concept of evil is that of material or psychological want, so the way to remedy it is through social programs and support groups. This is the left wing's conviction.

This was in the traditional concept but also included was the understanding that evil has a active quality with its own personality. It is an entity that works for evil ends.

The absence of, say, material goods may cultivate an environment conducive for evil but the evil itself has an additional quality. Examples of this had a big influence on Solzhenitsyn. Frankl also noted it in Man's Search for Meaning.

So evil is a thing beyond mere deprivation - many fine people have lived penurious lives, and many wealthy individuals have been low and unworthy people (although counter-examples can be found in both sections of society which is why Solzhenitsyn wrote that the line between good and evil runs through every human heart).

This is why snobs that say that "the lower classes" are all scum and socialists who say that a person is justified by poverty alone are both morons.

Here are some good quotations from the article:

Charlton explains Sorathic evil as:

Tychonievich describes Sorath like this:


For, according to Charlton, the world we inhabit is actually already Sorathic:

Sounds a bit like Jimbo, this Sorath character. Nevertheless, it's difficult not so see truth in the above formulation.

I happen to believe in the supernatural - being something of a foxhole convert - and I'm convinced there's more going on than that which meets the eye. The aids of the church are efficacious and the protection She affords essential. That they may seem silly to those addicted to rapid endorphin stimulation is a pity for them. I'm not the boss of them, nor am I The Decider, so I'll allow them what freedom I insist I have from them and let them roll their own dice. True, there is an obligation but it is not of a slavish kind.

Rene Guenon and Julius Evola are figures that Zipporah has mentioned before so that indicated the author's preferences.

Professor Bruce Charlton (the above is a commentary on his writings) is an interesting figure who is an accomplished medical doctor but a little marginal in the general discourse. Charlton did a Masters in English Literature as well, his thesis was on Alasdair Gray who wrote "Work as if you live in the early days of a better nation" - I like that.

Had to look up Birdemicist - bit of humour there, watch the trailer.

Altogether, seems to be a Black Pill piece, and not something I'd be eager to dwell on, but it's interesting. The world has indeed gone bizarro mad, and only God can save us. We are in a time of a failed harvest of souls. Perhaps this Sorath is the mildew on the crop - he certainly sounds like a useless c__t.
It caught my attention.
The types of evil.

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