Kerry's Indian Killer

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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The statue of an Irish-born US general who directed the worst massacre of Native Americans in history has been removed from a Utah university and quietly placed instead in a corner of a military museum garden.

The revelation came as part of a documentary on the life of General Patrick Edward Connor, who was hailed in the 19th century as "a soldier-statesman of great energy and vision".

General Connor, who was born in Ballyferriter in Co Kerry, was also hailed in the late 19th century as the "father of Utah mining" and a key figure in ensuring Utah and its Mormon settlers remained firmly within the Union during the American Civil War.

However, General Connor's legacy is now the focus of debate over his role in the killing of more than 400 men, women and children of the Shoshone tribe's north-west band at Preston in modern-day Idaho.

The killings became known as the Bear River Massacre. It now ranks as the worst single atrocity committed against Native Americans, involving a loss of life greater than better-known massacres such as Wounded Knee and Sand Creek.

Radio Kerry broadcaster Jerry O'Sullivan, who painstakingly researched...



Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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They say he was a colonel when he butchered these people , how come these blood thirsty animals weren't recruited for Sherman's ride South

Zipporah's Flint

If Mormons had gotten their own independent State as they had wanted I often wonder what it would have turned out like.

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