"National Anarchism".

Zipporah's Flint

Staff member
Apr 7, 2022
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An ironic or at least paradoxical thing many have noticed that Anarchists, whether of the Left or Right variety, usually as in almost always, tend to be in reality extreme authoritarians when it comes to the crunch whether it is a matter of wanting everyone to fit into their brains into what you believe is the only anti-racist or whatever consensus possible and justifying violence against them if they refuse or wanting to have your own private capitalist fiefdom where your word is law.

However the idea of having some type of confederation instead of a centralized State where different cantons or whatever to persue their own cultural, social and Spiritual goals might be one worth looking at. For instance if people wanted to have their own racially pure cantons they could have them or indeed cantons only for Catholics or Presbyterians.

free and clean

Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
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I'm not sure about anarchism but a lot of these political designations have simply lost all meaning. For example, what passes for "conservatism" these days is a mish mash of imported American nonsense about "free markets", or Andrew Tate-style caricatures of alpha males. But this is completely removed from the conservatism of Edmund Burke, Roger Scruton etc. Likewise "liberalism" in it's current form is so far removed from the classical school of thought that it's become a parody at this stage.

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