HBO is airing pedophilia


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Jan 13, 2023
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I have deleted 117 posts.

Let's be clear here.
The question is not whether the movie should have been made or a book written.
It is about whether a very sexuak scene should have been included that certainly a pedo would enjoy but more importantly, it can be used as a precedent for the future. As in the scene of the first time a man kissed a woman on screen led to a nipple first shown which lead to full nudity etc .

I will remember the episode of Startrek where Kirk kissed Uhuru. It was the first interracial kiss and of course it broke the ice.

But I know what would happen in a real pub, if someone defended that scene, as a respected poster pointed out, he would get hammered at least. Before that happened, I would have sent him home to save him. So Jerry has been removed from this thread . He made his point and those posts remain, plenty of them .

As another poster pointed out, molestation leads alas to suicide and other problems, and anyone defending it in anyway will be totally excluded.

I said at the start of this site that any urging or telling others to self harm was one of the few things deserving of immediate banning.
Thank you.
So the whole thread has been destroyed and the main protagonist has his posts left public but has been threadbanned.
That is an absolute joke.


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Sep 11, 2021
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No, most of his posts were deleted.


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Jan 13, 2023
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So the question is should mainstream TV channels be showing sex scenes involving children at all?
That for me is a huge NO and any channel that does should be immediately taken off the airwaves, bankrupted and it's executives jailed for life or executed.


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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So the question is should mainstream TV channels be showing sex scenes involving children at all?
That for me is a huge NO and any channel that does should be immediately taken off the airwaves, bankrupted and it's executives jailed for life or executed.
Sadly some of the posts I Made have been deleted, however, they did show a direct link to pedophilia and fantasies of children.

Showing imagery of this sort is a magnet to pedophiles, they will use the on-screen visualization to get off on.


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Jan 13, 2023
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Sadly some of the posts I Made have been deleted, however, they did show a direct link to pedophilia and fantasies of children.

Showing imagery of this sort is a magnet to pedophiles, they will use the on-screen visualization to get off on.
There was only one sicko defending that here.
No surprise who that was.

Funnily enough, he also befriended yer man Gowl on, a poster who has told in detail how he was raped as a child.
Seems to be a pattern developing there.


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Aug 11, 2023
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I provided you with a report that shows that the majority of pedophiles use child pornography. So you don't need to get in the head of a pedophile, you just need to understand and show some logic.

If the majority of pedophiles enjoy Child Porn ( As the report suggests) then it's going to be exactly the same case with the Movie in the OP. A scene that shows and highlights a child having sex with an adult is going to be attractive to a person who is a pedophile, this makes the scene child pornography.
you deal very well with the subject and your logic is clear .
pedophilia is not a simple science and it is composed of various groups acting out their fantasy's and their wish for control and the excitement of living on the dark side .
being privy to sexual activity that is forbidden by society has its reward in revenge on that society ,---
by committing crimes against the most vulnerable and defenseless .
the pedophile may usually decide on a strategy of targeting a child who has possibly a elderly guardian or is or their family's mental abilities are less than adequate to see the pedophile operate under their noses .
these peados have made up their minds that anyone who is devoid of compes mentis adult care is their property to do as they wish .
for over 44 years we looked after the travel of a very large handicapped workshop in the south east and in that time we learned a great deal .
only in the last 10 years were we meeting aggressive people in their cars who followed and approached special needs people for sex openly and when chased and challenged i was told to fu--k off and mind my own business.
there are sections on porn sites now dealing with this subject ,
which were not there 10 years ago and it is made possible by these globalist LIBERAL politicians and media people .
there is a sea change in Ireland and people see it as their right to also approach people of small stature and forcefully almost insist they have sex and ----i was saddened recently to hear a person of small stature who was a contestant in Operation Transformation state on tv that she was now very apprehensive out for a walk and no longer could she do it alone as she was approached constantly -
-this never happened in my Ireland but it is happening in yours .

to destroy society all you have to do today is to give individuals EXCESSIVE RIGHTS .
rights greater than society would allow for itself .
therefore autistic people/children are being weaponized for gender change as they are a unhappy section of society and their unhappiness is now weaponized against society .
there are and have always been people who cannot walk a straight line for 5 minutes of their life and who are only truly alive when committing a crime .
the historic the awesome---truly awesome effect society had on anyone who was engaged in pedophilia is being eroded as society is being destroyed to make us defenseless .
this is why they are emboldened to try and make pedophilia mainstream as it weakens us further and makes us apprehensive .
the biggest act of pedophilia in Ireland was Oliver Cromwell who was instructed by Ebenezer Pratt of Holland how to criminalize Charles the first and then to kill him .
cromwells strategies were laid out for him by the Jewish bankers of Holland who wanted readmission to England to take it over and in return for financing his new model army he agreed to their strategies and to their re admission.
in Ireland murder rape dispossession flogging be heading failed to subdue the Irish properly and a new strategy was used .
thousands of children 5 years and younger were kidnapped from their parents and brought to cromwells ships where a notice was pinned to the mast of each that this cargo was to be sent to the Barbados native slave population TO DO WITH AS THEY SAW FIT.
some of this is covered in the book to hell or to Barbados where you will learn that 300,000 Scottish were sent as slaves also and Scotland was invaded and conquered just to close down its royal mint which would have interfered with the Jewish control of banking and currency on the island of britian and the island of Ireland.


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Jan 13, 2023
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I see the damaged Gowl, on the site with 3 members, was having a good old wank off about myself and this site today.
He should go back to the Christian Brothers and beg for forgiveness and some more attention.
Seems the pleb spends every waking moment monitoring this site and it's content, no wonder it had a heart attack.
Here's to many more, society could do without mentally deranged knacker shitheads like that one.
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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So you approve of that scene?

Do you welcome scenes that show men having sex with Children?

Regardless however they didn't have to show that, in my view, it's about trying to embed into people's minds that its normal behaviour. I do not expect any TV studio to show a scene where a Male Adult talks about stretching a child for sex.
Jerry did not say that. Ireland has laws and police, I pay my taxes and will leave combatting child porn in their
capable hands. They did OK walloping the Provos.


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Jan 13, 2023
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Jerry did not say that. Ireland has laws and police, I pay my taxes and will leave combatting child porn in their
capable hands. They did OK walloping the Provos.
Half your fellow colleagues along the border were in cahoots with the IRA ffs.😂
Your pervert buddy was defending the depiction of child sex abuse on this very thread until Declan deleted his vile posts and banned him from posting any more.
Are you thick as shite or just wilfully ignorant?
You defend the pervert at every turn.😂😂😂


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Feb 14, 2023
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Mar 13, 2023
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