Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.


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Sep 11, 2021
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How much money???

It certainly could be seen as another push to just starve them into moving to Castlebar

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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I’ll give you a fact: The US are directly involved in the murder of 30,000 (so far!) innocent Palestinian people, the wounding of over 60,000 and are complicit in the attempts to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Gaza.


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Sep 25, 2023
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Earlier on CNN today, Ehud Barak (former Israeli PM) was shown in a clip from yesterday saying that they need a new election at a latest by June. That's four months away.

The Axios guy (in the video clip on the above webpage) in response to the ICJ decision said that two of the members of the emergency cabinet are looking for an out and this will come with the negotiation of the next prisoner/hostage swap - then their supporters will come onto the streets.

Netanyahu knows that his only way to survive day by day is to keep the war going. There were numerous efforts at escalation but the lure wasn't taken - if you recall the criticism of surrounding states not getting involved. What is happening now is the consequence of having someone in power who is facing at best disgrace and at worst incarceration. Think of an alcoholic lying his way to his next drink - that's the mentality.

From what I can tell the transition to a new military strategy has completed in Ukraine - their doctrine has changed due to necessity. Zelensky's most vulnerable moment was during this transition as he was reportedly being a bit Hitlerian about the "offensive". The next Presidential election was scheduled for the end of March but the Rada passed a motion to push it out until after the expiration of martial law.

It's said that Zelensky wants to stay in place and is antagonistic to any suggestion of a change. Unless unorthodox methods are used to conclude his presidency then it looks like he will be in power for the next few years.

Biden secured nearly 80% by write in ballot in New Hampshire so he's locked into the Democrat nomination. He's not going to let go voluntarily and he does have the benefit of being a proxy for the "super-delegates" which should protect him in the DNC. There are numerous investigations into previous activity and so he has an interest in keeping the wolves from the door for as long as possible.

It's logical that all these leaders are replaced in order to reinvigorate these offices but I think it's unlikely unless there's some unexpected events. It's a dreary prospect but it's the one in front of us. They're trying to get rid of the Ukrainians to make room.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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I’ll give you a fact: The US are directly involved in the murder of 30,000 (so far!) innocent Palestinian people, the wounding of over 60,000 and are complicit in the attempts to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Gaza.
It's not our fault that Muslims are no good at killing Jews !


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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It's an actionable decision.

I was watching CNN and they interviewed a senior Israeli official. He made noises like they were going to ignore it but looked shook. If the Israelis don't do anything, and haven't actions to present to the court in a month, then pressure in many countries will be to expel the Israeli ambassadors - and this will be a reasonable response.

It will mark the end of the special treatment for the Jews in lieu of the Holocaust if they become explicitly complicit in ethnic cleansing.

Mixing this up with the upcoming WHO mandates isn't appropriate in this case I think. These changes are indeed a worrying development. All eyes are on the American election when it comes to issues like these.

For all intents and purposes, we have an alien government in power - might as well get that in before it becomes criminally punishable to point out - so don't expect any comfort from that direction.

There is a place for international law and institutions - the problem is their encroachment beyond their competency and scope. The ICJ has not breached its scope in this decision. Either the Israelis reconfigure or they move into the same space as apartheid South Africa.

If something doesn't change then we can expect tens of thousands of Gazans on our shores.
We already have 100,000s of Africans on our shores. A great many of them from Nigeria where they are on the run from the expanding Islamic Caliphate.

Whereas in the Middle East we must condemn Israel for daring to offend against Islamics, in Africa, Islamics get a free run at genocide and neither Black South Africa nor Progressive Westerns give a monkeys. No World Court for Genocidal Islamics In Nigeria.

The Islamics in Middle East already talk genocide of Jews, In North and Central Africa they are currently carrying out genocide. And in Ireland we had one rag head bitch yesterday saying that Irish need to cut out 'the banter'. Think what they rhetoric will be in the years to come if the Irish dont take the knee like Ruck and Wolf have already?

They wont stop regardless of the best intentions of the Irish UK appeasers, who think that if the cry hard enough for the Islamics, they'll cut them some slack in the future.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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We already have 100,000s of Africans on our shores. A great many of them from Nigeria where they are on the run from the expanding Islamic Caliphate.

Whereas in the Middle East we must condemn Israel for daring to offend against Islamics, in Africa, Islamics get a free run at genocide and neither Black South Africa nor Progressive Westerns give a monkeys. No World Court for Genocidal Islamics In Nigeria.

The Islamics in Middle East already talk genocide of Jews, In North and Central Africa they are currently carrying out genocide. And in Ireland we had one rag head bitch yesterday saying that Irish need to cut out 'the banter'. Think what they rhetoric will be in the years to come if the Irish dont take the knee like Ruck and Wolf have already?

They wont stop regardless of the best intentions of the Irish UK appeasers, who think that if the cry hard enough for the Islamics, they'll cut them some slack in the future.

The question is whether a two state solution will come into effect. There will have to be one agreed to stop this conflict. Gaza has been razed and will need to be rebuilt. As I recall, Blinken said the money was available from the Gulf States but there had to be security before any was spent - that means an end to the occupation and hard borders between Israel and Palestine.

It seemed elements within the Israeli regime were gung ho about the possibility to empty and settle Gaza which is why they selected the methods they did. There were other methods available to them. This policy has failed and they are encumbered.

If they did ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip then there would have been an new impulse of migration to Europe similar to the earlier one from Syria. That's the rational actor argument against an emptying of the Gaza Strip but there were pogroms against Catholics in the North - Belfast being the first. Is it not reasonable to conclude that such policies are not within the bounds of legal recourse?

Granted, the Arab Spring has seen the ethnic cleansing of large swathes of the Middle East of Christians and other communities by Sunni Muslims so I'm not suggesting they're the good guys. I'm suggesting we support a resolution that keeps them over there rather than bringing them over here.

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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The two state solution has been and still is a ruse! A phantom carrot dangled in front of the world to provide the necessary distraction from the slow ethnic cleansing on the road to a greater Israel.

What Hamas have done via their actions of October 7th is given Israel the chance to speed up this process. But at the same time it can be seen as giving Israel enough rope to hang itself in terms of turning world public opinion against it. Helped by having a politically dead man walking at the wheel, who knows if there’s a ceasefire, he’s fucked!

God only knows what will happen, but it’ll either end up one state for all with equal rights for all, or the Palestinians will be driven out/murdered. There will never be two states!


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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The question is whether a two state solution will come into effect. There will have to be one agreed to stop this conflict. Gaza has been razed and will need to be rebuilt. As I recall, Blinken said the money was available from the Gulf States but there had to be security before any was spent - that means an end to the occupation and hard borders between Israel and Palestine.

It seemed elements within the Israeli regime were gung ho about the possibility to empty and settle Gaza which is why they selected the methods they did. There were other methods available to them. This policy has failed and they are encumbered.

If they did ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip then there would have been an new impulse of migration to Europe similar to the earlier one from Syria. That's the rational actor argument against an emptying of the Gaza Strip but there were pogroms against Catholics in the North - Belfast being the first. Is it not reasonable to conclude that such policies are not within the bounds of legal recourse?

Granted, the Arab Spring has seen the ethnic cleansing of large swathes of the Middle East of Christians and other communities by Sunni Muslims so I'm not suggesting they're the good guys. I'm suggesting we support a resolution that keeps them over there rather than bringing them over here.
The genocide being committed by Islamics in Africa gets a line or two in you response. No urgency to resolve that issue like there is to resolve the Gaza issue to the satisfaction of Islamics in that region.

Why should we give a fuck about Gaza and not Nigeria?

The Western Left are happy because they can wax lyrical about the Jews in Israel.. and how they evil they are.. yada yada. And how Islam must satisfied lest they might all end up in Europe.

But the same Left will ignore, and even tacitly support Islamic imperialism in Africa even though their actions has and will lead to even more demographic replacement in Europe.



Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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The genocide being committed by Islamics in Africa gets a line or two in you response. No urgency to resolve that issue like there is to resolve the Gaza issue to the satisfaction of Islamics in that region.

Why should we give a fuck about Gaza and not Nigeria?

The Western Left are happy because they can wax lyrical about the Jews in Israel.. and how they evil they are.. yada yada. And how Islam must satisfied lest they might all end up in Europe.

But the same Left will ignore, and even tacitly support Islamic imperialism in Africa even though their actions has and will lead to even more demographic replacement in Europe.


Well, I don't know what to do about Nigeria. I do know that there are massacres regularly occurring in the North East but that's not where most of the migrants come from. I think it's any old reason for most of them.

When it comes to the Middle East, I think that we should support a settlement that brings about predictability and peace. That's all I got on this.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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I’ll give you a fact: The US are directly involved in the murder of 30,000 (so far!) innocent Palestinian people, the wounding of over 60,000 and are complicit in the attempts to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Gaza.
if you bought the ammunition for a mass murderer of kids in a high school and then paid the wages of the people who did it and had fore knowledge of the attack on kids before supplying the ammunition and wages --you would serve considerable time and in some states you would get the death penalty-- and that's for 14 dead children .
what penalty do you think should be applied to those who have paid for and supplied more than 2 atomic bombs worth of munitions which murdered 20,000 innocent kids .


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Sep 11, 2021
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Things are different now and politicians will get destroyed by leaning to the wrong side of the fence. We have had two University presidents exit and countless students had job offers retracted.

Then on the other side, you have the likes of Senator Fetterman, who is obviously unhinged from a stroke, he is waving an Israeli flag from his house at leftists. He is not up for reelection to 2028 though.

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