Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe


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Mar 10, 2023
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Jan 13, 2023
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Jussie Smollet here claims he's the victim of a hate crime - even though he says he was attacked from behind and says he doesn't remember anything after that.

Looks like he fell over while pissed or tripped over his dress getting out of the car.
The 'assault' was so bad he called his friends instead of the police.


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Sep 11, 2021
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A fucking Eskimo.


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Jan 7, 2022
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Ireland should support Ukrainians to return to their war-torn country by rebuilding infrastructure and possibly paying for travel back there, Minister for Integration Roderic O’Gorman has said.

With the Temporary Protection Directive, which allows Ukrainians to live and work in the European Union, due to expire in March 2025, the Green Party TD said there is a “fundamental question” for Ireland and other EU member states that must be addressed urgently.

He told The Irish Times Inside Politics Podcast that while the directive might be extended with new legislation, the EU needed to decide its position on the millions of Ukrainians who will be living in member states once the current rules expire.

Mr O’Gorman said he also expects between 13,000 and 15,000 asylum seekers to arrive in the country annually from now on, and that the system for accommodating them and processing their applications is not “fit for purpose”.

He said Ireland is now receiving the EU average level of applications from people seeking international protection, but that it is “too much for the current system to face”.

They are bringing their pets, next will be the cattle.


free and clean

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Oct 2, 2023
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No, they deserve what they likely will get.

The 3% or so that are sane, they deserve better.
Correct. But I think a lot of what's happening now could have been prevented if we had scrapped universal suffrage democracy and replaced it with a better system. I've made this point before but it's worth restating: should the vote of an uneducated, ignorant, shallow individual be lent the same weight as that of an educated, wise individual with bundles of real-world life experience? Of course not.

Last week, a female work colleague (in her 40s) asked me if Carlow is close to Donegal.

Should see be afforded the responsibility to cast a vote?


So until we stop giving idiots the right to vote for idiots we'll stay in the mess we're in.

Ruck Da Fules!

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Oct 14, 2023
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A fat ugly bastard called Daimen Lane was lambasting critics of our immigration policy (3 quarters of the Nation) in The Irish Sun today.

The disdain these people have for folk who don't want their Country destroyed is unreal. Even a guy like Lane who writes for a tabloid rag like The Sun.
While we may not all be openly critical of it I reckon there's more than 75% of us opposed to this immigration madness. Literally everyone I speak to about it including many east European folk here years are sick of it.

Yesterday a Ukrainian bought a product from me. He has only been in Ireland a few weeks he said and he got the bus to Dublin in the morning to buy a car. It was an 09 Corsa so not big bucks but in today's market probably €5k. He counted out €1100 for me and looked to have a few grand left.

So he probably started off with €8 or €9k. Where did he get that? Clearly it was given to him by the government!

Yet Irish people are having to work their bollocks off to pay extortionate rent and everything else, that's assuming they can even find somewhere to rent.

And all our EU secretarys want to do is bring more and more people here. It's crazy and I don't know anyone who doesn't think so.

Mods vs Roc_ers

Feb 9, 2024
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You don't know where he got the money, you are just inciting the other clowns on here.

And just to point out that this phenomenon of "immigration" is not the only phenomenon of concern that we're currently seeing.

Of course the problem is not immigration, that is only a symptom, the problem is with the system.

Let us call that system the free market system for convenience.

And it is that "system" ensuring its own survival, in a somewhat similar manner to a living organism even, that gives rise to all of these symptoms.

But you never want to point the finger at the root of the problem, do you.

Mods vs Roc_ers

Feb 9, 2024
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Did you miss the part where I said, "Let us call that system the free market system".

I.e. The "Market Society". Including the economic mentality that underlies it.

And recognising its property of continual change and evolving.

Change that included for example the evolving of landlords, rentiers, low wage industries etc.

And the logical schemes for those changes that involve reinforcing the bottom layers with young Irish people and immigrants from poorer countries, also a part of its evolving.

So would you ever fuck off with your Morgosh, Collett and Woods junk, can you not use your own brain. That stuff is also a symptom of the root cause, the symptom perhaps the most poisonous and destructive of all to us.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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You don't know where he got the money, you are just inciting the other clowns on here.

And just to point out that this phenomenon of "immigration" is not the only phenomenon of concern that we're currently seeing.

Of course the problem is not immigration, that is only a symptom, the problem is with the system.

Let us call that system the free market system for convenience.

And it is that "system" ensuring its own survival, in a somewhat similar manner to a living organism even, that gives rise to all of these symptoms.

But you never want to point the finger at the root of the problem, do you.
and yet all the commies love and welcome that aspect of free market capitalism.

Zipporah's Flint

"Anti-white". You're still on with this stupid makey up term from your "bugs" script.

Would you ever get a life you're such a smelly mong with that retarded shit.

It would be a lot more effective to argue that Mark Collett uses the term "anti-White" the way that David Hirsh, Jonathan Greenblatt, Caroline Glick, etc use the term "Antisemite". Certainly Rightists in France do you use the term in that way and so want to ban stuff like books by Franz Fanon, etc and certainly if you did a lot of people would take your arguments more seriously.

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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You don't know where he got the money, you are just inciting the other clowns on here.
They're given thousands towards cars and other things. Do you not know this?
And just to point out that this phenomenon of "immigration" is not the only phenomenon of concern that we're currently seeing.
Let's stick to mass-immgration on this thread. It's the biggest concern of most posting here I'd imagine.
Of course the problem is not immigration, that is only a symptom, the problem is with the system.

Let us call that system the free market system for convenience.
Let us call it Neoliberalism, for that's what it is!
And it is that "system" ensuring its own survival, in a somewhat similar manner to a living organism even, that gives rise to all of these symptoms.
Nonsense! The system is dictated to our jumped-up politicians by the unelected beurocrats of the EU, and to them by the banking and other elites.

It's all about turning Europe into a melting pot of woke, brain-dead consumers, devoid of any real sense of national identity and pride, thus easily manipulated into accepting the plans of said elites, including of course immigration.
But you never want to point the finger at the root of the problem, do you.
That's exactly what I want to do, and exactly what you don't want to do with your system has a life of its own spiel! I mean it'd be near impossible to change anything if we all just accepted it's the way of the system, wouldn't it..

Bollocks! If enough people demand to be heard then eventually we can stop the plan to dilute our culture, and turn us all into digitally enslaved, mixed race drones!

Of course you don't care if we fail, as there's only one group of people you care about, and destroying Europe ain't going to affect them..

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