Jews v Muslims


Zipporah's Flint

If anyone wants a laugh, check out this Jewess from 2:44 on Bimbo Kelly's show


I do not approve of Tanstaafl at all however when it comes to Bari Weiss he is kinda right in a lot of ways even though he is extremely uncharitable about it. The level of seemingly totally unconcious radioactive tons of blind ethno-centrism flaming off her is something else. She makes the the savage Prods of the TUV who look like incredibly humble universalists in comparison. What really stuns me though is all these non-Jewish people who say they are totally against ALL "Identity Politics" who think she is just great.



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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What's that got to do with the Muz?
I think if you read between the lines they probably think the Israeli's are Not killing enough Muslims ~ I am inclined to agree with them.

I also think that the Muslims are not killing enough Israeli's / Jews.

Zipporah's Flint

I'm asking you what she said. What did she say? Summarise it.

It is basically the whole "Woke Bad, Liberalism Good- the Democratic Party have left me spiel".

An interesting issue she did raise was "Progressives" in the US attacking schools with entrance exams that let in kids from poorer backgrounds which reminded me about arguments around the 11 plus in the six counties.

Zipporah's Flint

But you're not shocked at the 80 IQ Moslem saying that parents should kill their own children if they become atheist.

Where was that in the interview?

You think that Ben Shapiro would not do similar?

"If thy brother the son of thy mother, or thy son, or daughter, or thy wife that is in thy bosom, or thy friend, whom thou lovest as thy own soul, would persuade thee secretly, saying: Let us go, and serve strange gods, which thou knowest not, nor thy fathers, Of all the nations round about, that are near or afar off, from one end of the earth to the other, 8Consent not to him, hear him not, neither let thy eye spare him to pity and conceal him, But thou shalt presently put him to death. It Let thy hand be first upon him, and afterwards the hands of all the people. With stones shall he be stoned to death: because he would have withdrawn thee from the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage."

Deutronomy 13:6-10.

The Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires had huge problems preventing Jews murdering each other over charges of heresy, etc.

Zipporah's Flint

It was in the video by the Moslem that you posted

Yes, I don't think Ben Shapiro would kill his own children if they became atheist and, obviously IMO, he's right (from the interview) it would be better if people became atheists rather than Moslems like the one in the video you posted

The Muslim was just pointing out what is in Deuteronomy. He may have an 80 IQ or whatever but the fact that the likes of Ben Shapiro and Yoram Hazony (actually I think he has written some genuinely interesting stuff) get away with claiming that Deuteronomy is the start of Anglo type "Liberal Conservatism" to a lot of our Christians and "Christians" does that say the greatest things about their possible IQs.

Zipporah's Flint

Oh you don't?

So what do you think of Moslems (whose videos you watch) who do? 🤔

I have never watched that character before. When I open youtube it gives me various suggestions and that popped up.

I understand the logic behind the position however on purely Koranic grounds it cannot be justified- and the thing about the Hadith is that they are often enough contradictory and I think that often Muslims either just follow what some other Muslim says or pick and choose between what are in the Hadith based on their own feelings or what have you. You won't get the type of Muslim though who believes that you can take viglante actions over that on youtube anymore (anyway a lot of them got themselves killed in Syria).

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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I used to like Megyn until this Jew-Muslim conflict started and she totally lost the plot.

I can't watch her shit anymore Sir.

Zipporah's Flint

My summary would have included her lack of acknowledgement of who's pushed "the ideology" AKA 'wokeness' (i.e. Cultural Marxism).

Charlie Kirk has a message for Bari Weiss -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.'

Of course that was likely to be the case with her being a Jew and Kelly a dinosaur American 'conservative' (philosemite), sort of like @Declan :)

She is still into censoring White Nationalists- it is just now she is equally against Black Nationalists, etc and she was always into censoring anyone or anything anti-Zionist.

Mind you apparently the Synagogue in Pittsburgh that got shot up by a White Nationalist terrorist a while back was where she made her Bat Mitzvah- or so she claimed at least.

Zipporah's Flint

Ron Unz is unto I believe a serious issue below, the thing is that I believe that people like Megyan Kelly's producers think that they can use all that energy from this paranoia against their real or imagined enemies but I really think they are playing with fire and could very, very possibly blow up in their faces. Douglas Murray though is a different kettle of fish.


Zipporah's Flint

I'm guessing Bari's beef is with Nation of Islam types? 🤔

No- in her book "How to Fight Antisemitism" she says clearly that a way to fight it is to fight all (non-Jewish- in a review of the book Judith Butler asked if Bari Weiss does not consider Jewish identity politics to be identity politics? ) identity politics as such and not just NOI or Roaring Genie type stuff. Which sort of makes sense because the more ethno-centric someone is the more they will notice other people's ethno-centrism.

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